uno punch man and cool cyborg




Dragons- lurking in the dark


cutecoofee fenart :3
hi guys


29.04.2024 23:37
Linkwhoever knows what im referencing w this image ur a real one🙏 anyways lmt

29.04.2024 23:38
Linki think we as a community need to take accountability for ourselves. im so tired of seeing ppl get away with bad behavior and/or not taking accountability when called out. im exhausted, really

29.04.2024 23:40
Linklook, i dont care what people say or do since its completely out of my control, but theres a time and place. if people are having to ask others to not make fun of their vents or having to make ENTIRE posts about hating others and making fun of others, then we have a serious issue.

29.04.2024 23:42
Linkwe are all people. we are one in 8 billion. we are people. we all deserve basic decency, but i lose respect for people who treat others like shit because 'its funny'

29.04.2024 23:44
Linkmy post isnt about specific people, but its a generalized post. we all make mistakes, yes, but apologizing or feeling guilt and doing it again makes it into a bad habit.
we /cant/ go "im sorry" and hurt someone again. i learned that the really hard way with former friends. we can **** up and learn from it, or we can **** up.

29.04.2024 23:50
Linki think im going to make this my boundary post as well.
-i dont Care what people say or do, like i mentioned earlier, but i will not be comfortable with people i know harassing others for little to no reason
^^^- that being said, i will also not be dragged into yalls bullshit unless i am a direct antagonizer of said bullshit and earned a reason to be held accountable.
-i am Very Open about my trauma and my thoughts. if you are uncomfortable with me being open about my past sexual experiences, my openness with my trauma (openly talking about my self harm and suicidal tendencies), etc, then feel free to block and unfollow me. the only place i will not cater to your comforts is on the page i run

29.04.2024 23:52
Link-i will call you out if youre doing bullshit on my page. i will block you if you continue doing said behavior
otherwise, i Dont Care what yall do

29.04.2024 23:54
Linkim very frustrated and annoyed. im gonna go GOON goodbye guys