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so much stress
21.02.2018 13:52
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okee, so I'm a very stressed person. I try not to let it get to me and have gotten really good at internally hiding that stress and anxiety and looking calm on the outside while at the same time internally screaming. Even though I constantly bottle feelings up and I'm used to it, I sometimes let them out. I let the stress get to me. I wanna die. Okay, so my mom set up a password and fingerprint scanner on my phone last night, but I'm going before that. I was already stressed when she did that because we had gone to a packed restraunt and I didn't even talk to anyone but it was the most social interaction I have had in months. Also, I saw so many people form my old school. My old spanish teacher worked there and I didn't know it! Anyway, so yeah, I was really anxious and (but now we're) stressed out (eeeyyy) already. So, then I had to choose a password. I did that. It's pretty hard for someone to guess but not that hard to remember. Easy. Then the fingerprints came up. (le next comment)
21.02.2018 13:56
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I have soooooooooooo many people I need to save in my phone in case of an emergency! at this rate, I won't need to socially interact with my family/ friends until next year! I have to get Christian's, my grandmother's, my grandfather's, Mary Kate's, Allysa's, Alex's, Jacob's, not Jordon's yet, I can't get my online friends, I don't want to add any of my cousins that are younger than seven, I have my sister's, my parents are in it, etc. See what I mean? At this rate with all of the people I have to store in case of an emergency I will be twenty seven. All of the planning and thinking it through and waiting, I just can't do this but I have to in case I start dying and need someone to call 911 or any help.What if I need help? What if someone else needs help? Thinking about this not only stressed me out but made me think about death and gave me an existential crisis. I need help...
21.02.2018 13:59
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And I know, I can just give people my password, it's easier. I can send it to the through text like "just in case, here's my password." but you know how bad my memory is, think of my family's! They won't bother to remember that! Everyone in my family has a selective memory and very short attention spans! They are who I get it from! They will forget it the next day! Literally last night my sister figured it out and I asked her this morning what it was and she said "wait, you have a password?" I kid you not! ugh...
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