-Bloodpop Meme!-

FA Short: Demon Deal

Willow Creek




A painful LEGO land
ex tier list


19.04.2024 02:15
Linkinspired by @---Bee---
i have multiple and im including failed talking stages

19.04.2024 02:16
Linknumber one: aaron
we were in 4th grade the most we did was hold hands and share a jacket under the metal slide. he was okay but we didnt know wtf we were doing. C tier

19.04.2024 02:16
Linknumber 2: CJ
he wanted to have a family with me but we were in 5th grade. he was cool tho. D tier

19.04.2024 02:17
Linknumber 3: robert
he was actually very sweet and nice to me despite everyone sexualizing us in 6TH GRADE. i liked him a lot but it wasnt meant to be. B tier

19.04.2024 02:17
Linknumber 4: dex/@DextersLabratory on fa
very cool guy i still talk to on occassion! the relationship was just a random flipanim hookup that didnt work. C tier

19.04.2024 02:18
Linknumber 5: jay(?)/@JalapenoFlicker on fa
actually okay relationship i was just in a bad mental state and i hurt this person badly after the breakup. im sorry. A tier

19.04.2024 02:18
Linknumber 6: @Ice-Wolf
never again LAMO f tier

19.04.2024 02:20
Linknumber 7: bryan
the relationship was a genuine one but, due to circumstances i will explain later, we broke up. me and bryan are tight now too. S tier

19.04.2024 02:20
Linknumber 8: jaiden
raped me and then mentally abused me during the relationship all while having an open relationship with me dating bryan and jaiden at the same time (it was consentual). jaiden tried running off with a girl but manipulated me back in. F tier

19.04.2024 02:21
Linknumber 9: connor
he was okay i actually liked him but it just couldnt work sadly. i was heavily paranoid due to what happened with jaiden. A tier relationship tho + we still chat

19.04.2024 02:21
Linknumber 10: jason
first guy i actually Fell In Love with and he ripped me to shreds. F tier!

19.04.2024 02:22
Linknumber 11: misty (talking stage)
this person was so genuinely nice, but it was something we both mentally couldnt handle. i still miss her and i wodner if shes alright out there. B tier

19.04.2024 02:23
Linknumber 12: okc hookup guy from november 2023 (talking stage)
we planned to meet up and **** but he blocked me the next day. he would get an F tier if his weewee wasny big. D tier

19.04.2024 02:24
Linknumber 13: tijgo
guy from morocco who was genuinely caring for me but i mentally couldnt be with him. i was terrified of hurting him and i was terrified of hurting myself. A tier cuz he was actually a genuinely sweet guy

19.04.2024 02:25
Linkgood thing im probably grayromantic🙏 ex tier list over guys smash that like button!