BnHA: Chapter 5


16.02.2021 16:23
LinkChapter 4 Surprise Heroes at the Convenience store ------>

16.02.2021 16:24
LinkChapter 5
Meet Class 1-A
After Dinner last night I cleaned up the kitchen and made sure the dining room was spotless after everyone went to sleep. I set my alarm on my phone to 6:30 am, so I could make breakfast.
“Looks like there is a little bit less than a dozen eggs, maybe I can make something with that” I thought to myself as I looked through the fridge and cupboards. As I looked for ingredients. There was Sugar and unopened Mirin in the cupboard and soy sauce, dashi broth and vegetable oil in the refrigerator. Perfect ingredients for making Tamago Eggs delicious folded omelette.

16.02.2021 16:24
LinkI grabbed 8 eggs and the sugar jar, the bottle of Mirin, the container of dashi broth and vegetable oil. I mixed the ingredients together and fried it on the skillet. It was 7:00 am, “I guess I will set the table and separate the clothing to be washed when I get back from school” I sighed smiling.
I pulled out Master Shouto and my uniforms and started to iron them. I breathed in through my nose smelling the wonderful smell that the iron produces. It reminds me of the time I used to wake up every morning to my dad ironing his business clothes. It brought me comfort.
Once they were finished I layed Master Shouto’s clothes on the small table next to his door in the hallway. I put on my uniform and packed my bag, as well as Master Shouto’s.

16.02.2021 16:24
LinkMaster Shouto opened the door to his room and grabbed his uniform to change. Breakfast is still on the table, it has been there for a few minutes now and was slowly turning cold. I put the Tamago Eggs in the toaster oven on low, hoping that it would keep them warm.
An alarm clock rang, then another. “Must be Master Fuyumi and Master Natsuo awake from their slumber” I said as I opened the toaster oven door. The Egg Sushi was now hot, and ready to be eaten.
Master Shouto came out and grabbed his bag that was sitting next to the small table and was walking towards the dining room. Master Natsuo made me jump when he opened the door to exit his room, all energetic and drawn to the dining room of the smell. Master Fuyumi opened the door with a yawn, and tired eyes. It looks as if she was up for a little bit last night. Master Enji opened the door, exiting his room in annoyance.

16.02.2021 16:25
Link“He must have heard Master Natsuo come out,” I said under my breath, washing some quick dishes before I get ready to leave for school. “He is really energetic at certain times”
“Azumane-San” Master Shouto called to me as he opened the front door to leave the house.
“Coming Master Shouto, I don't want to be late on my first day” I said with a grin.
We walked on the busy sidewalk towards U.A, I remembered the time when I was about 6 years old. My parents and I would walk on this street every saturday night, smelling all of the wonderful smells of the food being prepared, and seeing all of the colorful lights in the shops. But that was almost 10 years ago, I can't remember the smells anymore in my head. I can only fantasize of what they smell like.

16.02.2021 16:25
Link “Azumane-San” Master Shouto called me as we walked together about a block away from the school. “Can you do me a favor?” He asked and I looked at him to nod my head. “Don’t call me Master Shouto in school” He started out then looked at me. “Just call me Shouto or Todoroki, to make it more natural in that environment” He said looking towards the doors of the school.
“I can do that,” I said nodding as we entered the school building. I saw people with different shaped body structures and faces walking all over the halls. I don’t know many people here, just the more popular ones.

16.02.2021 16:25
LinkI kept walking, almost reaching the 1-A classroom, until I bumped into someone, or something?
“Ahh I am so sorry, I didn't see you there” said a voice. I looked around to try to see the person who was talking, but couldn’t. I looked straight and saw what looked like a floating uniform.
“My name is Tooru Hagakure, Quirk of invisibility,” she said, grabbing my hand.
“Oh,” I say, understanding why I can’t see her. “Sorry I bumped into you, I understand why now” I laugh.
“My name is Nebae Azumane, Quirk of muscle movement” I paused after introducing myself. “I think that's what it is,” I say after walking into the classroom, finding everyone looking at me.
“Azumane-San!” Uraraka exclaimed standing up and rushing toward me at the door. I waved at her and saw Midoriya smiling, so I smiled back. “This is class 1-A, welcome” she said as she put her hand on my shoulder. “Iida will show you to your seat” she said as a boy with glasses and dark blue hair walked up to me.

16.02.2021 16:26
Link “The name is Tenya Iida, quirk is engine, you will sit behind Momo Yaoyorozu in seat number 21” he said pointing being a pretty black haired girl. “But first,” he started out motining everyone to stand up. “You must let everyone introduce themselves to you, and you to them” he said pointing at a blond haired boy to go first.
“My name is” He started out fixing his hair out of his eye. “Yuuga Aoyama!” He shouted, as if he was a movie star. “My quirk is Laser” sitting back down as a pink girl stood up.

16.02.2021 16:27
Link“My name is Mina Ashido, and my quirk is acid” she sparkled as she put her hand on her hip before sitting back down.
“My name is Tsuyu Asui, Ribbit,” she said standing up. “My quirk is frog” she said as her tongue stuck out.
“You already know me and Uraraka, so next row, go!” Iida said pointing at a boy with a tail.
“My name is Mashirao Ojiro, and my quirk is tail” the boy said standing up and sitting back down in his seat.
“You can call me Denki Kaminari!” A blond haired with a lighting strike in his hair said. “And my quirk is electricity,” he said before sitting back down.
“More like stupidity”some girl next to him said as the class all laughed. Kaminari looked embarrassed a bit.

16.02.2021 16:27
Link“The name is Eijirou Kirishima,” he said, smirking. “Quirk is rock,” he said, not even daring to stand up.
“Kouji Kouda, and my quirk is an animal calling” A boy with a strangely shaped head in my opinion said sitting back down playing with his thumbs.
“Rikidou Satou, and my quirk is Sugar Rush” a boy with large or weirdly shaped lips said.
“Mezou Shouji,” said a boy with spiky white hair in his face. It was hard for me to understand him with his mask over his face. “My quirk is Large arms”
“Kyouka Jirou, the quirk is earphone jack” she said as she sat down playing with her bangs.

16.02.2021 16:28
Link“Hanta Sero is my name and my quirk is tape” he said with a creepy smile over his face.
“Fumikage Tokoyami, and my quirk is a shadow bird” he said as I studied his face, wondering if he was bird or human.
“Shouto Todoroki, quirk is Ice”he paused then continued. “and fire” he sat back down looking at his desk.
“Tooru Hagakure, quirk of invisibility” she said. I could tell if she was smiling or not because I couldn't see her.
“Katsuki Bakugou!” the boy behind Tooru yelled, not standing up and looking gloomy. “My powerful quirk is, Explosion!” He yelled meaning that his quirk is more powerful than anyone else’s in this room.

16.02.2021 16:29
LinkIzuku Midoriya, my quirk is Super strength” he said sitting back down,
“AH, DEKU!” Bakugou yelled, turning his body to face Midoriya. “Your quirk isn’t super at all!” He yelled, starting to spark up his quirk. “You damn nerd” he said as he turned back to face the front of the class.
“My name is Minoru Mineta, and my quirk is sticky balls” a short kid said, which looked like his hair were balls.
“Momo Yaoyorozu, my quirk is creation. It is nice to meet you” She said kindly.

16.02.2021 16:29
Link“That is the entire class 1-A” Iida said as teacher Aizawa rolled into the classroom freaking me out to see his face in a huge yellow sleeping bag.
“All right” Aizawa said as he stood up hoping out of his sleeping bag. “ This is our new student, her name is Nebae Azumane” he said, as I bowed greeting all of them.
“It is very nice to meet you all,” I said, putting my head at an angle, with my finger under my lip.
“Now go sit down behind Yaoyorozu, so I can start class” He said pointing at one of the empty desks in the back row.
I walk past Momo and smile at her, she smiles back but gives me the eye meaning “stay on a small rate, I am the superior girl” it gave me the kreeps. I set my books down on my desk, as well as my pens and look at Aizawa, hoping i will get to learn more about my quirk today.

16.02.2021 16:29

16.02.2021 16:34
LinkChapter 6 ----->