

29.06.2022 16:07

29.06.2022 16:12
- Racist b1tches ofc, ya'll nasty.
- map supporters, wtf Dni hard fcuk you.
- under 13, no hate but i hate children lmao, if i know you you're fine you can stay.
- anyone who bashes other people for liking a fandom they don't like, not cool bro, people like other things deal. (as long as they aren't toxic ofc)
- trolls, ur annoying af.
- if you joke/tell anyone to kys. you are fcuking disgusting to me, stay away from my page, you're NOT funny.
- if you're ableist, not cool
- people that shove their religion down other's throats, i like being what i am and don't plan to change /neg
-Zoophiles, ur gross lol
- Random1204 and supporters. 1, you nasty pedo and pedo supporters. 2 if you are a supporter you automatically make me uncomfy
-YBF (your boyfriend) fans.
the game makes me uncomfy and i LIKE fcuked up shit thats saying something.
also, Peter is bald lmao hows that hot?
if my dumbass makes you uncomfy feel absolutely free to tell me and i will do what i can to fix it or ask tha

29.06.2022 16:19
Linkthat i DNI* i do NOT want you to feel unsafe on my account.
SPECIFIC PEOPLE DNI (will update when needed.)
ifollowcuties: i don't think i have to explain why but you made me uncomfy once and you kinda did some really shitty things
Melancholy-Tea: i don't vibe with your vibes.
Bannananut2 or some shit idk, Dni you make me uncomfy.

29.06.2022 16:23
LinkI have rules for my ocs
you are free to draw them as long as you credit. Except for Karma or Gore(red head up there). even if you ask its a no, don't ask why i don't have to give you a reason.
do not sexulixe my ocs, it will result in a warning or if you are a repeat offender a block. this is not a negotiable.

29.06.2022 16:27
Linkand ofc, id like to promote my other account, be sure to read the rule and shit there its a 16+ account (unless i know you and know you are mature enough for me there.)
there is no porn(even if there was its private anims.) mostly just gore and edgy shit lmao.
please call me: Gore/Gorey/Anthony/Boo
my pronouns: he/they/it
im 16 (17 in January)
Comment removed

03.07.2022 18:04
don't compare my(or other peoples) ocs to already existing characters, its fcuking rude.