the anti sz kid rant
30.01.2021 03:37
30.01.2021 03:37
LinkTransphobia is alive and well on the internet. I have seen it with my own two eyes. Sometimes it takes the form of slurs and misgendering.
Sometimes it takes the form of bunself pronouns.
People have flung many negative things at me in my time online. Nothing has felt worse than someone claiming that I do not support trans people because I believe that you cannot choose to identify your gender with a cat. Transmen are men, and transwomen are women. I even agree that there is such a thing as nonbinarism to some degree. But I won't go farther than that. And that is so unacceptable to the collectivist hivemind on this site that I must be compared to people like TERFs.
I know there are people that have wanted to say things like this. You can't choose your gender. You can't be a cat. Evilgender is stupid at worst and mental illness manifest at best. But they won't. And it's not for lack of conviction. They know what's right and they stand by their beliefs.
30.01.2021 03:37
LinkBut they aren't as willing as I to throw my reputation into the lion's den. Fair enough for them. That's okay. I was scared for a very long time. But I'm tired of living in fear of 13 year old opinion police, so I'm going to say everything. And I will pull no punches, because you all deserve to hear who you are to half the people that know of you.
You're toxic abusers. You will (and maybe have) abuse(d) any partners you have had in the past. You emotionally manipulate and gaslight everyone you come into contact with. And it's contagious. Being like you is a contagion on this site, and someone needs to stop it. That someone will be me. So get in loser, we're going sz kid hunting.
The one that I have the most beef with is currently @fairyboy. Unlike you, I'm not a coward and won't just vaguepost about people. I may not be a man, but I still have balls that you distinctly lack.
30.01.2021 03:37
LinkYou build kafkatraps around people. Vaguepost about something they said, but oh it wasn't about them, but you're sure to gossip with your followers about them on your post. Everyone knows who you're talking about, having committed the horrible crime of wrong opinions. They deserve the worst. They deserve their reputation ruined. Because your gender can be a cat if you want, right? you can be whatever you want. everything is a choice nowadays! nothing matters! i can be an apache attack helicopter and the joke isnt even a joke anymore! it's reality.
your gender isnt a choice to piss people off. you dont choose it to spite people. i didnt choose to be a woman to spite misogynists. I was born that way. transmen are born as men, but with the wrong sex characteristics. but this isn't about the person i was originally talking about anymore, no no, it's about @stormtiger
Someone who, I know for a fact, actively makes their friends uncomfortable but they're too scared to do anything.
30.01.2021 03:37
LinkBecause they're scared that they'll be vagueposted about. It's a valid concern. Someone relatively popular has enough people bending to their will that they can start a hate mob. No one wants a hate mob. No one would willingly bring it onto themselves, no matter how good the cause.
Well. Except for me.
The constant vagueposts make people paranoid to be around you. You're so aggressive, I was barely around you and I was terrified. I cross you slightly, and that's the end. You took a break to become less toxic? obviously didnt work because you're even worse now! at least back in the day you'd confront someone in person instead of being a wimp, and a coward, and hiding behind "no it wasnt about you"
you could have eaten me alive by now. I know you hate me. All of you catgender fools want me dead in a ditch. But you won't do anything. Because you know that only one of us in this equation is willing to drop names and be open. And it's me.
30.01.2021 03:38
LinkYou know that only one of us has sanity on their side, and isn't going to break down into a mess the moment they get any push back. It's me. I have the high ground now, obi wan.
you guys won't do anything. you'll stay in your echo chambers and hate me and vague about me and i wont care because i dont care about the opinions of some underclassmen that think they're fresh and cool and that identifying as a cat is "basic lgbt education". so no. i wont call you dey/dem. because that's stupid. that's mental illness coming out in full force. you people would never survive in the real world. you just mooch off your parents income and have been out of school to long to know what it feels like to not have a crowd of yes men surrounding you and telling you everything you do is right.
well guess what. not everyone agrees with you. and not all of those people are horrible nazis! yeah. its really surprising, but im not a white supremacist or a sexist or a transphobe.
30.01.2021 03:38
Linki repeat
you could have eaten me alive. you could have organized an attack against me. levied your zealous followers against me to call me every name in the book. could have drove me away for a week or two. but you didn't. why not? you could still do it. you'll probably try. but i'm done running. you can say whatever you want, and ill know it's not true. and me knowing it's not true is all i need.
i dont care what anyone else thinks. i am the only person that matters to me. im not the only one with these opinions, anyways! but those people are usually silent.
and, guys, if you can show me ANY scientific peer-reviewed studies proving that you can be evilgender. i might reconsider. but considering there arent even any good studies for agender or bigender? i have my doubts.
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06.09.2021 14:19
LinkJust a reminder @KILLALLCISHETSCUM, you’re a terrible person
15.09.2021 12:06
Linki actually think it was pretty funny
18.09.2021 21:16
18.09.2021 21:17
Linkwait no i mean thanks @KILLALLCISHETSCUM
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hello very late but
I also have been confused and kind of weirded out by this. people just making their gender like.. “plant” because they like plants seems wrong to me. And I have no idea what they mean by “oh my pronouns are cat/cats/cat self” because I have absolutely no idea how to use that in conversation??
anyway, thanks for this u have very good opinions
The thing is trans people are born with the brain of the opposite gender to the genitals they have. That's why dysphoria. I doubt someone is going to be born with plant brain, mostly because plants dont have brains. They're plants. And while using funky pronouns in conversation is technically possible ("cat went to cats house to get cats frisbee, because cat wanted to play with catself at the park") it's clunky and will never catch on in the mainstream because that's not how language works and pronouns arent Advanced Nickname
Hey, this is pretty obvious, and I should've said this a while ago, but I'm really sorry I vague posted about you and your view of pan, abro and other stuff being biphobia. The post was titled something like 'controversial opinion', and I made it after seeing what you said. That was stupid, mean, wrong, and other stuff that I won't list so that this remains shortish. I came here to apologize, I'm really sorry about what I did. I won't ask you to forgive me, just came to say I've learnt my lesson and will not do it again, and to admit my mistake I've made.
I agree with everything you've said (I didn't even know it was a thing wtf) here, and I'm not gonna comment on your profile again. I'm sorry and I hope you have a nice day/night
I support neopronouns, if people using zhe/xe/zim whatever is fine! If using ca/cake pronouns makes you happy and you genuinely use those pronouns and identify with that? Go nuts! But don't just use pronouns/genders because you think they're.... cute??? like if you use cat/cats/catself or whatever JUST because "Cat UwU!!!! i am cat!!!!!! so kawaii nya!!!!" **** you. seriously. i hate people who do that- pronouns arent accessories??? they're who you are- they arent just something to use when it's trendy or cute or whatever shit like that.
anyways. agreed (i used "you" more as like a general term, not you specifically jshfsgdjg though i think you could tell)
haiii im one of ur ex mutuals and i took the time out of my day to explain shit 2 u ig. have fun or w/e if u even bother to read this
(warning its literal walls of text)
the 6th point is the most important i think,. i explain a lotta shit abt xenogenders there but, dont,, just ignore everything else but that point, ig,. but keep in mind that like,. the first points before the 6th one may be explained badly so dont. take them TOO seriously,. and the points after uh. the 6th one are, a lot angrier, im sorry,. this paragraph definetly has its flaws but ,ye,ah
But seriously, animal genders are annoying and at this point the meaning of gender has been so grossly exaggerated that I don't even want to be a gender. I want to be a sex, I want my sex to be female. Because gender at this point means whatever other people want it to mean. So haha, my sex is female. I have no gender.
heyo, I just wanted to step in
I dont think ur transphobic. At most I think ur a transmed, which I have my own opinions of, but thats besides rhe point
I do agree that people shouldn't be like using these identities as accessories, but I wanted to point some things out. I'm not angry or trying to be malicious, just trying to understand
- xenogenders and neopronouns are actually typically made by neurodivergent teens/kids who struggle with the concept of gender simply being man/woman/nonbinary. they create things like catgender and stargender, or use pronouns like xe/xir because that's how rhey feel comfortable. It's pretty much never that they actually believe they're a star or a plant (sometimes it is, but thats not as common as one may think)
- the study about male/female brains in trans people has been disproven. I'll try and find where it has been and link it in a reply to this comment.
Feel free to clarify anything i may have misunderstood, I am nd and thus not good with understanding people.
can you just let people be people and not waste your time ranting on it? are they going around saying that trans people arent valid because of the gender that they are? honestly, just leave people alone if they aren't hurting you or being rude lol
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Someone who actually uses neopronouns here! My experience is almost a dysphoria over not having sharp teeth, pointy ears, or excess hair. I feel that is how I truly should look and I feel extreme comfort in were/wereself. I feel like some may fall out of neopronouns or some may stay with them forever. While it is dickish to send an army of followers to harass someone, why is it so hard to respect someone's comfort?
neopronouns are valid-
Yes, some people make fun of it but some are actually using pup/pupself as a comforting pronoun usage. And i think you made a anti non binary post? Yea, no thanks. Let people be happy, let people use neo and non binary pronouns
unless they actually are thinking they are "cute" and are mocking the lgbt community. Thats not cool
like omg,
sex and gender are totally different
let me educate you
See definitions in:
Sex · Informal
See definitions in:
Sex · Informal
either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and most other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions.
Learn to pronounce
either of the two sexes (male and female), especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. The term is also used more broadly to denote a range of identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female.
didnt even realize how old it was no wonder i couldnt find ir
needed to find it again bc i couldnt believe my eyes when i read it this ir crazy bro 🙏🙏
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While I don’t really identify as otherkin or anything, I still enjoy those pronouns and like them to be used for me. Technically they are a gender identity but I don’t consider myself those genders. Even then, people who identify as lets say, a woman, can still have they/it/he/whatever as pronouns they like used for themself, so the fact that I don’t allign with those gender identities isn’t even relevant.
Here’s this wiki made by members of the community that show a little bit more about identities like these. You don’t have to understand all of them (hell, I definitely don’t) just to show people a little respect for their experiences. And if you want to understand, there’s plenty of resources to learn more.