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Chapter 10 - Warrior's Trial
26.03.2021 15:14
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Chapter 10 Fernkit was sleeping, curled up with Owlkit and Vinekit, her back against Webtail’s side. All was peaceful. Rubystar gently watched them with soft glowing eyes, staring down at Vinekit in particular. Nightflower was at the entrance of the den. “Whatcha doin’ Rubystar?” “I have a feeling about that kit.” She padded in. “Why’s that?” “I just do. I also have a feeling with all the kits… I want to talk to all of Webtail’s kits.” “Well, I suggest you talk to them after their nap.” “I could be dead by then. I’m old, old, old.” Nightflower huffed. “I doubt it.” “Oh shush. Let me handle this.” She walked towards the kits. Fernkit yawned and turned over, still sleeping. She gently prodded her side. The brown she-cat opened her green eyes. Rubystar gently smiled. “Wanna take a walk with me?” The little kit got up and stretched. “I guess so.” She smiled, as she led the kit into a nice tunnel, filled with crystals and waterfalls. “So, how are you?”
26.03.2021 15:14
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“Kinda tired, but I’m waking up.” “Did you dream?” “Yeah. I was chasing a lizard.” “Do you think it has meaning?” “No.” “Everything has meaning.” “It was just a lizard.” “Maybe the lizard was a herb?” She shook her head as she licked her paw. Rubystar sighed, “Ferns can be used as herbs.” “Ok?” “Do you think you could be a Medicine Cat?” “I’ve never thought about it but… I would much rather be a Warrior.” “If you say so… I see a nice destiny for you.” “You do?” “Yes… Yes, dear.” “Fernkit!” A voice called from outside the den. “She’s with me!” Called out Rubystar. Tallpine poked his head inside. “She’s supposed to be sleeping.” “She’s fine.” “Are you sure?” “Yes. Why wouldn’t I be sure?” “I dunno.”
26.03.2021 15:14
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“Come here.” The tom’s ear flicked as he padded into the den. She sat down, “Where do you see your kits in the future?” “Hunting and training as Warriors.” “Nothing more? No traveling? No Leaders?” “I would assume they stay close to home. And I doubt that they will live long enough to become leaders.” “If you say so.” She huffed. “Why ask? Where do you see them?” “In my dreams.” “Way to be clear, Rubystar.” Tallpine mumbled. “I heard that.” “I didn’t think you wouldn’t.” “I know, fool.” Tallpine rolled his eyes and stalked out of the den. "Now, kit.” Fernkit looked up at the old she-cat. The elder smiled softly, “What do you think of Starclan?” “They’re our dead ancestors.” “And they give us great wisdom.” “They do?”
26.03.2021 15:14
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“Yes, they give wisdom primarily to Medicine Cats, and Leaders…” “Then what does that have to do with me?” “I believe each kit should have a talk with a Leader, to share wisdom.” “I haven’t talked to Starclan.” “So?” “So then why would I talk to Quartzfur?” “Quartzstar.” A voice corrected her from the entrance of the den. Brisknose walked in. “And I'm a former leader.” “Yes Rubystar, I think we can tell that by your name.” “Starclan has allowed it.” Brisknose only rolled his eyes as Jasperwhisker walked into the den behind her. "What is the kit doing here?” “I don’t know. Rubystar’s the one who took her in here.” “Because, I just want to talk to the kits." “It’s dangerous here.” Brisknose meowed. “And I can keep them safe.” “I don’t think Webtail would want her here.” “She’ll have to pause her concern.” “What for?”
26.03.2021 15:14
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Annoyed Rubystar meowed, “Nevermind. Just take her back.” “Ok.” Brisknose nodded as he picked up the little brown kit by her scruff. “Hey!” She squeaked, trying to bat her tiny paws at his nose. Brisknose ignored her struggling as he brought her back into the Nursery cave. Jasperwhisker was cuddling with her kits, “Good. The kit is back.” The gray tom put the little kit on the ground. Webtail looked up from grooming Owlkit and Vinekit. Vinekit squeaked, “Welcome back.” "Hi Vinekit!” Fernkit mewed to her brother. “Where were you?” "With Rubystar.” “Why?” "I don’t know.” “Just, go back to sleep.” Yawned Jasperwhisker. “Fine.” Fernkit mumbled as she layed down and tucked her paws under her. She sighed and hung her head tiredly. ***
26.03.2021 15:14
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In the she-cat den in the Rogueclan cave, Willowdusk was resting her head on the small ledge just by the entrance of the den. The den smelt like dust as dawn crept up, little rays of the sunkist beams trinkled through. Only Twig and Dove were there, along with a heavily pregnant Milk, excluding the prisoners. Applestar heaved out a sigh. Willowdusk heard him through the wall separating the two dens. “How are you doing, Applestar?” “Tired. I'm uncomfy. You?” “I wouldn’t mind a change of scenery.” She thought for a moment. “Or fresh bedding.” “We could yell at Milk to do it. She's timid.” “Wouldn’t Twig or the other she-cat be faster?” “We could try.” Applestar gaze fell ahead towards the other cats, their guards. “Dove! Twig!” The pretty she-cat looked up from grooming her fluffy tail. “Yes?” “May we get more bedding?” “Sure!” She got up and walked into the forest, outside of the cave. Applestar blushed, and blinked, “I can't see why she's with the rouges.”
26.03.2021 15:15
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Willowdusk licked her paw and drew it over her ear. “Maybe they did something for her.” “Like force her here?” “No, like they saved her or something.” “Oh. That’s more reasonable. Like Robin.” “Robin? The Medicine Cat? What did they do for him? I like gossip, if you haven't noticed.” “Ice saved him from a badger when it was a kit!” “Really!?” “Yes! It’s crazy!” “I’ve never even seen a badger before.” Willowdusk closed her eyes, her mind flashing back to her Twoleg den. ‘Come on Peep! Come play with a string with me!’ “They’re the worst, they kill, eat, steal”- Applestars voice drowned out, as Willowdusk received more catches. Some memories flashed around to frogien kids grabbing her, touching her, as the blonde Twoleg made huffing sounds that sounded like amusement. All so, so loud. Suddenly- “Here.” Twig dropped moss right in front of her.
26.03.2021 15:15
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The calico she-cat blinked, the memories still in the back of her mind. “What? Oh- Thanks.” She grabbed the moss through the gaps of the den’s barrier with her paws as she wished she had front claws. She then took the heap of moss into her mouth, carrying it to the other she-cat in the den- Teddypelt, Sleekshine, Emeraldspeck, and Oceanfoot. Oceanfoot was bleakley nibbling on the bones of a rat, as if it would grow meat again if she kept gnawing on it. She glanced up. “Oh hi, Willowdusk.” “I got new bedding for our nests.” “Want me to do it?” She stood. “If you want, Eh?” “Eh, sure. Just give it to me.” Willowdusk nudged the moss towards the white calico she-cat with her nose. The white calico followed up with her plan, making neat nice beds. She added in a few feathers she had stolen. She weaved sticks into the moss beddings, making them have a rim around. Emeraldspeck tiredly opened her eyes. She had just woken from a nap. “Emearldspeck?” Oceanfoot asked out.
26.03.2021 15:15
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“Yes?” “Do you happen to know where any poppyseeds are? My chest hurts.” “No.” She got up and shook her fur. “It’s not like these cats give me any herbs anyway.” "Dang. Looks like I'll have to ask or steal some…” “There’s no way to get out of this den though.” “Have we tried climbing?” She pointed her tail up, where there was a small break of the ceiling. Only a small apprentice could break through. “I doubt we could fit.” She twitched her fluffy stud tail. “What if we try to damage it?” “I guess we could try.” “Should we throw rocks?” “If we can find any.” "Right…. Clawing it?” “No… That would break our claws.”
26.03.2021 15:15
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"Well,” She huffed, “I'm out of ideas.” “Maybe Sleekshine is small enough to get through.” “Try?” Emeraldspeck looked around until she saw the gray tabby she-cat. “Sleekshine!” “Can you go through the rip in the ceiling?” Sleekshine tilted up her head. “Hmm… I think so.” “Try, now.” Sleekshine nodded, crouching down, then leaping onto ledges that reached up to the crack in the roof. Almost, her hind legs got stuck. She reached one of her fore paws up and hooked it on the side of the crack. Then, with a pop and a hard squeeze- She felt the fresh air. “I’m out!” She whispered to the other she-cats below her. “Get the Leaders here!” Oceanfoot called out. “Er- I don’t know where we are.” “Follow the river upwards.” “River… River…” Sleekshine peered around. “There’s… No river.”
26.03.2021 15:16
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Chapter 9:
26.03.2021 15:16
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Everything From Warrior's Thunder:
03.04.2021 04:19
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Chapter 11:
26.03.2021 22:31
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you should make this a book in Irl bc I would read it ^^
26.03.2021 22:32
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I do rn but more veryday :3
26.03.2021 22:35
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Actually, me and my friend are writing it on a google doc
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