Let Me Type


09.10.2020 20:50
LinkHeres the tea sis.

09.10.2020 20:55
LinkIn 5th grade, so last year, this girl Kylie was new and sat at my table. My bff ((Insert ur own name here)) was also in this class. So Kylie said "Lets have a sleepover, all of us at this table!" It was only her, me, and this other girl. Of course, I got excited, so I asked about when and what we were gonna do. She remembered she had a lot to do with family stuff, so she had to schedule it for maybe next year. I was excited, so I said "Maybe the 1st friday or saturday?" and she had to cancel it cause I was planning ToO fAr aHeAd fOr HeR. Since then, i hated her, and I had a really bad feeling about her. Fast forward to covid months, and me and ((Ur own name here)) got closer due to all the time we had to play.

09.10.2020 20:59
LinkWe played roblox a lot and Kylie obviously didnt like that. She joined me and ur name here on royale high, where me and her usually (( Not too often tho)) went to talk. So when she joined, she started yelling at me for being "TOO CLOSE TO "HER" FRIEND!!!!!" I obviously got upset and private chatted ur own name here saying "Im literally crying rn-" and I WAS! I HATED HER! I wanted to throw HANDSSSSSSSSS.

09.10.2020 21:08
LinkFast forward a few months, during a break from school, since we were on hybrid schedule. ((Meant only too days a week)) I was playing with my new friend from school, Christy. Sure, Kylie and my bff were on, but they were doing their own thing. For some reason, I had kylie friended. So she teleported to me in adopt me, in my house. She started an argument saying I was a fake friend and I was using MY OWN BFF. I have no reasons to use anyone, and even my bff knew that, but she took Kylie's side as to not lose any friends. I was so HEART BROKEN that she took Kylie's side, as Kylie called me ugly and fat. Then, Kylie's friend joined and they tried to private chat ((This gets GOOD))

09.10.2020 21:14
LinkThe reason I said tried was because in Adopt Me, you can see the private chats above the player's head, but not in the actual chat box. Kylie said ((Insert ur own name here)) was annoying. And I got mad- I said "Are you trying to private chat? We can see your chats" and kylie and her friend said "uuuuuhhhhhh" and LEFT. Fast forward, my bff told me to unfriend and block Kylie because Kylie cussed my bff out and stuck her middle finger up at my bff. From then on, her mental state got better, and we were much happier and closer than ever :)

09.10.2020 21:15
LinkWhen I say "Her mental state got better" im talking about my bff's mental state