Dragon in the rain
Ultra Instinct Goku (WIP 2)
'Lil Puggy :P
Please feature this :,)
Staff Spin
(ᅌʊᅌ✿)˚ ˚‧º·º·~;.,
nobody cares for my posts
03.07.2021 20:04
Linkit just gets lonely ok... i miss the days when people would comment or talk to me.
sure ive gained a few followers, but they dont pay attention to me tbh
i just want some friends on here, since nobody really cares if i post or not ive just decided to play roblox or something, idk
im not mad or anything, just lonely
03.07.2021 20:09
Linkwhy do i even bother making this post, its not like any of you will even cluck this anyways, i may quit flipanim
03.07.2021 20:09
Link*click :|
04.07.2021 00:39
LinkSAAAMEEEE i feel the same like i try to post more often so maybe people will comment but NO! just PLEASE i need comments it can be hate or whatever JUST COMMENT im lonley
Comment removed
04.07.2021 00:44
LinkFLUFFY need need help! how do collabs work i dont really get it do i just draw someone elses oc with mine and the draw theres with mine or is it something else?
04.07.2021 02:13
LinkOk so you need to be on a computer
theres some websites you can upload and download files from
it will give you their original drawing so you dont have to draw the other persons oc.
04.07.2021 13:14
Linkconfused confusing confusion
04.07.2021 15:09
LinkAsk someone else I’m confused now-