You Matter


10.01.2018 19:33
LinkNo I don't.

10.01.2018 19:35
LinkOf course you do. You may think you don't but you do.

10.01.2018 19:41
Linki DoN't. ,gvjmfv uhyuhyuntyrth5y6ccx66hyunhycschyyxchycdc6

10.01.2018 19:43
LinkYou matter. You matter to me. Yo my friend. :o

10.01.2018 19:55

10.01.2018 19:59
LinkYay :D XD

08.02.2018 03:07

17.02.2018 01:21
LinkGuess WHAT! I don't matter

21.02.2018 00:29
LinkIf you didn't matter, you wouldn't be here. You are here for a reason :)

10.03.2018 00:25

11.03.2018 07:11
LinkAre you all really joking? Do you know how it feels to believe you're nothing but a ghost, that people don't believe your there? This person here made something that may cheer most people up, and I'm glad that this person cares about all those people who suffer. Thank you for reminding me that I matter.

12.03.2018 00:30
LinkYeah, I have depression too, It feels horrible.

15.03.2018 02:22
Linkwow deep stuff

16.03.2018 17:17

18.03.2018 11:18
Linki am ....

18.03.2018 11:18
Linki realy dont know

18.03.2018 11:19

21.03.2018 16:04
Linkthis animation speaks truth! btw, doodledogproductions, i like ur avatar! UNDERTALE 4 life!

23.03.2018 22:02
Link*proceeds to make edgy comments even though I know I can smile*

04.04.2018 15:30
LinkThis is so nice!Its like someone in this weird world cares...:3

04.04.2018 19:54
LinkI love this

18.05.2018 15:49
Linkthis almost made me cry :) very heart touching though

19.05.2018 18:06
Linkthis is so true!
Comment removed

24.05.2018 23:37
LinkI made something like this but not nearly as good. I mean on a scale of 1/999999999999999 this is a 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999. Mine is a 1
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29.05.2018 00:50
LinkI acualy made one too

29.05.2018 07:35
Linkthis is deep but not as deep as anime in flip anim but this is pretty cool and im sure it will make people feel better

07.06.2018 22:34
Linki felt like that for some time
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14.06.2018 06:01
LinkThis makes life much easier my sister I in rhino and my dad is in Korea so I'm having a rough time

02.07.2018 21:36

02.07.2018 21:36

02.07.2018 21:36

02.07.2018 21:37
LinkT-thank you

10.07.2018 15:53
LinkI have the writing kind with Rein Hunter. ???????????????????

07.08.2018 01:26
LinkI have depression saddens (I think everyone gets it at a point but then it goes away)

01.09.2018 01:08
LinkI dont matter at all
ut if u say so
*opens eyes and then eyes are red and black*

13.09.2018 15:34
LinkI feel good now

14.09.2018 20:10
Linki need 2 find my purpose like many others. but sometimes i wonder if i have a purpose.

30.09.2018 01:57
Linkyou do

30.09.2018 01:57
Linkyou do

30.09.2018 01:57
Linkyou do

30.09.2018 01:57
Linkyou do

30.09.2018 01:57
Linkyou do

30.09.2018 01:57
Linkyou do

30.09.2018 01:57
Linkyou do

30.09.2018 01:57
Linkyou do

07.10.2018 21:05
Linkwe all matter. if we didnt, we wouldnt be here right now.

13.10.2018 02:10

13.10.2018 21:58
Linkya, let's be honest for a sec: first I would like to address this amazing art! woohoo! great! and sometimes I feel like I could vanish off the face of the earth and nobody would CARE. Seeing this made my day. you are amazing and you matter to.

24.10.2018 00:46
LinkThis made my day I'm going through a lot now thx

27.10.2018 04:21
LinkThis cheered me up thank you

27.10.2018 18:01

27.10.2018 20:42
LinkThis is 100% wrong

04.11.2018 18:18
LinkTHAT MAKES ME FEEL 1000000000000% better!

05.11.2018 10:28
LinkSoooo everyone just replied not commented? Urmmmm wut and I know I matter if I don’t matter I wouldn’t be saying this.

07.11.2018 12:53
Linkthis is beutiful ;0;

21.11.2018 02:16
LinkThis is amazing some times i feel like i want to disappear like when i watch myself in a video and get a lot of attention i want to disappear and sometimes i just feel sad or stressed (beacause im in a club and i feel like some ppl are better than me and i shouldn't be in the club and the club like has "smart" kids in it and i feel like i can't do half the stuff they can do)

18.12.2018 00:57
Linki made dis cause 1. someone callled me a corny ***** and
2. i called myself dumb cause dad yelled at me for leaving the bathroom light on :<

20.12.2018 23:17
LinkHey,guys! If I get at least 200 views I'll draw ice cream! YUM!
and on your profile put #200views to support! THX! spread the word!

21.12.2018 04:52
LinkThen why does everyone I know hate me?

23.12.2018 17:27
LinkThis almost made me cry.
Thanks, I really needed this.

30.01.2019 01:11
LinkDO I MATTER NO NO I DON'T because i don't want to matter ;)
Comment removed

30.01.2019 01:12
Linkand i will NOT will not will not FREAKING SMILE AT YOOUUU!
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01.03.2019 11:00
LinkI have crippling depression §~§

18.03.2019 17:19

18.03.2019 19:22
Link*huggo and cri* Im sorry, and also, I dont matter

24.03.2019 23:12
LinkI dont matter.
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25.03.2019 23:08

25.03.2019 23:09
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30.04.2019 23:02
LinkI'm not lying i actually can't smile

07.05.2019 14:19
Linkyou guys have no clue what it's like, my best friend is always hanging out with someone else, I really like them and they are always with another girl, you have no clue what it's like to be invisible, lonely, suicidal, and over loaded with feelings and things you can't share

09.05.2019 16:48
LinkYou matter.
Until you multiply yourself by THE SPEED OF LIGHT squared then you energy.

17.05.2019 21:00
Linkoml thank u, this made me feel so much better!

17.05.2019 21:27
LinkHere, have a chocolate

25.05.2019 22:55
Linki dont matter. im useless and i cant do anything no matter how hard i try. just want to be alone. so no one can judge me.😣

05.06.2019 14:57
Linkthis has made me come out of my hell hole i do truly believe that this is the way everyone should look at them selves thank you and much love to griffy
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12.08.2019 05:10
Link<;3 (( sniff )) t-thank you...
depression HP:

14.08.2019 15:55
Linksweet, love it

10.10.2019 20:41
Linkthe world is a puzzle. we are the pieces.

19.11.2019 07:17
Linkbut do i matter

23.11.2019 22:47
LinkOmg he/she gave a whole emotional speech about how u matter and 90 percent of these comments are "I don't matter" or "do I matter?" JESUS CHRIST PEOPLE LISEN TO DA GODDAMN ANIMATION!!!!! YOU DO MATTER NOW SHUT UP!!!!
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01.02.2020 20:20
Link@AnonymousMouse i think they are joking around

02.02.2020 01:53
Linkno I DONT MATTER! :D (I have suicidal thoughts,I’m a masochist,and I have depression and no friends!)

05.03.2020 17:08
Linkthis made me feel 100x better

08.03.2020 13:10
LinkThis made my day. You are amazing Griffy. Thanks for putting a smile on 100000 people's faces..:DD
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06.04.2020 16:07
LinkThats really helpful right now

10.04.2020 14:55
Linkfunny joke. i dont matter.

10.04.2020 18:05
Linki have a fact to know i dont, my family tells me i dont matter every day :)

01.05.2020 20:20
Linkboi, I was made so I could experience hell

06.05.2020 18:45
Linki don't matter i was born to die i come on here to escape form my destiny and make Friends

24.05.2020 06:29
Linksometimes i wonder if i should even exist or even take up space, but then i know why im here, to live ad learn, to make my friends laugh and comfort them even when i get bullied or i think im not loved i have a purose, everyone does if u get knocked down you may not wanna get up but your not alone, those people that feel your pain share it with you, theres people in the world that have it worse than you, and you have 2 options, to get back up or stay down and let life win, this is the game of life, are you going to win it ?
copyright geo :)

24.05.2020 10:43
LinkYall so depressing...
no offence...

09.06.2020 03:00
Linkdont be me. having therapy for saying you wanna end your life. your heart is not a film, don't end it. the world loves you. don't cry. don't worry, be happy
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18.06.2020 22:10
LinkFirst of all, for everyone saying “if you didn’t matter, then why would you be here right now.” It’s called procreation. And secondly, even though I doubt that anyone’s existence really matters, I suppose that keeping morale up is a good thing. So... I agree with this message.

15.07.2020 12:07
Linki matter????
i don't
but i appreciate you sayiing that i do

31.07.2020 12:59
LinkAnimation:YOU MATTER
everybody:No I dOnT

05.08.2020 02:58

28.08.2020 10:10
Linksweet mama!

03.10.2020 18:16
LinkWe all matter!! Btw please check my animaes out:P I'm working on ALOT of stuff!

06.10.2020 13:51
LinkPretty... but it makes me sad bc no one thinks I matter...

13.10.2020 22:17
Linkumm i think you matter omnelle209

27.10.2020 04:39
LinkNo I don't O-O

28.10.2020 20:49

02.11.2020 22:45
Linki dont matter so dont say i do

12.11.2020 20:24
Linkthank you for this

12.11.2020 20:26
LinkI get bullied at school and i pretend everything is "ok" so I needed this

17.12.2020 19:39
Linkuuuuhhhhh weirdo...?

02.02.2021 05:55
Link@UwUGrlPikachu Everyone matters

02.02.2021 05:59
LinkAlso Thank you for posting this and i really needed it because it made me feel a little bit better because i like fell and twisted my ankle. Im in bed laying my ankle on some ice and it still hurts. So thank you very much!

09.02.2021 16:24
Linki love it

09.02.2021 16:24
Linki love it

12.02.2021 02:30
LinkThis chain was an emotional rollercoaster-
Life is about making memories, and deciding which memories you take with you along this journey. You ARE your reason for existing. The future is uncertain, and there's tons of room for it to change for the better. Keep holding on, don't give up just yet. There's always somebody that will care about you, even if you haven't met them yet. You may just be a footnote in someone else's story, but you're the hero of your own, and ultimately, you are in charge of your own destiny. You get to decide what legacy you will leave.

13.02.2021 12:49
LinkI, not special I don’t matter I’m dumb and stupid and don’t think I should live

01.03.2021 16:25
LinkEveryone matters wether you think you do or not. If you didn't matter then why are you here? There are people who have life a lot rougher than anyone on this website. Everyone is here for one another. Nobody matters more or less than anyone else. Reading through all of these comments and seeing all of the people who are beating themselves up because they think that no one cares is just sad. I'm highly aware of the fact that I don't personally know anyone on this site but I just wanted to say to everyone that I love you! Everyone matters! Don't give up yet! Your time will come one day but that time isn't now. No matter how bad yesterday was, or last month was, or years before that, things will only get better. We have a LONG life ahead of us with days filled with joy and happiness! I hope that every one of you has a blessed day! ;w;

15.03.2021 02:16
LinkIn the grand scheme of things no one really matters the only point of life is to die cap

22.03.2021 11:49
LinkWOW, this realty warmed my heart! <3

23.03.2021 13:20

23.03.2021 13:20

28.03.2021 20:17
LinkThank you.. I needed this

09.04.2021 15:15

12.04.2021 13:28
Linkif you ever feel useless remember that there's an easy on the tutorial in Friday night funk'n

21.04.2021 04:18
Linki made this my background >:>

23.04.2021 04:19
Linkgriffy: you matter show me that beautiful smile!
my beautiful smile:

13.02.2022 22:02
Linki only feel that way when i get in trouble in class

I see so many people.. saying horrible things about themselves.. I just.. I feel the need to want to help.. this is the best way that I believe I can help.. so if any of you want to talk.. I'm here.

I thank you so much for posting this. Everyone here joking about this and joking about death please, hear me out. I don't like to talk about this but I have thought about suicide before. I have committed self harm before. Death isn't a joking matter. (Don't one of you jerks send me something about Lifeline. I don't wanna hear it) My point is there are people who really are suffering out there in the world that really have attempted to kill themselves. There are people who have lost a close friend or a family member because they committed suicide. So if you're gonna sit here and laugh at this like it's no big deal, think again. Because no matter who you are or how old or strong or tough you act, there are people out here who don't have your strength. There are people aching with pain. So just because you think you can get away with it, just know that I'm gonna stop it. I'm not trying to be "that person", but this isn't some joke. So please don't joke about this.
And to the animator, thank you so much. I can

not explain how much I needed this. You are a one of a kind person with a heart that beats on not for yourself, but for everyone around you. You have a kind heart, and a large one too. And that will serve you well, wherever you go. People can be as mean as snakes, but you can't fight fire with fire. That gives you more fire. I am only 13 right now and I have had so much go on with my life that is seriously messed up. So thank you for being the one who makes this.

You people do matter! Stop talking down to yourselves!!! You are beautiful, amazing, talented, and most importantly... you... Not somebody else. That's what makes you special. There are people who need to re-watch this animation!!! EVERYONE MATTERS. There are people here who go through so much, and hardly any people can see through them. Please know that everybody matters. You might not feel that way, but its true... :)
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Aw thank you! To be honest, my recent vent was more of a story about a sick twisted man, not belittling myself, but for some reason it really was nice to see this, so thank you.

If we're talking about flowing lines, I'd point it back to your work. I just.. Ugh I wish I could draw as smoothly as you can. But either way, thank you so much! I just.. I care about every single person here that.. Idk, I feel like somehow, even if I hadn't met someone, we're friends here. Just.. thank you so much!

Im fighting tears in class rn.
This is so beautiful.
Thank you for just lifting my spirits and making my day better.

I would say thank you,
i would say what i think,
i would replace lies with truths,
but i'll keep quiet,
for being called "attention-seeker" is what i would get.

Furry.. If you're afraid that others won't take you seriously, honestly.. that's alright.. but you need to tell someone, whether it's your parents, your best friend(s).. Even your principle or a stranger, you NEED to let someone know. This is unhealthy for you and those around you. I'm not going to tell you that you're okay. I'm not going to tell you that it's alright, because it clearly isn't. If it really is this bad, then you SHOULD be seeking attention, because this is something that needs just that!
I'm going to be completely honest with you.. I have no idea what you are going through. I just want to help.. and it's not wrong to need attention. Everyone does, so go and tell someone that can help you. I am being as honestly serious as I can possibly be! I care about you.. so just.. think about it, okay?

Thank you all for the amazing support. I'm so glad I could touch so many hearts with this message. I truely mean what I say, when I say, YOU MATTER! Everyone matters to me, whether I haven't met them, or I've known them forever.. It just.. ugh. I see so much unhappiness.. and it just makes me want to share some of mine..
Thank you all.
I love you all.
Have a great day.

My mom told me a story once that when she was is high school, a guy had a heart attack and died. I hope the best for that person.

-all the people in the world who feel alone or unwanted, just remember, there is always someone who cares about you.
-todas las personas en el mundo que se sienten solas o indeseadas, solo recuerden, siempre hay alguien que se preocupa por usted.
-все люди в мире, которые чувствуют себя одинокими или нежелательными, просто помните, всегда есть кто-то, кто заботится о вас.

@Griffy, thank you! I have a little story, so please don't call me attention seeker.. :)
I have severe Tribophobia and Senstiveness. Everytime i see something scary, it goes over the top. I can't get it out of my mind for like, a couple weeks, and i cry at the thought of it.
People rarely notice me, and i hate it. I wish i could be popular, but i never have the courage, money or personality to do so, and it makes me sad, a lot, no one cares, though.
Lots of people hate me. I can't help but stick up for people when they are being harrased, but when i do, they always end up in fights.
I feel like i can't leave my friends alone, or they'll break apart. I feel like the parent of the friend tried to kill herself when i was late for recess..
Thats been inside me forever, thanks for letting me express that :)

it's okay, if people call you a attention seeker, then don't listen to them. I just wish the best of people online here, those who are hurt, in pain, and other stuff, they are in pain. The pain will last, and makes them feel more sad if you call them a attention seeker, they just wanted to share how they feel. You can leave them alone, or helping is great!.. But if they wanted to be alone, you should leave them alone. -skystarflower

I can totally understand what you're going through. First off, I used to be DEATHLY afraid of FNAF for about two years. My parents would get frustrated when we'd walk by their merchandise in a Walmart or Gamestop, and I'd refuse to look that way. It's just something.. I guess you have to live with.. but just know that you're not the only one who feels this way.
If people don't notice you, it usually means you're following nearly every rule, and you're not acting out of the ordinary.. If you think about it, that should be a good thing. Because one thing that popular kids don't seem to realize, is that they don't know what having a REAL friend is like, but if you still want to be popular, that's completely fine too. I suggest asking your parents and researching a club or team that you're very interested in. This not only makes you more likely to be liked, but can also boost your knowledge in a future career.
Also.. if people say/look like they hate you.. usually means that they're not that nice
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of a person to be hanging around in the first place. And yes, it's perfectly OKAY to stick up for others, but I'd suggest going to a superior rather than the individual causing the trouble if they refuse to talk it out.
I have the same kinds of things going on in my life as well. Many of my friends are either depressed or unhappy with their lives, though I should point out that I've never met a friend that cuts themselves or is suicidal. You should talk to them, or their parents, about seeking help. Things like this should never go unnoticed.
So.. all in all, it's alright to feel this way. I'm glad you told me about this. I promise you, as you grow older, things will get better. If you're down one way, there's only one way to go from there. Up. Thank you so much for being open. There's no shame in telling the truth.
Stay safe,
and I hope you have a wonderful day.
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I hope you all find happiness, and never lose hope. There is always joy and happiness just around the corner. It is only up to you to find it. I hope you all have a wonderful day, and I hope the next day will be even better than the last. Everyone matters to me, so don't you dare say otherwise. I mean what I say, when I say I love you all. Keep up your creativity, and never let the demons get to you.
With lots of love,

I have severe depression... Also I'm Emo, and have anxiety... Where is my happiness?? Where is my hope??

Sometimes.. you may find yourself looking too hard for them.. Sometimes, they're in places you'd never expect it.
Don't think happiness is not out there, because it is. It just takes patience. You can hold me up to this when I say, there is happiness waiting for you. And though it may seem to take for ever.. it will be there when you need it.

I don't matter, if I mattered then people won't hate me and flick me off, if I mattered then this year wouldn't have started off with a damaged pipe, car crash, ect. I don't feel like I belong anywhere, I shouldn't even send this comment and I should just keep this all to myself because this will make everyone hate me even more..

I find it really nice that you would do this and post it to all the people who need love and support in their lives. I've always wanted more love and help but could never find it and this just lifts my spirits. I'm new to this website and even though I haven't seen many animations, I know this will always be my favourite.

But.. Not me..

But.. Not me..

But.. Not me..
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I mean, people say I matter but...
I feel like Im alone, Like im a ghost. Im falling into a hole filled with darkness, and when I try to reach for a hand, nobody is there. I keep sinking and sinking until im filled with nothing but regret and sadness. When I try to make new friends, I get hurt physically and emotionally. This is the main reason why I have social anxiety and depression. I feel like im nothing...Like im a waste of someones time. When I try to make a new friend, I feel like they are pretending... And that's usually feel like im not a person that is worth someones while.

Are you sure about that?
I know it can be hard to be accepted, and make friends.. and all that..
But if there's one thing that I've figured out, it's that nothing is going to happen if you don't make it happen.
I had a bunch of friends when I was in public school, and everyone liked each other.. but as we started to age, everyone started to branch off. I was lonely, and.. I felt like they hated me.. that they were -like you said- just pretending.
The thing is.. I was waiting for someone to notice me. I mean, sure. It probably will work if I wait long enough, but you can't just go around assuming someone hates or loves you.
With this situation.. I care about every single person who lives. And if someone doesn't feel 'fine', then I'm going to do whatever I can in my power to try and help you. You know why? It's because I believe everyone is my friend. And if they don't think so? Then I won't spend time with them.
I'm sorry. I keep going off on tangents. Please. Accept yourself. I love your ani
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I'm sorry that I can't reply to everyone.. so I'll say this. Know that I'm thinking about you in a friendly way. Know that there's someone out there who's listening, whether you know it or not. YOU. ALL. MATTER. And some day, you'll see that you do. Think about the good things in life. Keep your head in the clouds.
And if you can't do that... see what you can do for others. Put a smile on someone else's face.. and most likely, it'll put one on your own.
My favorite quote goes a little like this,
"The loneliest people are the kindest,
The saddest people smile the brightest.
The most damaged people are the wisest.
All because they do not wish to see anyone else suffer the way they do."
As always.
Stay safe,

Thank you for this... I am currently going through depression... and I need to remind my self of this message you have brought to us.... thank you....

Everything that is in this animation is true! Even if you are poor or you have done something wrong!

Thank you Griffy, I'm currently going through depression, and this made me smile. It's nice to know there's someone out there who cares about what i'm going through. Even if they don't know me. I don't think iv'e ever opened up to someone like this but, thank you Griffy, thanks for your inspirational animation. And all your kindness. Seriously Griffy I love You!

Okay before I say what I'm about to; NOT ALL ARE ATTENTION SEEKERS! I feel your pain, so that does'nt mean turn around and snap back at me.
'' I dont matter'' Really...? Everyone matters. Or was god making paper dolls and messed up? UH NO. everyone matters. So stop trying to get attention ( especially to the first reply to this animation.

I don't matter.. I am suicidal because I'm gay.. People always tell me I don't matter, so I believe them.. This kinda makes me feel better, but I still feel like I'm just a discarded piece of trash someone used to love...

Hey! just wanted to say,
undertalefnafgurl... I have friends who are either gay, bi, straight, trans, pretty much the whole gay community!and i just wanted you to know I love *everyone and everything
*except myself T-T
but if they don't like you for you then
That's their problem! they're missing out on the beautiful person you are! :) and if you can't see that, look in the mirror and believe. because YOU matter. and you matter to me, to my friends, to EVERYONE IN THE GAY COMMUNITY!!! I love you for you and you only! (obviously as a friend)
P.S: To everyone who hates themselves,
I love you as-well (as a friend) Look in the mirror and love the person your mom and dad, *mom and mom, dad and dad, made.
*if you were adopted.

out of everything on this website that i have seen so far this has got to be the one thing that is actually important it makes me happy when i am upset i look at this and it makes me happy

But no one does
I'm sorry
I'm so sorry
I want to become big
I want to become a big account
But with the shit I make
How can I become big
I would like a attenion whore when I say these things
I'm sorry
I'm so ****ing sorry

Sorry i dont matter
it's my fault
it's my fault
it's my fault
it's my fault
it's my fault
IT'S MY FAULT!!!!!!!!!!

I see so many people saying here that they don't matter and it just bothers me. This was made to make people know that they matter and people are trying to get pity instead of enjoying what has been made. (Sorry if that sounds rude. I am very blunt.) Can't people enjoy this instead of trying to get pity from other people? I understand that you have issues and that is perfectly OK but they are going here and saying "I don't matter" and "Nobody likes me." You have people who are around you. Even if they are parents or friends or teacher there is SOMEONE. WHO CARES IF THEY ARE ONLINE FRIENDS. It just upsets me to see people taking who they have for granted because they want to feel bad for themselves. Everyone matters to someone, even if they don't feel like it. Again, sorry if I sounded too harsh. It's nothing but my feelings. Also, this animation is beautiful, the creator is truly talented.

Seeing this right now, I'm crying. I always talk myself down, and I'll always remember this animation. This will always bring up my day, and show me light when I am plunged into darkness. Griffy, thank you. This may not have fixed me, but I know that this will at least make me feel better in some circumstances. It's sad to see people wanting to die, and this just made the world a little bit of a better place. I am so hapy I fond this today. :)

I may be suffering but a beautiful smile or look from me doesn't exist the only thing good about me is my eyes there just a nice blue I guess.

NO! Plz don’t say that! You have been blessed to be alive! You might think you don’t matter but the world would have a change if you ever did anything to you! You might not know it.... but you matter.....everyone and thing does too! And your a part of them! I might be a stranger..... but I need to tell you that you matter! I used to think I didn’t but I opened up with my closest friends and they helped me.... so I hope you do the same and open up!

Everyone MATTERS!!! Thank you for making I feel so much better about myself and the world I have been blessed to be a part of

You is real.
you is made up of cells.
Cells is made up of atoms.
Atoms is made up of matter.
You is made up of matter.
You could say,
_~+*You Matter*+~_

G-Griffy....t-thank you for saying everyone matters.I've been carrying hurt,hated,sadness,in my heart for almost 5 years now.Because I was hurted,hated,and I was sadness.Until,you made this,I-I remember who loves me in the future,I'm not hated,I have friends.But, before in the past 5 years I thought that I was mean't to die o-or kill myself.Inside I hide fellings,and outside I pretend to be happy,to laugh,to smile,and have fun.When,I'm alone I just try think happy thoughts,but instead I think dark ones.I'm happy that you had made this for everyone that matters even though they think they don't.Thank you Gritty.

t-thank you f-for m-making m-me s-so happy
I just been suffering for about four years now.
I SUFFERED and BLAMED everything on me
I CUT myself for things I really IT'S my FAULT but its NOT my fault people tell ME but....I never believed it will come all back BUT IT WON'T
Thank you for making me happy(sort of) :)

Thanks so much for this... I still have depression right now. It's only because something in 4th grade. I was in a class with someone, and they knew FNaF. She walked up to me. She said, "You know FNaF?" And I nodded, looked back down, and continued to draw Foxy. (This was like a 3rd week after first day of 4th grade.) Now in 5th grade, she wasn't in my class. She was with these other people. Name: Krystina and Annais. They love each other. (As a friend.) All girls btw, no boys. Now, I'm currently in 6th. I'm in homeroom with Krystina and Annais, but not my old first friend in that school. Faith. They started to ignore me ever since. This helps, and thank you very much. I hope you are having the best day ever.
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i think evryone matter in this word,tall and slim,short and big,you matter whoever you are,i was thinking to suicide myself for a long time,i already hurt myself sometime,my friend was in depression and axious,my other friend was really funny and try to help to my depression but...she was with others and doesnt want to play with me...when i was 10 years old she start to play often with me ^^,my parents abused me for being a bad student at school and wanted me to be the n°1 in my class but it was hard to me,my parents wanted to me to be an english teacher or a doctor but...i wanted to be an artist and that stressed me out.when i was 12 my big sister leave the house to go to montreal,i was really sad but,it was ok.someweeks later when i go to flipanim i see that my best friend firefoxi said that he is gone....i was so sad and madand i dont know what should i do dad came to me and said "if you want to be happy just think about yourself,so i listen to him and i was not anymore proud of you!^

i do not matter in this world... you cannot stop me from the knife to the neck trick.. its as easy as cutting a pie. we are all gonna die one day, no matter who you are. no matter where you are. you will die, and then will be forgotten. as is life

In this life I'm a woman. In my next life, I'd Like to come back as a bear. When your a bear, you get to hibernate. You do nothing but sleep for six months. I could deal with that.
Before you hibernate, your suppose to eat yourself stupid. I could deal with that too.
When your a girl bear, you birth your children (who are the size of walnuts) while your sleeping and wake up to partially grown, cute, cuddly cubs. I could definatley deal with that.
If your a mama bear, everyone knows you mean business. you swat away anyone who bothers your cubs. If your cubs get out of line, you swat them too. I could deal with that.
If your a bear, your mate EXPECTS you to wake up growling. He EXPECTS that you will have hairy legs and excess body fat.

I once felt depression but only a little bit my friend left me and had given me a card saying she didn’t care about me and she and I should act like we don’t know each other so now she ignores me and I still feel a bit sad because I knew her for over seven years and she tells me now.but I am mostly over her I got more friends than her and I notice I don’t always need her

Thank you, you have helped me through some of the rough years I needed this, I haven’t smiled in a long time I wish there was more people like you out there, but everyone seems to joke about this even tho it’s so real..

I really needed this but... it couldn't possibly make everything away. there are so many things happening and I know I don't have to sacrifice all these things for one person... but when you love someone this way... it all just... Falls apart... EveryDay and I always have to say i'm fine or i'm okay but... i'm not...

wait so?????? i matter even if iman urband legend/spirit of the dead and heres my story of me btw! H3r3 !s th3 urband l3g3nd !n my n0t gl!tchy ta1k!n9 way. One there was a girl she was named Alice her friends all liked her until the bullys lied and said that she was a mean person ALice didnt have friends anymore but then one day the bully named Kylee pushed her off the rooftop of the highschool shouting out " GLITCH YOU DONT BELONG IN THIS WORLD ALICE YOU ARE JUST A GLITCH!!!!!!" then alice was for now on called GLITCH and she haunts people and she asks them "ar3 y0u th3 b3st p3rs0n !n th3 w0rld? d0 y0u hurt p30p13?" i fthey respond "no" she will shout "I KNOW UR LYING" then she will throw them off the rooftop if she find them there but if they repond "i dont know" she will get confused and if the person throws candy at her before they get pushed she will leave them alone until they hurt somebody

SO, here's a thing. YOU are all beautiful and wonderful people, but you probably like to keep that sweet smile hidden. DON'T! Find someone you can talk to. Just cause the everyone you know thinks you're useless, doesn't mean you are. Find an outlet (e.g. drawing, writing) that you're good at and practice it. Prove to this world that you are worth everything, and prove to whoever thinks your useless that they don't deserve you.

I know that I matter.
I matter to my dad.
I matter to my mom.
I matter to my grandma.
I matter to my stepmom.
I matter to my stepdad.
I matter to my friends.
I matter to the dogs i used to have.
I matter to my followers. I matter to other people.
and that is how they should feel about people like you and me.

Some people might smile, but it might be pretend because they think that maybe if they smile they can convince their brains to be happy for real,but it never really works because each good thing reminds them of something bad and then your mind is just stuck on that terrible and there's nothing anyone can do about it because nobody can change a persons past if they have PTSD,or a person's brain if they have depression or something.It's like a hole in your heart that can't be filled and always feels like it's getting bigger and bigger,eating up all your insides with each unhappy thought.You start to break away from everyone,thinking it will make you not think of any of the bad things.Some people do anything that might make them happy, breaking rules and such.Some people have the hole in their heart get so big that they think it will consume them entirely,and they care about nothing,not even their lives'.

But people need to know that things can't get better unless you make it better, and nothing can get better if you're in a hole in the ground. I don't know what else to say, because you will still suffer for a long time, maybe even your whole life, but your life is still worth it. People need you on earth. Your contribution. Your personality. Everything. There are plenty of people who like you, even though some may not show it. If you really need help, go to
It works better on phones I think.

deep in your comments, here I lay,
I don't matter because I won't be noticed.
we never do, us people around,
we're always too late, and never found.
but even if we are,
we'll be long gone.
so I'll just say it right here
so long.
we need help, its true,
but even then I knew,
I would never be found,
at the bottom of this sea of treasures,
because I, am a piece of plastic compared.
thank you, to whoever found this lonesome comment.

I can't believe you people. There are so many people here who claim that they "don't matter" You DO matter. You are here for a reason. Don't let words (or anything for that matter) get to you. You are special, you are amazing, you are beautiful, and most importantly... you are YOU. Not somebody else. Remember to tell yourself these things everyday. When telling yourself negetetive things, you then think negetive thoughts. Please. Just know that you really do matter. Things can only get better. Have a GREAT day! because you are amazing, and you deserve to be told the truth... That you matter. :)

If every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn’t have hotdogs
And for some of us, hotdogs are the reason we want to live

This is so amazing and I feel like during this specific time, you know, quarantine and corona, a lot of people really need to hear this so thank you so much for this

I don't care that this is two years after you posted. But I really needed this, and FA somehow knew that. I've been struggling with my gender versus my body lately, and seeing this made me feel a lot better, especially since my parents know my pronouns and haven't been using them and are kinda denying my genderit feels like.

I know it's been a while, but I'd like to let you all know that I read my comments. Not all of them, but most.
To those who've benefited from this: I'm so glad. Every day, my heart goes out to you, and every day I know you'll improve in whatever condition you face.
To those who don't believe me: I don't blame you. I'm just a stranger on the internet talking to a lot of people at once. I couldn't possibly be talking to you. I couldn't possibly know what you've been through or what you're facing.. well, I don't. But that doesn't mean I don't have sympathy for you. Whatever you're going through, big or small, your problems do matter, and it's up to you to find a way to fix them. It's up to you to accept help from others, and it's up to you to put a smile on your own face. All I can do is write kind words- draw pretty pictures, but it's up to you to take these things and turn them into something you can use. Something that can inspire you to make today the best day ever. I believe in you. I know you can do
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OK I'm not much of a serious person, quite the opposite but I need to say something. WHY ARE YOU ALL NOT TAKING THIS PERSONS LOVE AND SAYING YOU DON'T MATTER? This person is trying to cheer you up, make you feel better, make you happy and is trying to help you and you are still saying bad things about yourself, beating yourself up and blocking the love this angel is giving you. We are all born for a reason and that reason is not to beat yourself down until you feel worthless. I don't know your life goals but what I do know is that you DO matter. So stop saying you don't I don't want to hear the words "I don't matter" I want to hear the words "I do matter" cause you do. If you are in need of help, get it. Don't kill yourself cause that is a horrible solution to a problem that won't last forever. It is easy to get help, so get it before it's too late. In my eyes you are all my true friends.

yeah sure someone out there but matters but me i don't i am stuck in this harsh place called life life it hurts badly i am stuck down at the bottom letting my heart bleed out no one hears my cries for help i am stuck and lost in this endless void sitting here bleeding i put on a fake smile for all of you though no one checks on me i am alone in this dark room no one has fallen down with me i can't see anything yet i keep walking soon to find nothing no one not a speck of light not even a peep of sound then the silence breaks i look around only to find that it was the echos of my footsteps the room is empty only to find i have been here for ages and death soon awaits

i-im thinking adout dieing bc none in my family cares about me my mom pulls me hair and my dad throws stuff at me and yells :( help me

im sorry, this is false. no matter who you are, nobody cares unless your famous. that's why im in flipanim, to matter. still, i am worthless, puny, weak, dumb human.
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ROOSTERGUYZ26.01.2019 00:06LinkReport
9 years ago ... A person named jerry got dared to sleep in a house that was believed to Be Haunted. The next day his friends waited for him outside the house... They had to go Inside and search for him. They went through every room but the attic. He wasn't suppose To sleep in the attic. He was suppose to sleep in the living room they went to the attic. They found jerry's corpse and they left because they got scared. But that night all died Because of their friend. He killed them all for making him sleep in the house if you Don't Send this to 11 comments you will die tonight by jerry. Example 1: a man named stewart Read this and didnt believe it. He shut off his computer and went through his day . That Night while he was in bed he heard something out his door. He got up to look his dead Now. Example 2:a girl named haley read this in the morning and she got scared but didn't send It . She wanted to know if it was true. She went to school ( she was only 13 years old)

Omfg the fake depressed kids are here to argue that they dont matter now. "I DoNT MaTtEr" "I Am NoT NeEdEd" "I hAtE mYsElF" suck it up and stop saying that you dont matter. You do. I feel the same about myself sometimes,even. But im nit gonna whine about it because I know someone loves me. Someone cares about me. Someone needs me. And the same is for you.

Thank you so much. This made my day. During these hard times I have had many issues. I have started to have anxienty attacks, I have been very sad. But, Seeing this made me feel better. There is hope out there. Everyone Matters. No matter who you are no matter how you feel, you...matter. Things like these help me understand better my meaning. If I ever feel like a meaningless speck I will look at this.
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for all the people who think they are useless and say that they don't matter. you are wrong, the people who are saying this they should not be thinking that everyone matters if you didn't and you thought that you would keep getting depressed and soon you will feel like killing yourself because you think you don't matter. listen my point is don't think you don"t matter because you do. no one wants to die so dont think you don't matter and kill yourself. hope you read all of this and listen to me i am giving you a warning plz dont feel like you don't matter because you 100% do. love all of you guys

I've told myself I don't matter. Other people have told me I should change. That I should be less annoying. Less creative. Try to fit in. I'm struggling a lot with self-doubt, People judge what I wear, how I act, what I do. They call me names that I don't like. They make assumptions. So thank you. This helped a lot.
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