it's late but


04.08.2022 01:57
Linkim so nervous. i cant do this.
abt school.

04.08.2022 01:59
LinkI'm nervous too cause its my last year of highschool, but I know that in the end everything will be alright. Just takes a moment to adjust to everything, and hey, you got this!

04.08.2022 02:00
LinkIm going to 7th. And the girl who bullied me is in my 2nd period and 3rd.

04.08.2022 02:03
LinkOh!! Thats pretty bad,, if possible, sit far away from her and make as little contact as necessary (tho I'm sure you already planned on it xd)

I feel mega called out cause I have gifted kid syndrome too,, weirdly I toed the line between gifted and not so some of my classes were gifted throughout middle school and others not, though I kept high grades in all of them. Then the school system changed their weighting where class work was like 40% and my grades plummeted

Yeah. If it was all multiple choice I'd ace every class but math. I can do quick, but difficult work. Can't do lengthy easy work. My adhd + my gifted kid syndrome is deadly. I'm a pretty behind on my school work, got 3 years worth of math left and I'm supposed to be finishing this year if I'd kept up, but i didn't.