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Chapter 16 - Warrior's Thunder
31.01.2021 08:43
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Chapter 16 It was a normal day in the clans. Lionkit was playing with his mother. Applepaw was batting a leaf between his paws. All was a normal day in Meadowclan, even if Flutterstar was gone. Oceanfoot walked up to him. “Applepaw.” The tom looked up. “Yes?” “Me, Rushleg, and Bearclaw are going on a protol,” She prodded his side, “I want you to get better at marking territory, So come on.” He nodded excitedly as he stood up. Oceanfoot lead him to where the other Clan members were. Just with a simple nod, Bearclaw led the way out to the river area, where streams made their ways deep into their clan. Applepaw sniffed a hole in the ground. He soon dug in it, finding a mother mouse and 12 pinkies. Oceanfoot looked at him, smiling. “Wise choice to look after the smell.” Bearclaw commented.
31.01.2021 08:43
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He lifted his tail in happiness before burying them to get later. Oceanfoot nodded, and began to crouch down, her tail waving in the air. She stooped down and swiftly jumped: crashing onto the rabbit and killing it in one swift claw. Suddenly, she dropped the rabbit. “Applepaw. Go look around that green-rock over there,” She pointed to a large rock, which was where their moss grew on. “Ok.” he padded over to the rock. “I know it’s night time, but I don’t see anything strange.” Just as he was about to turn away, a hiss gave the stranger away. He folded his ears back and his eyes widened. A weight pounded into him, as a large brown she cat jumped onto his back. In one big kick, she forced him onto his back and pinned him. Applepaw bit her leg as hard as he could. Another golden she-cat raked her claws on Oceanfoot’s side. A small siamese pounced onto Bearclaw’s legs- well attempted, too- But Bearclaw kicked the weak away, flying her up onto Rushleg.
31.01.2021 08:43
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Oceanfoot yowled and battered the golden she-cat with her claws, cuffing her ears, forcing one of them into a V- shape. Rushleg growled and hissed, swiping at the siamese. A black tom was sneaking up behind them, next to another black tom with yellow eyes. Milk trembled and stiffened, as she stepped away. “RUSHLEG!” Oceanfoot cried out. The yellow tom slowly turned around in fear as the toms leaped upon him. The milk-colored cat swiftly joined him, nimbly striking his eyes. Oceanfoot couldn’t breathe. Her eyes gazed over the battle, searching for her apprentice. Rushleg yowled as he closed his eyes and blindly swiped towards his attackers. He was too overpowered, a black tom held him down by his neck. Applepaw ran towards them. There was fear in their eyes. It was too late. Warmth splattered onto the cats. Blood stained Applepaws nice, light coat.
31.01.2021 08:44
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With a final hiss, the cats in unison dropped the dead cat. Rushleg, the swiftest warrior, laid motionless, his neck giving away onto the grass. The siamese cat and the black tom with the scar on his face raced away to the camp. However, a cat with blazing yellow eyes remained. His fur remained on end. “S-Shadowleg?” Oceanfoots voice quivered. Shadowleg was trembling, and stared deep into her soul, then into Applepaw’s. The wind whistled. “Shadowleg!” Ice yowled. “Come on!” Shadowleg jolted up and followed him, panting. Oceanfoot stood stiff as she walked over to her dead companion, twitching her tail for Applepaw and Bearclaw to follow. The camp was soft with chatter, erriely unaware of everything. Applepaw hung his head down. Oceanfoot eyes grew wide, “We need to go to the camp. We need to grieve later.” With her sense of urgency lingering in the air thickly, she ran away to camp, wailing a cry out to warn the clanmates, and distract the rivals.
31.01.2021 08:44
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All of Meadowclan looked at them. Oceanfoot cried again, “WE’RE UNDER-” She was kicked down by a large brown she cat, followed by a pretty white she cat. Flowerfoot charged into the she-cats. Shadowleg battered Flowerfoot and pounced onto them, swiftly, he bit her shoulder deepily. Ice ran into the leader’s den, finding it empty. Milk sniffed around, “She’s been gone for a while.” She recoiled back as the medicine cat began to corner her. Flytail growled and his ear flicked. Milk jumped onto him, but was pretty weak as she chomped down on him. The pale gray tom bucked her off. She landed in the moss nest, then bolted straight into his chest. Shadowleg was now under the deputy, clawing his way out. The orange she-cat bit his ear. The tom recoiled back, tearing a huge chunk of his ear. She spat it out onto the grass and growled. He snarled and hissed, and kicked her stomach. “Urf! Why are you here?” “To gain power!” “Then go somewhere else!”
31.01.2021 08:44
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“You’re the weakest!” He hissed. “We’ll see who’s weak!” she leaped at him. Shadowleg rolled over, dodging her attack. Her paws made a noise as she skidded on the grass. Shadowleg swiftly ran up onto a rock. The Meadowclan cats folded their ears as they looked up at him. Ice joined Shadowleg on the rock. Meadowclan cats joined them, yowling. “Where's your leader?” Hissed Shadowleg. “None of your business!” Shadowleg flattened his ears, and pounced onto the cat. It yowled as it tried to scramble away. Shadowleg slashed a large streak across the cats back, scarring them. They growled in pain. Shadowleg bit down on their shoulder, and dug into their stomach. The cat tucked their tail between their legs and ran off. Swiftly, before Shadowleg could attack once again, a queen attacked him. Amberface had snuck up behind him and clawed his back. Shadowleg scowled in pain, and then Bearclaw tackled him down. He fell onto his belly and tripped to slip away, but dirt was thrown into his eyes by a pass
31.01.2021 08:45
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Cats started to stalk forward. Ice and the other rogues growled. Bearflinch hissed at the deputy and lashed her tail, waiting for Ice's order. “Until I’m satisfied, I will take over this camp.” The Meadowclan cats growled. Oceanfoot flattened her ears, “Never in any moons.” “Do you dare challenge me?” “We all challenge you.” She said boldly. He lashed his tail and jerked his head to the body of Rushleg. “Do you want more of Meadowclan to end up like him?” Oceanfoot stayed silent, then looked at Flowerfoot for her to step up. She sat and put her head down. Cats began to mummer. Oceanfoot growled and ran up to her face, her nose touching her nose, “You’re just going to give up so quick?” Flowerfoot folded her ears back and whispered. “I’m trying to make them think that they’ve won.” “Oh…” She whispered, mortified. Ice evilly grinned and stood up. “Now, Shadowleg, the rules?”
31.01.2021 08:45
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“No more Clan codes. Medicine cats can do whatever they want. Warriors can eat whenever they want. No Starclan…” He hissed grimly. Goldenbreeze continued where he left off. “Everycat has to hunt for themselves, and when we ask you to do something, you do it.” “Yes, masters…” Oceanfoot said pitifully, wrapping her tail around her paws and digging her claws into the cold dirt while she looked down. “Dismissed.” Ice said, padding into the leader’s den and throwing out the old bedding. Bearflinch smirked and went to the freshkill pile, battering a mouse away. Oceanfoot trembled, “What do we do know?” “I haven’t thought about that yet.” said Flowerfoot. “We need to wait for Flutterstar!” Squeaked a kit. “We don’t even know when she’s coming back.” “That’s why we need to wait! Or else I might need to get involved!” Flowerfoot flicked her ear. “You’re just a little kit.”
31.01.2021 08:45
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“I can still fight,” He began to run up to a tall light brown cat with leaf bandages around his throat. He was about to jump on him until suddenly, the tom battered him away with a paw when he was in midair. The kit fell down awkwardly, with a small snap. Sunfur looked at them mortified and she ran over to her kit. He began to shriek in tears, as his tail was bent painfully. The queen was blinded with grief and rage and she turned tail and slashed her claws on the brown tom’s face. The tom opened his mouth to yowl, but no sound came out. He fell to the ground, a slash across his eye. Sunfur grabbed him by the scruff and tossed him across the clearing. The tom hissed and stood up, bleeding. Swiftly, he charged at her, snarling. She lowered her head and stood her ground. The tom jumped onto her, biting down on her shoulder. Sunfur started to buck to try and get him off. The tom, Twig, however stood his ground. “Ice,” Bearflinch pointed to the battle. “Ah. Fresh entertainment.”
31.01.2021 08:46
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Bearflinch smiled, “Yes.” Twig bite down on her shoulder, slowly inching for her throat. Bearclaw ran over to his mate and thonked one of his big forpaws on Twig’s head. Bearclaw snatched him off, taking some of his skin with him. Milk swiftly came to his defense, hissing at them. Ice stood up and jumped in between them. “Ice!” cried Milk, “Let us handle this.” He flicked his ear as he looked at her, then backed away. The siamese looked at the couple timidly and trembled. “I’m so sorry,” Her voice quivered. Bearclaw snarled. “For what.” “F-for Twig,” She stammered. He swiped at her face. “I don’t want your apology!” Milk teared up and ran away, with Twig following. Ice signaled to Bearflinch and leaped on Sunfur and pressed her head to the ground with his paw. Bearflinch landed onto Bearclaw, yowling out a cry. Bearclaw forced her off, but Bearflinch swiftly fought back by kicking his chest.
31.01.2021 08:46
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Flytail had crept over. Lionkit was laying behind him, still crying. Bearflinch stood up and clawed his face. Flytail yowled and swiftly grabbed the kit and ran back to the crowd. The crowd broke away from the medicine cat, muttering with horror at the kit with the broken tail. The pale gray tom ran into the den. Lionkit trembled. “It’ll be alright.” “It hurts!” He cried. “Calm down it’s ok.” He whimpered, but nodded. Flytil gave him some poppy seeds. He swiftly gobbled them up. A rogue tom stalked slowly and quietly went over to the medicine cat den. Lionkit whimpered and hid away. His dark blue/gray pelt made him pop out, unfortunately. The tom froze. “Go away!” The kit squeaked. “I’m a medicine cat too.” the tom answered. “No you’re not!” The tom pulled herbs out of his pelt. Lionkit huddled closer to Flytail, who snorted. “I can help.”
31.01.2021 08:46
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“Fine.” Flyttail stepped back. Robin wrapped the kit’s tail in comfrey. Lionkit sulked, as Bearlflinch walked in. “Is that kit okay?” Flytail glared at her. “What does it matter to you?” “Because we’re in control now,” She growled. “Go back to your dumb leader, Shadowleg.” She blinked. “Are you dumb?” He flicked his ear.
31.01.2021 09:07
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cats go brrrr
31.01.2021 09:08
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31.01.2021 09:08
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Chapter 17:
31.01.2021 16:04
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12.02.2021 03:15
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