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"Special times"~ Apology post
26.06.2021 20:56
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Here’s a cover up post for the time being as I ask for forgiveness and understanding from those who might have a negative opinion on me and my name. Read through it if you'd like, but if you want to comment on what I have to say, please make sure you read EVERYTHING so you don't miss a beat.
26.06.2021 20:56
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I believe drama on this site splits people apart, regarding how they deal with the situation, what they say, and especially their opinions (Mostly whether or not they support the accused, or go against them) Me personally, I was in the middle lines, trying to keep everyone calm, supporting the accused mentally, in a way trying to talk them into fixing their mistakes, while still also understanding everyone’s anger and hatred towards the accused. SuperTokki specifically did some wrong things, maybe even committed a few felonies. I understood that much, but I also knew just from watching that they never meant any harm in what they were doing. I didn’t want to go against them cause I always like to see the best in someone’s actions, no matter how wrong they ended up being. In this case, I’d say Tokki wasn’t the only one in the wrong here.
26.06.2021 20:57
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I don’t want to go into much detail, because in doing so I’d be going against the point of this post, and also talking about something that has died down (Due to them announcing their leave) This goes to those who have lost my trust and understanding, and a bit to those who still support me and stand by my side. I want to apologize if I seem unreasonable in my opinions and judgements, because I too don’t mean any harm in the things I say and do.
26.06.2021 20:57
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I’ve been in two drama situations in this past year where I’ve acted as the supporter. I don’t regret that decision one bit, cause it’s in my nature to look deeper into a situation and try to understand everybody’s point of view, while also learning as I speak through with others (Which is why I post “Discussions” discussing the situation, so I can learn more while also trying to defend the one in the wrong) I’m not apologizing for supporting the accused, but I’m apologizing to those who might have grown to dislike me, or even hate me in that sense. On this site I don’t want to leave a negative opinion, I want you all to understand me in a way where you won’t be offended by what I say and do, because in the end I don’t want to offend anyone, or cause harm. My opinions will always be truthful and meaningful to who I am, not who you think I am. Think what you want of me, negative or positive, I don’t mind, cause that’s your opinion, and it’s okay to have it,
26.06.2021 20:57
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but always… on the internet and in real life, be respectful of one's opinion on something, ANYTHING… even if you don’t agree with it. I hope you can forgive and forget, and understand what I’m getting at here… I might not be in the wrong, or I might be the wrongest out of all of us, but after this I would like to reach a standing point as humans with opinions, view points, and judgement, despite the odds that often go against us. Thank you for reading. :)
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