-Back in School-
10.04.2019 17:36
LinkhOw do u do this
10.04.2019 17:37
LinkMmmmmmagic! :D
23.04.2019 13:22
Linkis this Harry Potter based or no?
Agh I can't stop listening to that song
"Back in school
Back in place
Back in school
Back in chains
Back in school
Back in my cage"
its stuck in my head.
This turned out so great!
Also I told you people would like it. 1 minutes and already 9 likes and 10 comments. XD
Comment removed
gjhajhf I love the shading and lighting
and I lov e that song ohmygoodness
that pattern on the desk is also very prett y a
i like the purple shine around the outline. the background is also really creative and well executed!