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christians r dumb read below
22.07.2020 08:35
LinkThe concept of the "Trinity" took several hundred years to fully develop and so was not added by any single person in particular. The three "persons" who make up the modern orthodox Christian version of the Trinity (there are still branches of Christianity which don't accept the orthodox formulation) are all mentioned in some way in the New Testament. What was bitterly disputed for centuries was whether they were connected as a Godhead at all and, if so, how. There were early forms of Christianity which wholly rejected the idea that Jesus was God at all and insisted on a more traditional Jewish conception of the Messiah as simply a man ordained and anointed by God or perhaps as a heavenly or angelic being sent by God in human form. This form of Christianity, preached by the Ebionites, Nazoraeans, and some others survived into at
22.07.2020 08:36
Linkleast the Fourth Century. Some were reverting to a more Jewish conception of the Messiah but it is believed by many modern scholars that the Ebionites' claim to be descended from relatives of Jesus and therefore to be the original form of the Jesus sect has merit. By the Second Century, however, the idea that Jesus was in some sense divine had well and truly taken hold in gentile Christianity. The main dispute then became in what sense he was divine. Adoptionists believed that Jesus was divine but that he only became so at his baptism. So they accepted that he is God but believed that he was not always so and that he was therefore not fully equal with God. The fact that the Gospel of Mark indicates Jesus' baptism as the point where he became the Messiah and that several passages in Paul's epistles indicate Paul believed Jesus
22.07.2020 08:37
Linkbecame God's anointed at his resurrection gave the proponents of this view some scriptural basis. Over the next two centuries, various forms of Modalism developed, arguing that God could only ever be one and so the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit could only be "aspects" or "masks" of the unity that is God as perceived by the observer/believer and not separate beings in any sense. Then there was Arianism, which accepted that the Son was divine but "proceeded from the Father", so he was not eternal and co-equal with him. The poor relation in all versions of the Trinity and debates about it is the "Holy Spirit". In Judaism, the רוח הקודש or "Ruach ha-Kodesh" was the divine property of prophecy and wisdom
22.07.2020 08:38
Linkand therefore the active element of Yahweh in the world. It's in this purely Jewish sense that most of the references to this "holy spirit" of Yahweh in the New Testament are meant - 2Corinthians 13:14 only looks like a Trinitarian formula now; no Jew of Paul's time would have interpreted it that way at all or would have even dreamed of doing so (ditto for Matt 28:19). Once Christianity drifted from its Jewish roots, however, the subtle distinction between an active aspect of God in the world and another form and then eventual a "person" of God quickly became blurry and was lost altogether. By the Second Century the idea that there was, in some sense, a Trinity was dominant and other conceptions of Christianity were being marginalized and dismissed as "heresies". But there still followed
22.07.2020 08:38
Linkseveral centuries of struggle over which of the competing conceptions of this Trinity was "correct". After Constantine legalized Christianity in 312 AD he was not pleased that his new faith was riven with divisions, so he called the Council of Nicea to settle the disputes over the nature of the Trinity. The Orthodox view won out over its then main rival, Arianism. But Arianism then got the support of several of Constantine's successors and staged a comeback. Even after Arianism was finally marginalized, non-Arian Christianity has then divided again, this time over the question of whether Jesus had one divine nature (Monophysitism) or human and divine nature at the same time (the Chalcedonian position). Disputes over this and similar variations on Trinitarian doctrines continued for centuries and often resulted in schisms and, occasionally, persecutions. What is clear is that the whole idea of a Trinity evolved over centuries and what
22.07.2020 08:39
Linkis clear is that the whole idea of a Trinity evolved over centuries and what has emerged as the "orthodox" position held by most Christian churches today did so more as a result of luck, violent debate, imperial power, and occasionally violence, conflict, and torture. Claims made by modern conservative Christians that the orthodox position is somehow "clearly" the right one are undermined by this history of conflict and violence - if it was so "clear" there would not have been this welter of disputes and conflicting positions. For a good introduction to the varied forms of early Christianity and the earlier Trinitarian positions see Bart Ehrman Lost Christianities: The Battle for Scripture and the Faiths We Never Knew and for the later disputes see Richard E. Rubenstein When Jesus Became God
22.07.2020 08:39
LinkThe Struggle to Define Christianity in the Last Days of Rome. As for "explaining it" and the "need" for Jesus or the Holy Spirit, only a believer in these odd concepts can do that - I can't. I'd say the reason the whole concept has such a history of conflict and dispute and is so theologically incoherent is that it evolved out of a jumble of inconsistent ideas and traditions, to begin with. It seems incoherent because it is.
22.07.2020 08:40
22.07.2020 09:23
LinkHoly- bruh are you an re teacher or something
22.07.2020 13:56
Linkjust... please don't. Seriously, there are more Christians out there thank you think, and I promise you just offended a whole lot of people (Christian or not) seriously, this really offended me. i'm a christian, and... this was very offensive. i could preach to you, but i'm not going to because i've learned that makes things SO much worse. Just... if you hate christians so much, keep it you yourself. No one needs to know what groups you support and which ones you don't. I've said all i need to say. I just want you to stop, please.
Have a blessed day. God loves you all <3
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30.07.2020 00:39
LinkI'm too lazy to read that christiansrdumb
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16.09.2020 01:53
Linkplz watch ur words.
16.09.2020 11:24
Linkim actually a christian and u have made millions out there feel hopeless. Please if u wanna talk about this stuff,talk about it some where else. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16
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okay first off, satan doesn't actually "possess" you, he puts evil thoughts into your head
second off, you gotta at least give credit at how much effort they put into this paper. I know how unbelievable they are by trying to "cancel" christianity but just think: this is 2020, we have the right to believe in whatever we believe.
Instead of being rude saying that they won't make a difference, praise them for the amount of research they put in this or simply ignore it
We have the right to believe in whatever we want
This is the year 2020
we have our own beliefs. If somebody thinks christians are dumb then that's their own thing they believe in. If somebody reads the bible everyday and prays every hour, then that's their own belief
i completely understand everything even though im 12. Instead of getting on to somebody because of their beliefs, either ignore it or support it. It's completely your choice in what you believe in
" im not arguing with you anymore"
contridictions in the bible
GE 1:3-5 On the first day, God created light, then separated light and
GE 1:14-19 The sun (which separates night and day) wasn't created until
the fourth day.
GE 1:11-12, 26-27 Trees were created before man was created.
GE 2:4-9 Man was created before trees were created.
GE 1:20-21, 26-27 Birds were created before man was created.
GE 2:7, 19 Man was created before birds were created.
GE 1:24-27 Animals were created before man was created.
GE 2:7, 19 Man was created before animals were created.
GE 1:26 Man is to have dominion over fish, birds, cattle, and all wild animals, yet--
GE 2:15-17 It is wrong to be able to tell good from evil, right from wrong.
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bruh, they can have their own opinion you don't have to believe what they say,"no one asked" is dumb in my opinion- again you don't have to agree but like if someone was shot and they told you "I've been shot" then you don't just say "no one asked" ,right? idk I just hate when people say that- the point is to show what they are showing as they said they believe that it is a false religion, but people believe in god- in conclusion people have different mindsets and different beliefs, we aren't ever going to think the same because we are humans- obviously.
being christian has made me suicidal and it hurt me and my family wahhhH!!!!@@!!!!!
seriously tho
being christian isnt bad shut the **** up before i call your jew mommy
contridictions of the bible
GE 1:3-5 On the first day, God created light, then separated light and darkness.
GE 1:14-19 The sun (which separates night and day) wasn't created until the fourth day.
GE 1:11-12, 26-27 Trees were created before man was created.
GE 2:4-9 Man was created before trees were created.
GE 1:20-21, 26-27 Birds were created before man was created.
GE 2:7, 19 Man was created before birds were created.
GE 1:24-27 Animals were created before man was created.
GE 2:7, 19 Man was created before animals were created.
GE 1:26 Man is to have dominion over fish, birds, cattle, and all wild animals, yet--
GE 2:15-17 It is wrong to be able to tell good from evil, right from wrong.
GE 1:26-27 Man and woman were created at the same time.
GE 2:7, 21-22 Man was created first, woman sometime later.
GE 1:28 God encourages reproduction.
LE 12:1-8 God requires purification rites following childbirth which, in effect, makes childbirth a sin. (Note: The period for purification following the birth of a daughter is twice that for a son.)
GE 1:31 God was pleased with his creation.
GE 6:5-6 God was not pleased with his creation.
(Note: That God should be displeased is inconsistent with the concept of omniscience as well as with the fact that God allegedly does not change his mind: NU 23:19-20, 1SA 15:29, JA 1:17.)
GE 2:4, 4:26, 12:8, 22:14-16, 26:25 God was already known as "the Lord" (Jahveh or Jehovah) much earlier than the time of Moses.
EX 6:2-3 God was first known as "the Lord" (Jahveh or Jehovah) at the time of the Egyptian Bondage, during the life of Moses.
GE 2:17 Adam was to die the very day that he ate the forbidden fruit.
GE 5:5 Adam lived 930 years.
GE 2:15-17, 3:4-6 It is wrong to want to be able to tell good from evil.
HE 5:13-14 It is immature to be unable to tell good from evil.
GE 4:4-5 God prefers Abel's offering and has no regard for Cain's.
2CH 19:7, AC 10:34, RO 2:11 God shows no partiality. He treats all alike.
GE 4:9 God asks Cain where his brother Able is.
PR 15:3, JE 16:17, 23:24-25, HE 4:13 God is everywhere. He sees everything. Nothing is hidden from his view.
GE 4:16 Cain went away (or out) from the presence of the Lord.
JE 23:23-24 A man cannot hide from God. God fills heaven and earth.
GE 6:3 The Lord said, "My spirit will not be in man forever, for he is only flesh; so the days of his life will be a hundred and twenty years."
GE 9:29 Noah lived nine hnndred and fifty years.
GE 6:4 There were Nephilim (giants) before the Flood.
GE 7:21 All creatures other than Noah and his clan were annihilated by the Flood.
NU 13:33 There were Nephilim after the Flood.
GE 6:6. EX 32:14, NU 14:20, 1SA 15:35, 2SA 24:16 God does change his mind.
NU 23:19-20, 1SA 15:29, JA 1:17 God does not change his mind.
GE 6:19-22, 7:8-9, 7:14-16 Two of each kind are to be taken, and are taken, aboard Noah's Ark.
GE 7:2-5 Seven pairs of some kinds are to be taken, and are taken, aboard the Ark.
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Like imaging someone said cancel america, go like live Canada now
(As in believe in what u don't believe in
Just mentioning because you think that you are gonna cancel Christianity because of one post, you'd be wished upon a shooting star that poked you right up your brain, you think that everyone actually will see this when they won't, you surely might get a few people to agree with you, but your point is absolutely useless because no one else in the world would find this small website if they tried lol, only a few thousand people actually use Flipanim, and only like 4% is trolls like you that either bully, or do this.
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Keep your opinions to yourself.
We don't care.
Stop creating even more fa drama
We don't need it 💅💅💅
Stop trying to get people to dislike Christians
'Christianity is already cancelled!!1+'
It really isn't.
GE 7:1 Noah was righteous.
JB 1:1,8, JB 2:3 Job was righteous.
LK 1:6 Zechariah and Elizabeth were righteous.
JA 5:16 Some men are righteous, (which makes their prayers effective).
1JN 3:6-9 Christians become righteous (or else they are not really Christians).
RO 3:10, 3:23, 1JN 1:8-10 No one was or is righteous.
GE 7:7 Noah and his clan enter the Ark.
GE 7:13 They enter the Ark (again?).
GE 11:7-9 God sows discord.
PR 6:16-19 God hates anyone who sows discord.
GE 11:9 At Babel, the Lord confused the language of the whole world.
1CO 14:33 Paul says that God is not the author of confusion.
GE 11:12 Arpachshad [Arphaxad] was the father of Shelah.
LK 3:35-36 Cainan was the father of Shelah. Arpachshad was the grandfather of Shelah.
LE 3:17 God himself prohibits forever the eating of blood and fat.
MT 15:11, CN 2:20-22 Jesus and Paul say that such rules don't matter--they are only human injunctions.
LE 19:18, MT 22:39 Love your neighbor [as much as] yourself.
1CO 10:24 Put your neighbor ahead of yourself.
LE 21:10 The chief priest is not to rend his clothes.
MT 26:65, MK 14:63 He does so during the trial of Jesus.
LE 25:37, PS 15:1, 5 It is wrong to lend money at interest.
MT 25:27, LK 19:23-27 It is wrong to lend money without interest.
NU 15:24-28 Sacrifices can, in at least some case, take away sin.
HE 10:11 They never take away sin.
NU 25:9 24,000 died in the plague.
1CO 10:8 23,000 died in the plague.
NU 30:2 God enjoins the making of vows (oaths).
MT 5:33-37 Jesus forbids doing so, saying that they arise from evil (or the Devil).
Ok since when we're u a profit and where did u get the idea u were high enough in power to change anything. Wtf is this fake into
Like u need to understand the bible it's confusing like if u knew u where gonna get this much hate y go thru so much work
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alright, in my religion, it says that any other religion who believes in a god is enough to go into heaven. You might not believe in the right god but at least you do believe in one. It's supper looked down upon to hate on other religions, it doesn't make you a better person and in fact, does quite the opposite. yea?
Either I have been on the internet for way too long or being 14 is a weird thing to go through (well obviously considering you're 'old' but eh.)
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What would you do if i told you that i wanted to die. ☠️ Would you even care? 🤷🏻♀️ Now that i think about it, you probably wouldn’t. 🙍🏻♀️ ——— hit or miss? 👊 I guess that never miss, huh?🤷🏻♀️ You got a boyfriend?💏 I bet he doesn’t kiss ya! 🏃🏻♂️ Mwah!💋 He gonna find another girl, 👫 And he wont miss ya. 🙅🏻♀️ He gonna skrt, 🚗 Then hit the dab like wiz khalifa! 👊 ——— How do you call your lover boy? ❤️ Come here lover boy! 😽 And if he doesn’t awnser? 🙀 Oh lover boy? 😻 And if he still doesn’t awnser? 😾 Then i simply say, Ba-by! ❤️💋 ——— You wanna go get something to eat? 🍕 Sure bro, can i take my sister? 😄 No dude it’s bro time- 🙅🏻♂️ Yea sure, she can come!❤️ ——— Take me to your xbox 🎮 To play fortnite today! 🇫 You can take me to moisty mire, 🚌 But not loot lake! 🤽 I'd really like to, ❤ Chug jug with you 🍺 We can be pro fortnite gamers! 🎮 ——— Bring it around now! 👋 Lah dah, 🤔 Duh dah dah dah dah, 🙇 dah dah dah dah duh duh dah! 😦 🔫 Ladies! 👧 Lah dah, 🤔 Duh dah dah dah dah, 🙇 dah dah dah dah duh duh dah! 😦 🔫 Good
This kids skull is to thicc he just won't listen to an of the good stuff, so to narrow it down its bs, so I'm leaving, reporting, and never visiting again
martha😁was🥰an🙃average🐕dog. she went💨aërf🍒&🤕ærph😪&👻eeeer🤠when👧🏻she👄ate🤏🏻some🤖alphabet👽soup,🐶then🧦what🌸happened🌚was🌈bizarre🧽
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I’m Christian and gay what’s your point? If you also do a sin that’s why we pray to god to wash our sin but being gay is something he can’t control god loves everyone but that’s why mixing sexuality and religion too is a sensitive concept uh the first amendment says
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances
So basically you can exercise your religion but you cant offend others so search your religion.
It's okay to have your own opinion. If you don't like Christianity, that's fine. But you shouldn't force those opinions upon others. Although I'm not that religious, some people's lives changed for the better because of religion.
For example, Louie Zamperini was a POW in WW2. He had PTSD and lashed out at everyone around him. He hated Christianity at first because he thought that God was "toying with him." When he became a Christian, however, he finally found peace and happiness in his life.
I am not christian but WTF shut up this is wrong, you might believe that god is not real SHOULD WE MAKE FUN OF YOU??
This still goin on huh
Pls keep your opinions to yourself
You should know Christianity is a big religion with lots of believers
Obviously you’ll get hate from it
you guys dont actully know i study this stuff i dont care if ppl are still christian i just want them to see that the bible is a peice of trash and paul never really met jesus there so much proof for this and if the bible was the real book of god then why did paul timothy john etcetera have to write it for him ? lmao and the bible has over 50 thousand contridictions in it and thousands of errors and if you read the bible in its original laungege aramaiec you will see that the person who translated the bible to english lied about alot of stuff because in the original laungege of the bible aramaec jesus never said he was god there were so many things changed but christian pastors dont allow ppl to read the bible in its original laungege aramaec because they will see the truth and that the bible was translated wrongly and i really dont care what you ppl think im not gonna stop doiung this i can do whatever i want so leave me alone im trying to show people that christianity is a peace of trash religion :)))
You’re causing unnecessary stuff here just so you kno
But also no one will actually change their mind. It’s like trying to tell everyone this is an only animating site while everyone here draws. This is stupid if you ask me. even if you don’t care abt what ppl say, you’re offending a group of ppl, and that isn’t a good convenience. It’s pointless anyway.
As I said you aren’t changing anyone’s mind.
No one cares..?
It’s f a i t h. Duh.
This whole thing is so dumb. You say people believing is dumb, and here you are doing this lol. Sure I don’t agree w lots of things there, but people don’t always believe that.
“Just because you have an opinion (even stated with facts), does not mean you should force it upon others.”
What you’re saying is like
‘Air isn’t real. It’s invisible it doesn’t make sense it’s fake.’ But it’s your opinion so eh
hmm, well I believe in God, but i do not have a specific christian religion.
I love God, but I don't believe all religions of Christianity are right.
You do not hate on others for something they believe in.
I will forgive you, wholeheartedly, but change your viewpoint, and stop trying to force your views on others.
Again, I forgive you, just stop, please.
you guys dont actully know i study this stuff i dont care if ppl are still christian i just want them to see that the bible is a peice of trash and paul never really met jesus there so much proof for this and if the bible was the real book of god then why did paul timothy john etcetera have to write it for him ? lmao and the bible has over 50 thousand contridictions in it and thousands of errors and if you read the bible in its original laungege aramaiec you will see that the person who translated the bible to english lied about alot of stuff because in the original laungege of the bible aramaec jesus never said he was god there were so many things changed but christian pastors dont allow ppl to read the bible in its original laungege aramaec because they will see the truth and that the bible was translated wrongly and i really dont care what you ppl think im not gonna stop doiung this i can do whatever i want so leave me alone im trying to show people that christianity is a peace of trash religion :)))
im not christian because my phobic mother says that trans people and gay people are against god
but I really dont see a problem with people believing in it,
sure its a pretty ****ed up religion (the bible says that god encouraged multiple men and angels to rape women at one point)
but keep in mind the christianity today is not about that
they dont pay attention to the bad parts when teaching it but thats probably good
I come from a christian family and they're generally nice people
but I dont think its right to say that its wrong to believe in god and heavily enforce it, and vice versa, if people choose to worship that religion, let them be,if not thats cool too
I really dont think you should be posting this on other peoples pages either
im not sure what your trying to do but you are genuinely upsetting a lot of people, just, let people do what they want, let people believe in what they want, and not believe in what they want
just saying that you claim to have studied religion doesnt mean others are less valid for believing in what they want
there are multiple branches of christianity and they all have different belief systems
just because you think its wrong or dumb or whatever doesnt mean other people are invalid
making people feel bad and acting like a troll isnt gonna help your situation either
and I would like to see if your sources for your research are actually credible as well, because Im curious where you got this information
1. Who asked?
2. What did we do to piss you off so much?
3. Sure, there are contradictions, but there are most likely contradictions in other religions as well.
4. I highly doubt you'll cancel an entire religion with millions of people following said religion by posting this into a small website.
I'm not saying you have to believe, but trust me on this, Christianity is NOT canceled. Most likely BILLIONS of people are in the religion. And sure, 15 million might leave, according to you, but you don't take into consideration the amount of people who join. Plus, I'm not abandoning my Christianity because of some probably 9 year old with a 7 year old's spelling post on the internet. Plus, what facts do you have?
the facts r the first comments i made wich i have copied and pasted from my gramerlly im not here to argue with ppl and i should nmot have put the title "christians are dumb" but all im here for is to show people what kind of a religion christianity is im not here to argue i anna ask people questions abt christianity and if they ever read the whole bible because all what you guys do is belive and thats it
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Okay, disregard the first comment I made.
I believe you researched things, I believe you found everything wrong with the Bible, congratulations.
But you’re missing the point of the religion.
I doubt I’m going to get through to you, but Christians teach and believe in acceptance and kindness and, honestly, how to be a good person.
Even if it is fake, isn’t that a good thing? Why are you so angry about it?
thats just my opinion and what i reaserched from the bible but it seems like i actully pulled errors an condritictions from the bible and it dosent matter where i got allof this info from i just want to show people that christianity is not actully the religion of god and ALL of this ifno is actully from the bible itself and not just taking b's from websites and its obviosly clear that none of you on this site actully read the bible you guys think im just here to hate but this is actully the truth.
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Corona corona corona corona corona
One wash your hands
Two,dont touch me.
Three,wear a mask
But only if you got the virus
One,wash your hands
Two,dont touch me
Three,wear a mask
Four,dont touch me
Dont touch me,Dont touch me,Dont touch me,Dont touch me!!
Ha—! Ha—!
Dont Touch Me
Quarantine is Boring,huh?
But if there are memes,it should be good,no?
The best thing to do is to wash your hands and stay at home
cool cool nobody cares
just let people do them
what are you gonna cancel next, refrencing? digital art? evolution? vaccines? round earth? masks? hand sanitizer?
you guys dont actully know i study this stuff i dont care if ppl are still christian i just want them to see that the bible is a peice of trash and paul never really met jesus there so much proof for this and if the bible was the real book of god then why did paul timothy john etcetera have to write it for him ? lmao and the bible has over 50 thousand contridictions in it and thousands of errors and if you read the bible in its original laungege aramaiec you will see that the person who translated the bible to english lied about alot of stuff because in the original laungege of the bible aramaec jesus never said he was god there were so many things changed but christian pastors dont allow ppl to read the bible in its original laungege aramaec because they will see the truth and that the bible was translated wrongly and i really dont care what you ppl think im not gonna stop doiung this i can do whatever i want so leave me alone im trying to show people that christianity is a peace of trash religion :)))
Number 1, no child would actually read the whole bible
Number 2, the Bible does have good teachings. Like, do right, love others, be humble, not to steal, don’t cheat, respect your parents, and to be wise with money. That’s not all, but I’m to lazy to find shit.
And again, all religion is kinda stupid
you guys dont actully know i study this stuff i dont care if ppl are still christian i just want them to see that the bible is a peice of trash and paul never really met jesus there so much proof for this and if the bible was the real book of god then why did paul timothy john etcetera have to write it for him ? lmao and the bible has over 50 thousand contridictions in it and thousands of errors and if you read the bible in its original laungege aramaiec you will see that the person who translated the bible to english lied about alot of stuff because in the original laungege of the bible aramaec jesus never said he was god there were so many things changed but christian pastors dont allow ppl to read the bible in its original laungege aramaec because they will see the truth and that the bible was translated wrongly and i really dont care what you ppl think im not gonna stop doiung this i can do whatever i want so leave me alone im trying to show people that christianity is a peace of trash religion :)))
Oh my 'God'
For 'Jesus' Christ, Stop advertising your shit. Nobody but other IDIOTS. Would want to be on your side. You just love pissing people off don't you? I know how much you hate Christians and how much you want to 'cancel' them or whatever, but like.
"oH nO!!! OopSIEs!11! I swORE!!1! Again."
Just leave their religion be, If you don't like something about their religion, Then to damn bad.
you guys dont actully know i study this stuff i dont care if ppl are still christian i just want them to see that the bible is a peice of trash and paul never really met jesus there so much proof for this and if the bible was the real book of god then why did paul timothy john etcetera have to write it for him ? lmao and the bible has over 50 thousand contridictions in it and thousands of errors and if you read the bible in its original laungege aramaiec you will see that the person who translated the bible to english lied about alot of stuff because in the original laungege of the bible aramaec jesus never said he was god there were so many things changed but christian pastors dont allow ppl to read the bible in its original laungege aramaec because they will see the truth and that the bible was translated wrongly and i really dont care what you ppl think im not gonna stop doiung this i can do whatever i want so leave me alone im trying to show people that christianity is a peace of trash religion :)))
Just asking, did anybody ask for this dumb as "stUdIes"?? Did anybody say they cared about this dumb shit either??
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no i wont :))))🍆🌀😭💎💙💌😰💎🤕💥🍑🥵🥵❤💖🥵💋🍍😷👿🎀🎀🌷^_~🎆^_^🤚💙🏵👿😷 i can do whatever i want and u cant stop me i wont shut the **** up because im speaking the truth you just want ppl to stick to shity christianity but no 15 million ppl leave crhistianity evry year because theyre finding out how much of a peace of shit christianity is paul is going to hell with the rest of u christians with his butch ass
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Why don't you just start a youtube channel and start ranting all you want on there instead of wasting your "two goodie shoes" on this small site with about 5000 to 6000 people?
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lets just.
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searching the galaxy to find who asked *⠀ ⠀ ⠀✦⠀
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hey gamers, just wanted to leave an opinion I think really needs to be heard. I know that we’ve all probably been thinking it anyway so I guess now is the time for change. I’m gonna say it: We need sex slaves in Minecraft. I know there have probably been mods, but I don’t want to have to use mods for something as obviously essential as this. I just don’t understand how it isn’t already implemented in the game, honestly. Notch must be one heck of a sick **** if he thinks he can just dangle villagers in front of me and expect me to NOt want to **** them. Every time I log back into my world, I end up having to stop the game and go through my zombie pigman porn files, because I can’t focus on the non-arousing parts of the game. My cock is always dripping when I walk through villages and my underwear is usually completely ruined by the time I can trade anything. I don’t see why Notch would tease the fans like this, and not provide any sort of proper catharsis. I’m really not asking for a lot here. I just need to b
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“Mao-Sama, we can’t”
Hitler-Chan’s soft protest did nothing to stop Mao. His hand slowly caressed the inside of Hitler’s slender, yet supple thigh.
“You May claim to hate communism, but you cannot deny that you’ve caught the yellow fever.”
Hitler-Chan gasped sensually from the glorious leader’s skillful movements. He was also flustered by Mao’s keen observation.
“H-how could you see through me, baka??
Mao chuckled, before moving his hand up Hitler’s thigh.
“Hate and love are not much different from each other.”
He gazed deep into Hitler’s eyes as he closed the short distance between them. It was a swift reversal, much like the red army’s advance into Germany. This time however, he was far more welcoming to the communist advance. Mao’s hand was just below Hitler’s spotless white panties, now completely visible from below his skirt.
“It’s time for a cultural revolution.”
Hitler let out a sensual gasp as Berlin was breached.
“Mao-Sama, give me your final solution!”
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Spain and Prussia have been divorced for about a year, and Spain is technically married to RE RE yells at Spain for being a ***** Spain misses Prussia so he decided to **** him in his sleep Years later when Prussia got his vocal chords ripped out Spain locks him in a closet and, well you know Plus biting kink
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i legitimately find this funny.
im not Christian but my grandma is, and she wouldn't be mad, but she would be sad that you are trying to cancel a religion that has been around for
god knows how long.
you can hate or not believe in christianity but don't call it stupid and try to make people leave it.
Think about what you're going to do before doing it.
I accept your opinion, if you're not Christian that's not up to us to change it.
but some things are better kept to yourself
Alright, Christian people can take care of this, but I'm kinda mad. People can have their own why to think of life and how they want to spend it. They can be Christians, Mormons, satenists, I don't care. You need to stop and let them live their lives. Me being a Mormon, I kinda agree with you a little, and I believe that Mormons are the people Heavenly Father chose. Tecticly, we call ourselves LDS but some people outside our religon call us Mormons.
God bless you🙏 and hope you find a place for your crazy shit. =)