The first and most known part of a underrated old 1904 cartoon "Humourous Phases of Funny Faces" (HPOFF).
10.03.2019 19:43
Oh, hi!
10.03.2019 19:27
What a "bright" start to the series!
If you so desire...
Do you want PUN! #2?
Comment bellow!
I've got it all planned out...
31.01.2019 23:09
Used an SMB3 sprite
and used the same colors and
drew the sprite using the background as a guide.
03.01.2019 01:43
So, the dorment bear has snapped out of hibernation!
That hibernation is also known as holidays.
SOM I'M BACK! I'm trying to make some pixel art or general animation periodically, like weekly. Tell me how you want it!
There're so many ideas for new animations in my head, so, stay tuned!