i got lazy with the image oops


16.12.2019 18:58
LinkFauna seemed to have woken up a bit before me. She was already sitting on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket, watching TV on a low volume. Her Samurott, Kaiyo, was laying next to her, his head on her lap. I don't think either of them noticed I was there until I turned on the coffee maker.
"Morning.." She said tiredly, yawning.
I smiled softly. "Morning.. not much of a morning person, are you? What's got you up?" I asked. I was still pretty tired myself, but coffee usually helped.
"J-Just had a bad dream, decided to stay up to avoid it." Fauna sighed. Her Pokemon whimpered and nuzzled into her stomach. I figured she might've had a dream about a certain.. not so good event, since whenever I did I usually did the same thing.
Deciding to change the subject to get her mind off whatever the dream was, I poured the now finished coffee into a cup with creamer and sugar, mixed it up and set it beside me. "Do you need any coffee? Can I get you anything in general?"
She shook her head. "No, but thank y

16.12.2019 18:59
"Alright." I grabbed my coffee and went to go sit on the couch beside her, setting it on a coaster on the coffee table. Taking a closer look at her it was obvious she had stayed up all night because of the dream. She looked incredibly tired.
"So, um.." I said after a minute. "I really enjoyed our talk last night..! It was nice to get to know you and Kaiyo a bit more."
Fauna rubbed her eyes, a tiny grin appearing on her face. "Heh, yeah.. it was pretty cool."
I took out my phone and checked it. I had texted Edmund pretty early last night, but I still hadn't had a reply. Maybe he went to sleep early or something, but he usually responded pretty quickly.
"I tried texting Edmund last night to see if he wanted to help me take you around Alola and show you everything, but," I said. Fauna looked over my shoulder to read the messages. "He hasn't replied yet. So I guess unless he does we're gonna be doing this solo.."
"Why don't you send him another text saying they can meet us somewhere if

16.12.2019 18:59
Linkthey still wanna come?" Fauna suggested, and I nodded.
'Hey,' I typed in, 'Me and Fauna are gonna be waiting at that breakfast place on Main street if you wanna come along. We'll be there for a few hours at most waiting. You better show up, twink.'
I sent the message and got up. "How long do you think it'll take you to get ready?"
Fauna shrugged. "Not that long. Where'd you say we were meeting?"
"A nearby breakfast place." I said simply. She nodded, nudged Kaiyo off her and got up to go change. Kaiyo stayed on the couch while she left to go to the guest room, and I entered my own.
I changed into my typical outfit of whatever shirt under my red hoodie with black jeggings, and I assume she did the same, since she was wearing the same hoodie as well just with pants this time since it was pretty cold out today. She walked over and returned Kaiyo while I chugged my coffee like it would save my life, and pretty quickly we were out the door.
We talked on the way there, until we ran into Edmund and

16.12.2019 18:59
LinkMarkus also on their way there. Immediately we noticed that they were practically half-dead walking down the street. They had gotten no sleep last night and it showed. Wonder why that is..
Fauna was the first to poke fun at it. "Man, what kept you guys up?"
Edmund huffed. "None of your business.."
I leaned over to Fauna. "It's obvious what they did last night, right?" I whispered.
"Yeah." She whispered back. We giggled a little. Edmund seemed pretty annoyed by us, but Markus was too tired to realize what was happening. Didn't help their case that Markus was having a bit of trouble walking.. heheh.
We all walked to the breakfast place, grabbed a table and sat down. Me and Fauna were pretty talkative, Edmund sometimes chipped in, but I swear Markus could've died in the seat and we wouldn't have noticed because he was so quiet. Either way, we all had a pretty good meal, and Markus woke up a bit later anyways and became a bit more social.
We spent the day walking around Melemele, showing Ma

16.12.2019 18:59
LinkMarkus and Fauna the typical tourist spots, and even some of our favorite places. But our tour of the island came to a sudden stop around 5pm when we were walking back to Hau'Oli from Route 1, nearby where Edmund lived. We were all just chatting when Negative ran to us in a panic.
"Oh thank god, Edmund! I'm so glad you're here. Saturn and I were outside taking a walk when Salad swooped down and stole her!" He said, panicked. We all gasped.
Markus was the first to say something. "W-what?! We've gotta go help them! I don't know who Saturn is but I doubt Salad has anything good in mind!"
"Where is she?!" I asked quickly. Negative started bounding off.
"Follow me!" He yelled, and we all sprinted after him. Edmund let out Hydreigon so he could fly over us and get a birds-eye view.
Negative led us to the abandoned Rebel base, saying that's where he saw her land. We all quickly found our ways inside of the wall and lo and behold, Salad was there. In her hand was Saturn, repeatedly trying to zap her t

16.12.2019 19:00
Linkto get out of her grip. But Salad had a huge resistance to Electric, so it was nothing to her.
Hydreigon, immediately upon seeing Salad, fired a Dragon pulse at her. She reared back, dropping Saturn. As soon as she was released Saturn ran back towards Negative, gripping onto his leg tightly. She was shaking and obviously very weak. I saddened upon seeing her.
"What a rude entrance!" Salad exclaimed with a hiss, "Can't we have fun with our new friend?" She stood up on her hind legs, towering over us. Everyone felt a little smaller under her.
I growled under my breath. "We're not gonna let you just take her, Salad. We're not stupid, it's obvious you didn't have very good plans with her."
The dragon broke into a malicious, manic laugh. We stood there confused for a long moment.
"Bahahehahehah! Thinking yourselves smart, are you? Let's see how smart you think you lot are after this!" She cackled, and roared.
I heard a rustle in the trees and, suddenly, grunts appeared from the treetops. She m

16.12.2019 19:00
Linkmust've busted them out of prison. Either way, this was trouble. We all prepared our Pokemon.
Salad grinned. "Have fun with them, you all! Bring them to us when they inevitably fail! Ghahaha!"
She leaped into the air and took flight, leaving us behind in the ambush. As soon as she left the goons were upon us, with their Pokemon's teeth bared and their knives out.
I quickly let out Tsareena and Garchomp. Fauna released Kaiyo, while Markus released his Serperior.
My two Pokemon easily mowed down the grunts that came for us first. Both of my Pokemon are incredibly speedy for their kinds- all of them are. So taking out grunts quickly was a walk in the park at first.
It was pretty easy at first until one of them snuck up on me and nearly stabbed me in the back. I dodged it by the skin of my teeth and was able to kick them in the stomach, and they were downed. But while I was distracted by trying to knock the guy out, my Pokemon were hit by a Hyper Beam and fainted almost immediately. Garchomp was

16.12.2019 19:01
Linkalmost able to get up, but was hit with an extra, cheeky little Dark Pulse and fainted.
Edmund, Markus and Fauna were having trouble fighting off the grunts as well. I panicked to grab another Pokeball. Before I could, I noticed a thin, pink gas surrounding us. I suddenly felt incredibly sleepy, like if I closed my eyes I'd fall asleep instantly.
Looking behind me I spotted a Musharna. I would've brought out my Pokemon to defeat it but before I knew it, all four of us fell asleep.