Promagma x Reader chapter one


31.05.2021 00:02
LinkIt was a sunny morning, the birds chirping in the air as if they were performing to the world. You listened as they sang their sweet nothings while on your morning walk with your dog. You look at them and sigh happily. You always loved the colors of nature. You loved the blue sky, you loved the bright green grass, and you loved the energetic golden sun that brought life to this very planet.
You eventually settle down into a bench in the shade with your dog playing with the other pets at the park. The dogs start chasing and playfully pouncing on each other as you chuckle to yourself softly. You then felt a buzzing in your back pocket while your favorite song started playing, muffled through the fabric of your jeans. You grab your phone and see that your mother was trying to call you. You don’t know why she called you, as you guys never really had a good relationship with each other. You let the call go to voicemail as you sit and wait. You rest your head against the seat and close your eyes.

31.05.2021 00:03
Link“Hello, there young person.”
You open your eyes to be greeted by an elderly woman with a soft smile.
“Oh! Hello there!” You said while quickly adjusting yourself.
“I don’t mean to be any trouble but your dog has run after that supply truck.” She said to you while pointing across the street.
“Oh no! Thank you for telling me!” You thanked her before dashing through the pavement. It was like watching one of those geckos walking on water, your legs seeming to move away from your body while the rest of your struggled to stay together.
The trunk eventually stopped by a local bakery, with your dog stopping with it. The smell of freshly made pastries flooded your nostrils. It was like an invasion, but a welcomed one. Now you see, or in this case, smell, what your dog went crazy over. Speaking of that, your dog was scratching the door while panting. You grab the dog and start playfully scolding them.

31.05.2021 00:04
Link“You can’t just go running off like that!” You said in a baby-like voice as you ruffled the sides of their face. You got a nice, wet lick on your nose as a reply.
Your stomach growled at the lack of attention it was receiving. You looked back at the bakery, then at your dog. “I guess we haven’t eaten today yet, haven’t we?”
“Might as well see if the food tastes as good as it smells. Plus look!” You pointed at a sign that said “Pets welcomed!” And looked back at your dog. “You can eat here too!”
The two of you entered the place, as the bell jingled you felt a wave of warmth hit you and sighed with a pleased expression. This was it. This is heaven.
You sat down at a small booth as you looked at the scenery of the place. Photorealistic paintings of people and sweets covered the pastel-colored walls.
“Hi there. I haven’t seen you here before. Is this your first time here?”
You looked at who spoke to you. It was a man with lemon-yellow skin who was wearing a red apron.

31.05.2021 00:05
Link“Hello!” You started. “I haven’t been here before, but my dog and I decided to give this place a shot!”
The yellow man smiled and took out a menu. “Ah! That’s nice to hear! We always try to attract new customers with our wide selection of bread and desserts.” He handed you the menu and pointed at the photos. “Here’s the best-selling desserts! I recommend the cherry supreme! It’s my personal favorite.”
“That sounds tasty! I’ll be sure to get that.” You smiled too. You loved the customer service here.
The golden man turned to your dog and patted them. “Don’t worry, all dogs get a complementary doggy biscuit. On the house!”
The man laughed as he went back into the kitchen. You and your dog waited for only a few minutes as the cherry-flavored aroma filled up the room.
“Here you go!” The man said as he gave you your pastry.

31.05.2021 00:06
Link“Thank you.” You looked at his name tag. “Promagma.” You then took a bite of the creamy food. It was so delicious! You made sure to give an extra big tip afterwards.!
“This is the best thing I’ve ever had in my mouth! My taste buds are crying tears of joy!”
You soon finished your meal and paid up. It was a little pricey, but it was worth it.
As you and your dog walked out the door, you heard Promagma say “Come again soon!” over the jingle of the bell. With food that good and a staff so friendly, you were for sure coming back soon. Whenever your wallet likes it or not.
You walked back home, thinking about the day you had.

31.05.2021 00:07
LinkI will begin production of chapter two. Only if this post gets 30 likes tho

06.06.2021 21:18
LinkIts been 6 days wtf?

06.06.2021 21:19
LinkYou have 100 likes can you post it now people are waiting

08.07.2021 20:10
LinkChapter 2 here
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i like it, you executed the 2nd person wonderfully! (criticism time) except that i cannot decipher if it's past tense or present tense, it uses both. and you can't have both present and past tense in your writing.
and you have some errors here:
"“Thank you.” You looked at his name tag. “Promagma.”"
make sure you add commas, like this:
“Thank you,” You looked at his name tag, “Promagma.”
please take this piece of criticism well. i really did enjoy the first chapter.

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