
I've got some falling to do


Stickman Fighting


A Very Speddy Potato Spedding

I love you
Hate my fucking life:) oh and


02.07.2021 00:22
LinkCan some one give me and idea something to draw on paper so it takes my mind off it?
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Why can't my life be normal for one ****ing minute. Oh Bethany? A normal life? LMAO YOU WISH. I just have to act like everything is okay until I move out or die lmao but until then I'm fine:) but, this one ****ing friend of mine, whenever I say "I'm fine okay?:)" BECAUSE ITS WHAT JE WANTS TO ****ING HEAR HE GOEE "shut up I know your not" like bÃtch. Did you not just ****ing tell me that I should be like that? Oh sorry my bad here's my trauma I deal with:) oh you don't like that either? Then kindly fúck off. istg that's the stuff that makes me feel worthless

Oh hahaha not just my parents are bad listen to this. My oldest brother used to slam me to the group yell at me and hit me when I made him mad until he move out. Now he's such a PERFECT brother right? Oh and my sister has started taking advantage of me haha.. she says "I want you to feel like you can tell me anything" ***** please you just wanna seem nice because YOUR THE REASON WHY DAD AND I FIGHT ALL THE TIME sorry not fight just me listening while having a mental ****ING breakdown while he gets his point across by yelling lmaooo. Here's a example of one of my sister and Is Convo yesterday.
Me: * getting ready for the day like brushing hair and teeth*
Her:" nobody should take that long unless their showering or bathing"
Me: "I'm getting ready for the day"
Her :"your won't listen to me"
Me: " I just let you talk, not interrupting you, and I did listen."
Her: "whatever but when will you be done I need to pee?"
Me: "ill be done soon and you can use the other bathroom"
Her: "you don't have to tell"