17.02.2019 02:52
LinkI just want him to love me
is that so much to ask?
17.02.2019 02:58
Linkangrykid im literally crying please just love me
19.02.2019 14:01
09.07.2019 08:55
yeah thats alot to dont want a 22 year old adult man to love you,you just want to be popular
Listen, I didn’t want to get involved but I can’t really ignore this anymore.
I know how online crushes and breakups are. Me and a user Eligos were in LOVE. But, one day we had to break up. And I was crushed. I was depressed, I know how it hurts. And it’s ok! This pain and this experience will help you learn and grow. There’s no need to get this about this, it’s ok yo be sad but begging and suisidal tendencies won’t help. They may drive him away more. AngryKid is clearly not interested. And please, your so young! You should be worrying about, like, your barbies hair! Not some online boy. I myself and older then you and I’m sure AngryKid is older then me! So please, it will be ok. Just apologize to him and stop begging.
I know Spazzer. It will hurt and it will be hard. But you need to understand that one day, maybe not right now or soon, but one day you will find someone who loves you as much as you love them. If you ever need to talk, I’ll listen. I know it will hurt. It won’t be easy, but it’s the right thing to do. I think what you should do is say sorry to those people, even if they hurt you. And if your still sad and upset you can come talk to me. Ok?
Oh no! I understand. I can get very mad and sad very very easily. It’s hard to control your emotions and they can get the best of you. If you just apologize and give AK and the others some space it will be fine. But you should say sorry and give them space before something happens. No one diserves to get hurt
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im not looking for anyone right now, i got my hentai
i'm ****in good in the hood ai. u need stop this bullshit and grow a pair back (get it cuz u trans) this shit gettin outta hand.
u insult me, u insult my friends and u want my approval!? boi I finna get at yo bean head just leave me alone ai, leave my friends alone A I G H T
Look, I'm just trying to be civil. I just want to do this calmly. you, are acting immature. Plus, you didn't answer my 2 questions. i'll ask them again.
Why do you "love" ak?
what was with the "ur friends are so cool. I thought if I went out with one of you guys I could be just as cool..." comment that you made earlier?
If you can answer those two questions calmy, then we can end this drama much much sooner.
we were trying to give you advice about relationships, rejection and telloing you ak doesn;t feel the same, hes way older and doesn't want a relationship rn and then you call kitty a ***** and go all nicegirl on us
r/nice girls you don;t understand what that means
we told you that you need to deal with the fact not everyone will ove you back or feel the same way and its something wwe all have delt with and have experienced in the long term
we tried to HELP YOU but you go nice girl on us for callin u out
wait, hold the **** up kiddo
you can't say that, not to axo or anyone it's rude, people are here trying to help you and you just can't take it in that someone doesn't like you the way you like them, so shut the front door and drop it ok? We've tried to be nice but you're taking it a bit far, this is the internet, things will be used against you. watch your mouth, please. also fix yo grammar.
Hello, I don't know much about you, or who you are, but I know what you're doing isn't right and you need to realize this.
So this is about having a crush on AK? Brave of you to admit that.. But I think you're crossing the line. I'm putting this in the most nicest way.. People can't control who loves who, and you need to accept this. What you're doing here is trying to guilt trip and not only that but force someone into being in love with you. Which you can't do. And you need to realize this. Put yourself into his shoes, okay? I imagine he's probably really uncomfortable. Read over his rejection ( let's call it that ) He put it in a nice manner, and heck even offered to be friends and stated he wasn't into '' dating online ''.
Don't take this the wrong way. You're ALLOWED to be upset and feel hurt, and you're still allowed to feel love but I recommend you don't show it off in a way like.. this.
You're making this worse for not only yourself, but for AK and many many others,
ommggggg did he hurt u gf? im so sorry he had to treat u like that...
heteros are upseteros tbh. you don't deserve a man. u deserve to be with girls they're much better ❤
... as a person apart of the LGBTQ+ community, who has multiple trans friends, I kinda am getting offended? The way you two are acting is unacceptable and really rude! It would be ever so nice if you two were to stop and realize what's going on. And please stop using abuse, sexuality, and other harmful things as an excuse, its rude and offensive.
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@Lesbo-dork You really seem to hate everyone here but spazzer and that's okay. but it's not okay to treat everybody else like shit. none of us here are really that old. I'm only barely into my teenage years. but you seem to be absolutely insane and always sucking up to spazzer. I think it's time you learn how to treat people right, something you should have learned before you learned to cuss people out on the internet. at least spazzer seems to have recovered, the last comments and posts you've made are either begging spazzer to still be your friend, or cussing people out.
Swagger I understand your pain... the one you love doesn't know you love them... and you think that your not good enough... you feel like your the only one suffering and I understand! it feels like your trapped in a cage having to listen to everyone doubt you call you a liar and say that its wrong but... its not wrong... its ok to feel like this... but its not ok to let them tell you this and they are WRONG don't believe what they say...
DEAR JESUS! SPAZZER BOY OR GURL YOU GOT SOME ATTENTION! I pretty much just scrolled through about 6 or 7 fights with DIFFERENT USERS! And spazzer still acts like an inconvenient poop bag that has trapped inside of a care bubble for the last 10 years! Also I don't understand the thing about online dates and crushes, maybe it's just a thing someone has, but I don't want to even have love TENDENCIES with someone unless I have the power to see them in person. And judging just by AK's personality online, I'm sure he's not going to want to be with a 8 year old trans that doesn't know how to 18+ animations.