Fluffy Bear-Monster-Thing?
A Good Day!
Yakko’s world
And baby said- dance magic
02.04.2024 22:08
Linknot all of these are lined up so its kinda mixxed up !!
Comment removed
02.04.2024 22:10
LinkLuce gives me attitude alot, like just being dry whenever I'm nice to them. they asked if i was okay on a vent - and i 'IDK am i?'' and I said something cringey, and they said ''I love you too IG '' It was really annoying because wdym IG? They made posts about me apologizing to me. I they then made a post which was really really stupid and said ''Idc tbh I do but smh'' , futher on, they called me a ***** and that they shouldn't have even tried for me which made me cry so much . Luce had talked shit about me all the time to Veer, I knew he did. He was also really weird and obsessive,
Deimos-Da-Man [OP]30.11.2023 22:08
' I'm so deeply in love with you.. I want to be with you so much but you dont ever say anything i wasted 4 you because i didn't know if it was serious or not. I just want you. like i am so--- conflicted with you.
Deimos-Da-Man [OP]30.11.2023 22:15
i hate lying omfg
i cant ever get enough of u please
dont hate me i love you too much goduyg
It makes it seem obsessive in several w
02.04.2024 22:12
Linkways - firstly the luce expresses a very strong and intense want for me in their affections, saying that they 'waste 4'' me, implying that they had devoted their TIME, energy for me. Luce also expressed a sense of confliction as if they are fighting like over their love and feelings.
Luce desired to be with me at all times, like, they were thinking of me almost constantly. This is a demonstration of the overbearing sense of attachment luce had obsessed with.
They themselves, KNEW they were being a creep
But, despite their obsessive intent towards me - he always chat shit about me, they would talk about jerking off and stuff. luce ALWAYS said he wanted me badly but then acted like an absolute **** towards me all of the god damn time! they use to blame it on the person they were with before but it literally doesnt even matter.
Not only that, but Luce had said how they would carve names into their arms -
02.04.2024 22:14
Link - but , does that make me in the wrong? did i make them carve names into their arm? No. I feel like i shouldn't of flirted with them if they would be like that . i used to harm myself because i felt like i wasnt worthy for luce because i was so depressed. I don't now anymore though. Luce saw some of my posts thinking it was directed at him, no, no it wasn't but he told me to cut to my bone. i couldnt stop crying atp because i didnt do anything wrong, i was also super paranoid.
I was so obviously going through a toxic relationship and I was too vulnerable to see, they tried saying i have bad mood swings because of the things they said to me, that would've pissed ANYONE off. They literally started to make it all about them because IM sad and THAT makes them pissed off at ME. And the fact they always think my vents are about them cause if it was - i wouldve talked to them about it yet - they literally shit talk me to all of their other friends to make
02.04.2024 22:17
Link ME sound like the bad person - which im defiently not. I only replied to them with 'okay' and that was sooo bad that they had to get mad at me and they just magically stopped being my friend for no reason .
So what have I actually done wrong? that apparently i made this situation seem overly exaggerated you literally ruined my life dude!! 0_o
02.04.2024 22:20
Linki still feel super bad for making this callout bc ik u need help deimos!
02.04.2024 22:20
Linki was supposed to make this like 3 months ago or 4
02.04.2024 22:24
LinkDeimos-Da-man[OP]22.12.2023 20:12
with the way u act no one will ever love u dude tf
Deimos-Da-man[OP]22.12.2023 20:14
atp u should jus kys !!! XD
THIS IS SO OBVIOUSLY DIRECTED TOWARDS ME yk it is i hate how u try and say it isnt but it is!
02.04.2024 22:24
LinkDeimos-Da-man[OP]11.12.2023 16:58
wanna be friends with u
wanting to love u is already way gone wtf
Deimos-Da-man[OP]11.12.2023 16:59
this is aimed
dunno if this mother****er gonna even look at it tbh
Deimos-Da-man[OP]11.12.2023 17:01
sudden u a ***** to anyone
like dawg u aint funny anymore shut the **** up please
go back to how u were before
wake upfrom this,, THIS ISNT LIKE U
02.04.2024 22:27
LinkDeimos-Da-man[OP]30.11.2023 21:17
but bro didnt evenbother to just
Deimos-Da-man[OP]29.11.2023 23:43
я искренне влюблена в тебя, но ты заставляешь меня думать, что ты не чувствуешь то же самое. клянусь, я буду продолжать пытаться, пока не пойму все правильно, только для тебя.,,
Я уже начинаю чувствовать все больше и больше ревности, и я становлюсь навязчивым-- пожалуйста, я просто хочу тебя =((
Deimos-Da-man[OP]30.11.2023 21:20
fukcing hurts
пожалуйста, пришлите мне помощь it smells like someone is vaping in here
kys u rotten pigs i hate this town i hate living on the rez
Deimos-Da-man[OP]30.11.2023 21:24
thw way i knew it
i knew it
это была чертова фальшивка
sooner or later imma have имена, вырезанные на моих запястьях
and i wont be able to stop, and they will hate and i cant go on with that
it sucks it almost feels like exactly what i did to Diego
**** u karma i hate youoouyi
Deimos-Da-man[OP]30.11.2023 21:27
i could be very ****ing wrong,, но
02.04.2024 22:27
Linkwtv this russian means wth!
I'm sorry that you went through that stuff. I hope you can get pass the problems. I don't know them that much but I hope you're okay and can try to avoid them
i could hardly read because of how frustrating it sounded, but i also cannot imagine how hard it was for you. you're a very brave person and you didn't deserve that either, but i hope you are doing well.