I gtg


28.02.2021 18:07
LinkIf Ryan(Aberdeen) gets on and I'm not here, tell him that I love him and not to worry too much

28.02.2021 18:29
Linki love u too baby and its kinda hard not to worry abt u when so much can go wrong....i mean i was born wit the cord wrapped around my neck....so i just wanna make sure ur loved and that u and ur daughter come out perfect

28.02.2021 18:44
Linkwhich knowing u ull always be perfect and if shes anything like u then she will be perfect too :)

28.02.2021 20:02
LinkIlysm bby

28.02.2021 20:13
Linklove u more then words could say love

28.02.2021 20:15
LinkMhm ^^