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Chapter 9 - Warrior's Trial
23.03.2021 15:11
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Chapter 9 Stripekit, Woodkit, and Cavekit were chasing each other in the Nursery. Specklecream watched with a twitching tail. She was assigned to watch over them as their mother was hunting. “Stripekit!” She called out. The tabby she-cat looked up. “Yeah?” She squeaked. “Be careful. You were about to run into some thorns.” Stripekit looked up to see a small vine of thorns running through a crack in the wall. Specklecream swiftly got the vine torn away, “Dang rouges…” She turned to the kits, “Play outside please.” They nodded, bouncing out of the Twoleg den. Woodkit sneezed as a snowflake landed on her nose. Cavekit gasped, “Whoa! That’s so pretty!” Stripekit crouch, wriggling her hind quarters, then jumped, plopping into a mound of snow. The snow swiftly melted into her pelt, tangling it.
23.03.2021 15:12
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Berryeye laughed as she pulled the kit out, “Careful.” She purred and batted at the Elder’s nose. The Elder laughed and licked the kit, cleaning them. Russetfur, along with Blacklion and Mangledstar, walked into camp. “Finally you’re back!” Croaked Berryeye. The three cats were carrying prey, such as rats and mice. “Food!” Cheered Cavekit, who pranced around gleefully. Russet fur purred, putting the prey on the fresh-kill pile. “Russetfur! May I get a mouse?” “Sure.” Cavekit scooped up the largest mouse, and dragged it to his siblings with a smile. Woodkit blinked. “It’s so big!” “I’m sure we can all eat it all if mom helps us!” Russetfur shook her head. “I’m not hungry right now. But I’m sure Corktail would like some.” “Alright!” Cavekit nodded as he began to eat. Stripekit and Woodkit joined in besides him. Corktail left out a hearty laugh, "Mind if I can take a leg?” “Sure!” Woodkit squeaked.
23.03.2021 15:12
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Corktail ate a piece off, “Thanks… Say, are you guys excited to learn how to hunt?” “Already?” “I’m just saying, I could teach you some things before you turn into apprentices.” Stripekit looked up. “Really!?” “Yeah! I want you to be the best.” Russetfur purred as she wrapped her tail around Cavekit. Cavekit looked up and smirked, “I’m going to be the best Apprentice ever!” Stormhawk, who was guarding the camp entrance, perked his ears as he heard a rustling in the bushes. “Hm?” Gingerfur sniffed out, she was guarding with the new Warrior. Three cats came out of the bushes. A light gray tabby she-cat, a light brown tabby tom, and a dark brown tom with black paws and a lighter muzzle. Gingerfur growled, “Who are you? Kittypets?!” The dark brown tom growled. “Like we would ever live with Twolegs.” “Who are you?!” She demanded. “I thought you would recognize us by now.” The she-cat said. “We’re Platty, Fern, and Braken.”
23.03.2021 15:12
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“I don’t care for not recognizing you Loners.” She huffed. “Rogues, not Loners.” Braken hissed. “Same deal.” “Anyway, we want to talk to your Leader.” “And why?” “Because. There’s a Kittypet asking to see one of your Clanmates.” She rolled her eyes, “Show me the Kittypet first.” “Well he’s not here.” “You won’t get in.” “Is the cat even here? He’s asking for a cat named Trubbish.” “I have no idea who that is. Beat it.” She hissed. Platty puffed out his chest. “We’re not leaving till we talk to your Leader.” “Well. Guess we were both staying here for a while.” Braken growled. Gingerfur snapped and hissed, ready to attack. Stormhawk rolled hissed eyes. “This is useless.” “Then be useful and tell Mangledstar about this.”
23.03.2021 15:12
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Stormhawk’s tail lashed as he walked into camp. Russetfur, and Corktail were finishing their meal with their kits, cuddling together. Blacklion was next to Mangledstar, discussing with him and Specklecream. The black tom walked over, twitching one of his crooked ears. “Mangledstar.” “We’re busy.” Croaked Blacklion. “With what?” Stormhawk asked. “Discussion… Now. What is it?” “Three Rogues are looking for someone.” “Who’s that someone?” “Trubbish…?” “We don’t have anyone here named Trubbish...” Stormhawk nodded. “Ok Sir.” He padded back over to the Rogues and Gingerfur. Gingerfur hissed, “What did Mangledstar say?” The black tom’s crooked ear twitched. “We have no cat named Trubbish.” “Fine.” Platty said, turning around. “Come on, Fern, Braken.” Gingerfur hissed and shook her head, “Go forever.” Stormhawk watched as the last light brown tail disappeared into the bushes. He turned to Gingerfur. “Did you have to be so aggressive?”
23.03.2021 15:12
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“You’ll understand.” She huffed, and turned, revealing her scars. He blinked. “How did you get those? I’ve never seen them before!” “We barely ever hang around.” She commented. “So, who gave you the scars?” She shook her head, “Wretched old Leafclan.” The black tom shifted closer. “Was there a big fight?” “Yes. I was kept prisoner .” Her fur stood, just thinking about the capture. “Was your brother also kept prisoner?” “Nope. Just me and my mentor.” She had a sour expression. “I bet Rustyear was really worried about you.” “He was… He… Killed a warrior for me.” “No way! … Why were you and your mentor prisoners in the first place?” “We tried to cut through their side of the river as a shortcut to Meadowcan.” Stormhawk blinked. “That’s why? That seems so mouse-brained!” She snorted, “Back then it was common.” His eyes clouded. “When I was Stormkit, and earlier Stormpaw, there were so many more cats in our Clan. Then the storm happened…” “I know… It made everything so different.”
23.03.2021 15:13
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“At least there’s less mouths to fill.” “But less hunters.” “I guess so.” She sighed, “My mentor was the best hunter ever. He almost got attacked by Leafclan because he ‘stole’ too many fish.” “He was Littlebush, wasn’t he?” “Yup… Why do you ask?” “Because I was making sure I remembered your mentor right.” “Well… He was the best. I’m confused on why he was never made Leader.” Stormhawk shrugged. “I’m sure Blacklion would be a great Leader..” “But he’s only Deputy now because Willowdusk is missing.” “I doubt she’ll be back.” “Why’s that?” “It’s a dangerous world…” “But she’s tough.” “The world is tougher.” “Do you not like her or something?” “I like her.”
23.03.2021 15:13
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“And yet you think she won’t make it back?” “So? I don’t think any cat would make it back.” “Do you think… Do you think some of them became Kittypets?” “Most likely. It’s easier.” Stormhawk thought for a moment, then shook his head. “There’s no way!” “Yes way! So many warriors turn into Kittypets more than you like…” “Anyway.” He said, standing up. “Wanna practice fighting?” “Sure.”
23.03.2021 15:14
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Chapter 8:
23.03.2021 15:14
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Everything From Warrior's Thunder:
26.03.2021 15:16
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Chapter 10:
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