"it just kinda sucks, ya know"
10.07.2019 13:23
Linksorta sucks, ya know.
being lonely and whatnot.
you're meant to be "famous" and a role model of sorts.
at some point, people stop seeing you as a person and they see you as some sorta robot that makes art
if you don't constantly make masterpieces you fall from your position and are seen as overrated. it's almost like a routine. make art, get likes, repeat.
you are no longer somebody of value, your art is now the only thing of value.
its sorta lonely, being surrounded by fans.
10.07.2019 13:25
LinkYou are not a robot, you are a living person and you can do whatever the hell you want! You’re my friend and i dont like seeing my friends sad. If you need to talk im here for you. 💜
I’m not good at helping, but seriously... you are NOT a robot. Robots are only capable of making one thing, pretty much nothing. They can’t have the creativity that YOU have. Your creativity is literally your creativity. No one has it but you. Only you can make your art. You are amazing in every way... please don’t be an emotionless robot