
Go get em Pikachu!

Oi, this was fast!!! O.O

Run Forest! Run!


Hey, It's Monika!

lemme tell you a spoopy story


31.10.2018 23:03
LinkSo, one time I woke up in the middle of the night, and just sat up in my bed. I woke up for no reason, and I didn't even realize where I was.. I felt strange. Then something caught my attention, I could hear footsteps outside my window. After that, I was fully awake. I was too much of a chicken to look outside (like always). So I ran into my brothers room and woke him up. I told him what had happened, and he said that I should tell our mom. I can just remember leaving the room and opening the door to my mom's room. I could see a figure sitting on my mom's bed. It looked like a man. It left the room. I was obviously terrified. (also just to give more detail, my mom is divorced to my dad, soo.. no man was in the room) I can't really find an explanation to this.. but even if it was my imagination it still scares me. Also, that morning, I looked outside and there were no footprints. Sooo, yeah. Let me some of your spoopy stories!!

31.10.2018 23:10
Linklet me know* :P