- create flipbook animations online!
04.03.2022 06:54
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“There you are, my dear!” “Stop calling me that, what did you have to say you asshole? Some of us have actual business to attend to.” May hissed out. The woman was annoyed. Pissed, even. Why? Well, the reason would be the man standing before her. He was a tall, dark and very built man with dreads falling long past his shoulders and a beard nearly reaching them. His beard was laced into a large, maroon bead, a symbol of his he seemed to keep special to him. She didn’t care to learn it. All she did want to learn about was why the hell Don called her and the other bosses together like this. What was he planning to say? “So.” Don, more commonly known as Wraith, finally started. He slid out the dark, furnished shair from under the table and sat. “I know you all want to know why I’ve brought you here.” he continued. May rolled her eyes, though noticed when she did he glanced at her specifically. Damn those dark eyes.
04.03.2022 06:54
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The moment she locked gazes with him, even if for a fleeting second, she suddenly lost herself wondering if that was a glint of amusement in his eyes. Maybe just a glance of warning. She’d probably annoyed him already! Hell, what was she thinking? **** yeah he should be annoyed. She was annoyed. Right, she was supposed to be annoyed. ****, she’d tuned out. She quickly glanced at the first sound she heard. It was Kolya. Right, leader of the Bloodhounds. God, she despised that group. “Wraith, I’m tired of your playing. If there are more games, I leave.” Kolya grunted in broken english. Right, one of the conditions was that none of the bosses were allowed to bring anything, even their second hands. The Russian was just to his second hand speaking for him. Though, let's be honest. It was clear Maytrin, his second hand, was in much more control than Kolya was in. He was an idiot, and no one was really sure why Maytrin hadn’t just taken over yet.
04.03.2022 06:54
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“Let me explain, Kolya.” Wraith said, glancing at him as well. This time, May could absolutely tell it was one of annoyance. He was slow to anger, but all seven of them know what his wrath could be like. Kolya was quick to shut his mouth. “Now.” He continued, adjusting his suit sleeves, sitting up in the chair as he heaved a soft breath of air like he was expelling the annoyance so quickly. “I’ve called you all here because we need to talk.” he started again. “We’ve all kept to our agreements, Wraith. What do you need?” Tyson asked. The man seemed almost nervous even. His long tail was coiled almost snake-like under his chair. She could see it twitching. Jeez, how nervous was he? Are these really the biggest bosses in town right now? Sure, Wraith was powerful. She’d found no reason to cower in front of him like some of them seemed to be on the verge of doing. The man’s jaw tightened a little, again interrupted. The idiots needed to shut it. “Yes.” he said with a short nod,
04.03.2022 06:55
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“most of you have kept to the agreements.” he agreed, though pulled the chair out as he stood up and fixed his jacket. Pulling a box from under the table, “Notice, I said some.” he chuckled. He’d give her another ambiguous glance. Then the room was cast in darkness. Before anyone would have the time to panic, it lit up again. A projector. The wall had lit up. “Some of you, however.” he ran on, beginning to pace. No, he was circling the table. He was circling them. “Have not. Some,” he cast a bag onto the table. The screen lit up to show a collage of pictures someone had taken of him in various conversations and places. On the table, the bag looked like an evidence bag. Inside, were the photos. Covered in blood. “Have decided to void those rules in hopes of sneaking around like rodents.” he spat. Almost the entire room glanced at Tyson. Of course they did. He was a shifter. A rat shifter, to be exact. It was an obvious allusion. Though, for some reason, Wraith’s eyes weren’t on him.
04.03.2022 06:55
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They were right on Kolya. Kolya’s eyes were on the bag. “Perhaps you should keep that second hand man of yours underwraps, Kolya.” Wraith chuckled, watching him. The screen changed to a collage of videos. On one side, a man walking freely around in a building, conversing and smiling. On another, a younger teen sitting on a couch, console controller in hand. Neither seemed to know of the camera on them. There was a crash as Tyson shot from his chair, “My son!!” he exclaimed “Afterall.” Wraith continued like nothing happened, watching the Russian man pale ever more. Beads of sweat were growing obvious. “Would you want to be treated like a rodent?” he asked On the screen, the kid seemed to falter a little. He seems confused at first, though shrugged it off and returned to the game. Then a strange billow of air seems to swish across the screen like something had been sprayed. The kid started to cough a little, trying to ignore it until the coughing began to get noticeably worse than just an itc
04.03.2022 06:55
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hy throat “Wh-What are you doing?! Stop it!!” Tyson shouted, his eyes widened. “Please. You really thought rodents like you and your group were fit to sit with us?” said a deep voice. Sitting on the other side of tyson, a large bull. His eyes were focused on the screen, his mouth a scowl under a spiked nose ring. It was Maddox. He wasn’t one known for his kindness, to say the least. “You shut it you goddamn cow!” The rat snarled at the man, his furious and fearful eyes immediately turning back to wraith, “Leave my son alone!! You can’t do this!!” Wraith hummed, chuckling softly, “I can do it with ease.” he purred. He snapped his fingers almost perfectly on time as the boy collapsed finally. The man's eyes returned to Kolya. “I surely hope you see my warning. You’re not clever enough to be the one to try this. I know it's that bear of yours doing it all.” he said. Grabbing something out his pocket. A small envelope, “Give this to him when you have the chance. And it's HIS to open. You got me?” H
04.03.2022 06:56
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e asked. For once in his life, kolya chose the smart way out and quickly nodded. “You don’t get to ****ing ignore me!” Tyson snarled, lunging towards Wraith. He grabbed the shorter man's throat with ease, shoving him with enough force it sent the chubby man flat into the wall, gripping his neck as he wheezed. “Tsk tsk, remember your place, mouse. Or maybe next time the gas won't be just a tranq.” he purred, watching the man nearly slump with relief to know his son wasn’t just killed. “Where are we going with this?” Khan asked. The fourth of the six other bosses (excluding May herself) was a strange man. He seemed to be a tiger shifter, though had two tails instead of one. Some stories say he was a forest guardian turned by greed. Wicked guardian or not, the greed part was definitely true. “Wait your turn, kitten.” Wraith chuckled, turning his gaze to him. Almost immediately, there was an unmistakable growl from the tiger.
04.03.2022 06:56
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“I’ve done nothing but follow you , and that's all I will do as well.” Khan stated, his fists clenched. “Ah, let's not pretend like that isn't just because I've got that precious stone of yours, Khan.” That immediately shut the tiger up. Khan looked back to the ground, gritting his teeth but backing down. Wraith’s eyes turned back to Kolya. The man was still almost paper pale. He'd grown silent, staring at the envelope in his hands like it were a gun pointed to shoot his brother already. “Ah, the brotherly bond, eh?” He chuckled. His eyes traveled to the quiet bull. The bull’s eyes were anything but quiet the moment the man spoke those words, however. Surprisingly, the brute kept a calm face. “You’ve kept up your end of the bargain. I’ve kept up mine. Leave Bentley out of this.” he said, a low growl in his throat as he spoke, though it seemed almost normal for him. “I would only hope it stays that way. I’d hate to have to make the call to Leison’s Ranch again.” he nodded. That got the bu
04.03.2022 06:57
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ll to tense. He looked like a cornered animal ready to strike. It made May inch a little further away. and thats as far as i got lmaoo
04.03.2022 06:58
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more but seperate lore spoofs are this one (my personal favorite)
04.03.2022 06:58
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and this one
04.03.2022 06:59
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good night now, ill be back for a little in the morning
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