Most relatable animation EVER
Luo TianYi
That's a Spicy Meatball!
4 @ThisisMaya :D
Wwyd (lmt<3)
30.10.2021 20:45
30.10.2021 20:48
LinkIt was swift birthday! You wanted to surprise her! She came back home(/ur Ocs home) holding a bag, she had put the bag down and walked to you smiling and asked ‘hey! Do you perhaps, remeber anything today?” You acted like you didn’t know what she was talking about it made her sad because she thought you forgot her birthday. You felt bad but you had to keep it a surprise!
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This is how the gown looks like! https://www.google.com/search?q=a+short+gown&tbm=isch&ved=2ahukewjvsdfnsfpzahxzldqihrvicrwq2-ccegqiabaa&oq=a+short+gown&gs_lcp=cgnpbwcqazigcaaqcbaemgyiabaieb4ybggaeagqhjigcaaqcbaemgyiabaieb4ybggaeagqhjigcaaqcbaemgyiabaieb46bqgaeiaeoggiabcabbcxazoecaaqqzoecaaqgfaawnqdylchaafwahgcgahrbygb4sgsaq0wljcumc4xljaunc4xmaeaoaebqgelz3dzlxdpei1pbwewaqdaaqe&sclient=img&ei=hej9ya_bl9nz0pepm5cn4ae&bih=665&biw=1366&rlz=1catavm_enus967us969&surl=1&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=dJy8aPNldZ1PDM&imgdii=15NSzsLM3DaapM))
"She drove the car* And they came to a fancy restaurant, I made an appointment for this restaurant I needed to save my money to get here haha. *Th employee that dressed up very fancy led them into their table* The employee said "Would you like any drinks and they are fee he said softly" Sunny looked at Swift want anything any drinks? Umm what kind are there sunny said? The employee said there is jasmine tea there is taro tea and water and if you want soda you'll have to pay $5.00. Okay swift what do you want?"