25.01.2022 01:39
Linknone of my characters are tbh.
25.01.2022 01:41
Linki wanted to make an anim.
things like that just make me so mad.
if you don't know who any of the characters up there are go ahead and look for them.
this is not a negotiable thing, you will not say gross shit about my characters.
if you do, DNI if you have nothing else to say other than your gross comment screw off and don't say shit.
25.01.2022 01:53
Linkah and i almost forgot.. a few characters (Christian(sorta) and Momo) are minors, so if you say ANYTHING sexual about them you are blocked. i will not hear you out, its unacceptable.
I mean like its common sense, in all honesty your ocs are awesome and its so nice seeing someone for once who is actually willing to just make their ocs however the hell they want without just being a cookie cutter of everyone else
like dont listen to those gross little perverts even though they are, really just all over the place
they arent worth it they just try too hard to be funny
Hey uh--.... Coffee here. I just wanted to apologize for what I said, I haven't been on flipanim for awhile, I didn't realize that it was such a problem,so I apologize... You don't have to forgive me , but I just want you to know that I feel really bad and I'm sorry.