just a drawing



"A Unstable Virus Has Escaped"

WoAh FaLlOuT yes this is done


apologies for reappearance


03.06.2024 02:45
Linkneeded to vent here cuz i have Nowhere to go karmas a ***** i shouldve known better!

03.06.2024 02:46
Linki gen cant eat or even get out of bed anymore ive gotten so depressed to the point where i want to starve. i cant eat without getting incredibly nauseous and im losing weight rapidly. i believe im developing an eating disorder again and i just want to actually kill myself !!!
my entire body has been deteorating ive been paranoid i just feel like actual shit and im starting to feel hatred for people again

03.06.2024 02:47
Linkive been getting irratable again and ive been having constant body aches. ive been sick since beginning of may. i want to die

03.06.2024 02:48
Linki want to talk to people but im scared because guess what! rejection! i hate rejection i hate abandonment i hate it i hate it! ive carried the entire ****ing weight of others my whole goddamn life but someone always walks out when i just want to vent. i cant rely on people im scared of relying on people! every time i open up people walk out on me

03.06.2024 02:49
Linkpride month yay i hope i can get shot in the head by a homophobe so i can finally find emotional release and inner peace

03.06.2024 02:50
Linkive carried everything my entire life to the point where i cant help people like i could anymkre. im so exhausted from feeling like im worth nothing. im worth nothing

03.06.2024 02:50
Linksixteen years old and im pitying myself again aw yay! i want to ****ing indent my skull

03.06.2024 02:51
Linkive kept everything bottled up in me since i was 9 and its only a matter of time before i finally snap

03.06.2024 02:51
Linkits only a matter of time before theres another HeyGoogle callout on me because i blew up on a person and emotionally harmed them

03.06.2024 02:53
Linkflipanim users when they see seana coletta opening up publicly and on the verge of a breakdown (its gonna be the butt of someones joke in approx. 2 hours)

03.06.2024 02:54
Linkim probably just gonna yap and then close this tab for the month. im tired im exhausted i just want to ****ing DIE holy SHIT

03.06.2024 02:55
Linki hope i can kill myself one day without making others guilty i genuinely just want release

03.06.2024 02:56
Linkive been the friend whos pushed to the side when im upset for so long that its so ****ing annoying. i really do try to open up to real friends but im scared. its either i dont open up to the real ones or i open up to the fake ones and they talk shit

03.06.2024 02:57
Linkdopamine rushes of the internet have wore off now i just want to slit my throat

03.06.2024 02:58
Linkim trying to distract myself from the fact that my dms go ignored and ive been trying to read, write, draw, etc but i CANT DO ANYTHIGN. ive been trying to get a job but nobody is hiring me. i cant get out of the ****ing house because plans w friends are never followed up on

03.06.2024 02:59
Linkthis is probbaly gonna become a traumadumping account seana falls off on flipanim AGAIn 2024 edition

03.06.2024 03:00
Linkif i traumadump enough will someone do a callout on me so i have an excuse to kill myself

03.06.2024 03:01
Linkcan i just starve to death already please i feel like a ****ing fatass and too skinny at the same time. i hate my skin i hate my body i hate my organs

03.06.2024 03:01
Linkif i get another hookup-turned-trauamtic-experience could i kill myself after that pretty please

03.06.2024 03:02
Linki havet been getting better ive been getting worse it feels like i cant talk to anyone and i dont know how to tell ym therapist because i'll end up in a psych ward again

03.06.2024 03:03
Linkim gonna go stay tuned to see if i kill myself or not!

Call a hotline. I want to offer myself as a resource but I know I will not be able to help as much as you need as I cannot entirely help myself right now and I am not a reliable person (busy schedule which frequently fluctuates and I am not vocal/communicative as much as I should be online) to have you put your trust in. But I do want to help, genuinely.
Please call a hotline. Possibly a non-emergency or just a “generic” ‘crisis’ hotline. Say you just need someone to listen and be there.
Or, you can have my discord, as I’d love to be able to help where I can, though I cannot guarantee any sort of “solid/structured” replies from me due to my own mental state and the time I have taken up by other things in my non-online life.
I truly hope you get better and find peace without doing any sort of harm to yourself.

You are cared about, whether you believe it or not. I know others may have more negative memories but I have incredibly fond ones of interactions I had with you in the past which I still think of from time to time.
You are a wonderful person when given the time, space, attention, affection, and ability to be the most positive extent of yourself. Currently, you are not being given those things, and are “relapsing” on negative behavior. Your environment has a lot to do with what’s going on, and I’m proud of you for trying to change it. Getting out of the house will do a lot of good if you can manage it. Even if you can’t find a job, simply trying your best to even get out of bed will be progress. Try to go on a walk. Find some flowers, watch insects. Allow yourself to remember the good you possess and the person you can be.
It may not feel like it will get better, but things like this are never permanent. They can be long, but eventually you will always get out of it.