i guess no feature this year

Dragon Queen

TiGeR FaCe

idk what to draw


♫ Panda Panda Panda Panda

Cloddo Floats
Tycoon Has Awoken...


19.05.2022 04:27

(PLEASE NOTE: This is part of a larger animation for a Multi-Animator-Project I will link to in the future once all the shots are compiled in adobe premiere)

This looks insane dude and the smoothness?? literally how
and theres so mcuh detail like THEPATIENCE U MUST HAVE HOLY

It's pretty easy, actually
after finishing the line-art on two drawings/keyframes, make a copy of one, use the chisel tool to color it red (or any color, really) then create a new layer above the one you're using, and paste the other drawing there so it overlaps, but since the lines are two different colors they'll be easy to differentiate. (Usually I put the colored one on top, and sometimes I even lower the opacity to see the black lines better.) Then create a blank frame and simply draw in-between those lines, literally!
Hope this reaches you and hope this helps! <333