16.12.2018 02:41
LinkLemme type.
I have heard about the whole blackfire911 rantings. I not going to say everybody has wrong opinions, I just want to say mine.
Ok, I believe what Blackfire911 did was wrong. He told somebody to go kill themselfs and it was wrong. Very wrong. Everybody should at least give him a chance to say sorry. I am mad at him too, But I do not hate him. Because first about a week or 2 ago, @Angrykid had a rant about Blackfire911 too. AngryKid got mad at him because he was saying stuff and not opolozing.
BUT OH CRAP look at this video he posted a few seconds ago.It looks like he commited suicide with a spatula. I just hope he did not commit suicide. And if the video was a joke, it is not funny AT ALL. Here is the link:
And the anim he made with the link:
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