another random question
caption this
Thanksgiving NIghtmare
I wanna be an astronaut
Beren and Lúthien
Chapter 15 - Warrior's Thunder
31.01.2021 08:11
LinkChapter 15
Treepaw was chatting with the other apprentices. Jasperwhisker walked to them, her tail twitching as always.
“Get ready. You’re about to be in front of the whole clan.” She muttered.
All three of them nodded excitedly. Jasperwhisker smirked, and made her way to the leader.
“Today is the day?” Chattered Mosspaw a bit timidly, as he glanced at his paws, “I thought it’ll never happen!”
“Took long enough!” Treepaw said, getting up.
Quartzfur yowl rang out, “All cats old enough to gather, come under the Starclan Crystals!”
All of the Crystalclan cats, including Fadedclan, came out.
“Today is a very important day. As I see with the wisdom of Starclan, I have decided to make some fine apprentices rise up.” She glanced down, “Treepaw, come forth.”
The tom padded forward.
“Treepaw. Do you promise to withstand the warrior cat and put your trust in Starclan?”
The gray tom nodded vigorously. The leader glanced at their mentor, “Do you agree?”
Brighttail nodded. “He is ready.”
31.01.2021 08:12
Link“Treepaw, by the power of the crystals, you shall be named Treeface.”
The newly turned warrior trotted to where he was sitting before.
“Mosspaw,” Mosspaw nervously trotted up the loud leader. “Do you promise to withstand the warrior code, medicine code and put all trust in Starclan?”
The apprentice nodded eagerly. A smile crept on Quartzfur’s face, “Emerladspeck. Is he ready?”
The pretty gray she-cat nodded. Mosspaw smiled.
“Mosspaw, by the Crystals, you shall be known as Mossheart.”
Mossheart nodded excitedly, “Thank you.” He dipped his head and walked to Emeraldspeck’s side.
She touched her nose to his. Mossheart purred as the leader yowled again.
“Shiningpaw. Come forth.”
Shiningpaw swiftly came to the leader.
“Shiningpaw, do you promise to keep the warrior code and keep Starclan in your heart?”
31.01.2021 08:13
LinkQuartzfur looked at Jasperwhisker, who nodded in a silent response before the question was even made.
“Shiningpaw, your name shall be Shiningsilver.”
All of the cats cheered the new apprentices’ names. “Treeface! Mossheart! Shingingstream!”
Whitesnow was standing guard of Sunset. The Clan was finally peaceful as the sun was dying down. Cats were sharing tongues and eating. The kits were beginning to drift to sleep. The elders chattered amongst the medicine cats.
“Whitesnow,” Hivestar began to trod towards him, Stingfoot a tail length away.
“Yes?” The plump She-cat asked.
“You may get off of guard duty and eat. Stingfoot will take it from here,” The Leader sat down, “How was Sunset?”
31.01.2021 08:13
Link“He’s been sleeping for most of the day.” She looked at the orange tom and back at her Leader. “I still don’t think we should trust him and his lies about this ‘Clan of rogues.’ He’s ought to tell us where he put our Clanmates at some point.”
Stingfoot hissed along, “They have to be somewhere…” Hivestar shook her head.
“We still need to be vigilant, just in case he is being truly honest but… I don’t even believe in him.”
Whitesnow nodded as she walked to the nursery. Stingfoot walked towards Sunset.
“Wake up.” His tail twitched.
The tom looked over his shoulder.
“Hungry?” The deputy battered a very small mouse to him.
“I guess.” He grabbed the mouse with his paw.
“Well… Can you tell us where Mushroomeye truly is?”
“In. A. Clan. Of. Rogues.”
“Doubtful.” His tail slashed in the air.
“You want proof?”
“Yes! I want to see her!”
“I can’t do that. But,” Sunset parted the orange fur on his shoulder, showing bite marks.
31.01.2021 08:13
Link“But?” He hissed.
“These bite marks are from the Rogues dragging us.
“Tch… Me and Hivestar can get every cat from Leafclan to go hunt them down if we must…”
He twitched his tail tip. “What more do you want?!”
“Too find our clanmates!” He hissed.
“I already told you where they are.”
“Explain again…”
“In between Crystalclan and Fadedclan’s territory.”
He sighed, “I’ll get Hivestar.” Hivestar was already looming over him.
Sunset folded his ears back as she loomed over him.
“We’ll just ask Crystalclan and Fadedclan to look over it. They know every corner.” Hivestar rumbled. Stingfoot skittishly looked at her and nodded.
“For now, you’ll stay here.” Hivestar twitched her tail to the cold, dirt nest.
He padded over to it and layed down with his back to them.
Hivestar sighed and battered a small stick of honey to him, a treat. “You stay in here. Alright?”
31.01.2021 08:14
LinkHe just took the stick and flicked his tail. Hivestar turned around and walked into the heart of the camp. By now, the dusk portal had gone out.
As always, Rougeclan was alive. The prisoners chartered amongst themselves and Bumblefern kept trying to flirt with Milk, as he put it: he was only trying to make the best out of a bad situation. The freshkill pile was a large moutution of mice, Ice's plans truly worked. However, a plan that Ice had plotted was thawing.
Shadowleg laid next to a stream, lapping the water, his eyes reflecting. His tail twitched, bored. He glanced at Ice, “Ice?”
“Is there any other work to be done?” He flopped onto his side, “Do you want me to shut up the prisoners again? Try to spy?”
“Well, what do you think needs to be done?”
31.01.2021 08:14
LinkShadowleg heaved himself up, and walked to the prisoners, “Milk.” His voice rumbled.
Goldenbreeze perked up her ears as she was eating a rat. Oo a show. She thought. Milk glaced up and looked at him.
“Yes?” She mewed, laying next to Bumblefern.
“Is this tom bothering you?”
“Shush.” Shadowleg battered Bumblefern’s face.
Ice had to stop himself from chuckling. Bumblefern chuckled though with a lash of his tail, “If I’m here for a long time… Then I should look for a mate…” He flickered his tail and goofily smiled, “You she-cats like it! Right Goldenbreeze?”
The golden she-cat folded her ears back and hissed.
Bumblefern smirked and giggled, “See?”
Goldenbreeze stood up and walked over to him. Bumblefern stood up, his fur fluffing out, “Uh oh.”
She got in Bumblefern’s face and growled.
31.01.2021 08:14
Link“So uhh… Are you free tonight?” He mumbled.
“I don’t want you, to talk to me, without my permission, ever, again.”
“Alright… Fine… How about your friend Bearflinch?”
“Fine then, try. I’d like to see you keep your ears.”
“So that’s a no…” He glanced at Sleekshine, but then looked away to Rubystar. He shook his head and looked at Mushroomeye, no. “Alrighty then.” He smiled.
Ice watched. Shadowleg huffed, “You’re never going to get a she-cat, Bramblefern…”
“No one asked… Mousebrain…” Bumblefern retorted.
Ice jumped down from his throne of dirt and bones. “Do I need to get involved?” He looked straight into Bumblefern’s eyes.
Bearflinch stood up, “I think you should… This slimeball won’t stop trying to flirt… Give him a good raking.”
Ice cuffed Bumblefern on the head. Bumblefern hissed as he stalked back into his nest.
“That’ll teach you.”
“Great job…” Milk mewed, bored.
31.01.2021 08:14
LinkBearflinch inspected her, “Do you have a crush on him?”
Milk jolted up, “What kind of question is that?
Dove walked over. “You seem to be near the prisoners a lot.”
Milk stammered, “I’m a guard!”
“No…” Bearflinch said sternly, “You're a hunter. You’re able to walk around without anyone noticing you… You’re that weak.”
Darkthorn sat at the edge of the camp. Everything got silent. Milk flattened her ears, her large, kittypet-like eyes filling up. She blinked hard and nodded, “Alright.” She croaked.
“Milk.” Darkthorn said. “I think you should go hunt.” Milk simply nodded and trodden out.
“That was… odd.” Bearflinch commented, with Twig nodding along as he followed Milk.
“She’ll have to get used to it.” The dark brown tom said.
“We don’t want any kits of hers or of the slimeballs…” Bearflinch growled.
Ace came over. “Nothing’s worse than a Clan-mix.”
Ice growled, for both of his parents were Clan cats. Or, at least use to be.
“No… What’s worse is a cat who accepts the slimeball life... “
31.01.2021 08:15
LinkGoldenbreeze yawned. Bearflinch fought a yawn and trodded back to the food pile. She flicked her tail.
Rubystar was grooming Sleekshine.
Ice stood on his throne and yowled. Swiftly, all the guild cats came, even Twig and Milk.
“It is time to raid one of the Clans.”
“Which ones?” Milk squealed.
“Leafclan is closer, but Meadowclan is weaker.”
Twig flexed his claws, and nodded. Milk spoke again, “Understood, Ice… When are we going?”
His tail twitched as he thought. “Meadowclan. But we’ll need to be in the cover of night, when they can’t see us.”
“Wise choice.” Bearflinch nodded, sitting to the side of the throne.
“The sun is setting, so now wouldn’t be a bad time.”
“Should we get a guard to look over the camp?” Suggested Milk, grooming her chest.
Ice shook his head. “They don’t even know we exist. I’m not worried.”
“Okay.” Milk nodded.
He stood up as everybody got up. They began to make their ways to the flat land.
31.01.2021 08:15
LinkOne by one they snuck around the lake and through Leafclan territory. Bearflinch winced at the sand getting between her toes, but ignored it. Being about the biggest, she flexed her claws, ready for a battle. She snuck next to her friend, Goldenbreeze.
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