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Journalist's Diary: Page 1
04.07.2021 11:29
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Oh god... finally I got one of these. I can't wait to tell you all the horrifying things that happened.. but for now I'll introduce myself. My name is //// and I'm the author of this journal, as you should know. Now things get interesting. The place that I live in is a strange place, and I've encountered many strange things. I even went to f*cking hell once! Can you believe that!? Anyways, let's start with one of the strange anomalies that I've discovered. Demons. You've heard of them, but you've never seen one, have you? Well, one of them happened to visit this place. Apparently, the demon's name was Casino Devil, but I preferred to call him C.D. He said that was fine. C.D said that he was specialized in gambling. But wait, wasn't that illegal? Well, in hell, nothing's illegal. Surprisingly enough, he had a casino down there. It was called Hell's Casino. Wow, what a great name. Must've taken you literal seconds. A Sorry, C.D knocked the thing off my hands. I'm also running out of space, so bye for now.
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