Citrus || Kiss (Chp. 28)

Don't use Windows

i`ll conquer it



unicorn genderbend



14.01.2020 22:14
Linkoh look kinser is apologizing i wonder who put her through a mental breakdown this time
its kody. yeah i know its his birthday but frankly this is the third time he's made me want to commit suicide and we're supposed to be friends so i really can't respect him anymore, ive given him too many chances and ive risked my own life because of it.
anyways. onto the actual apology
yeah i know ive done shitty things in the past and ive always said that i would change and i never had. i always get caught up in my own anger and status and go out screaming at others. and im lying to myself by saying that ive changed or im changing, because im not. and this apology doesn't change anything. still the same gianna who rants about random kids who mildly pissed me off. still the same gianna who yelled at some kid over a color scheme. and yes while i do believe i was justified in some of it, most of it was completely pointless. i haven't changed and i won't change. not because i don't want to. believe me, id kill anyb

14.01.2020 22:14
Linkanybody just to start from scratch with everybody and have no bias against me for who i was. but because its too deeply rooted. im angry at everything and i lash out. that's who i am and, unfortunately, that's not going to change.
a few people commented on a post i deleted telling me that flipanim was better without me, and i shattered. kody was among those people and, well, that didn't help very much. it pretty much told me, well, if flipanim is better without me.. what about everything else? would life be better for everyone around me if i didn't exist? and pretty quickly, i realized.. yeah. it would be. all i do is bully people and start things that i can't end. i think it's pretty obvious, but everyone is done with dealing with me. nobody wants me around. so, i mean.. i guess as an apology for everything ive done, ill give you what (almost) everyone here deserves, and just leave.
i probably won't end up killing myself, as usual, but yknow if i succeed for once then i guess it's a guarentee i won't

14.01.2020 22:14
Linkcome back, haha.. im sure a few or even a lot of you are looking forward to that one.
ill leave now before it just sounds more like im trying to guilt everyone into liking me again. i know it's not going to happen after what ive done.