The Ocean
Cricket and Blue
Ultra Instinct Goku (WIP 2)
Alaka- Timeweaver
Cheshire Cat- Alice Wonderland
Erik is swimming :D
What i did as a kid
26.03.2021 04:36
LinkWhen i was a kid, i didn't know that eggs costed money and me being my five yearold ass, got all the eggs from the fridge, go on the balcony throw them at people or throw them on the floor, such great times XD. I even stole the sweet milk in the can used for coffee and always got in trouble for that. My child ass got beaten alot.
26.03.2021 04:37
LinkAh, such good memories
Me as a kid who thought it was a good idea to make up an imaginary friend and watch peppa pig and caiuo all day