D r e a m l e s s


13.04.2018 19:30
LinkTop Left inspired by Randomperson :D

13.04.2018 19:32
LinkI mostly don't have dreams
and when I do its either a nightmare
or its dizzy and confusing and just weird like Im falling between worlds and everything is spinning.
Mostly when i sleep its just darkness.
I wish I had real dreams.

13.04.2018 19:34
LinkSometimes real dreams can be a troublesome thing.

13.04.2018 19:38

13.04.2018 20:28
LinkDreams can be a strange thing.
I think the strangest thing that happened to me was when I was sick, and I was missing school.
I fell asleep thinking about school so much I closed my eyes and when I opened them I was in the school quad. And I saw one of my friends going into the main building so I decided to follow her. I said hi but she kept walking? She walked into maths and they were studying ( simplifying algebraic expressions ) But then the strangest thing. -

13.04.2018 20:33
LinkI went back into the quad and decided to jump down the stairs to make sure it was a dream but as I jumped II didn’t come down? So I kinda just swam across the quad and lost altitude. Then I woke up. I was so confused and I thought what a strange dream.
Went to school next day and asked what I missed in maths and the teacher said algebraic expressions and I was just done. 0_0
That must have been a coincidence..

19.04.2018 01:11
LinkMy sister dreamt a walrus ate her hand...

19.04.2018 15:44
LinkOh okay..
I hope her hand stayed intact in real life though

12.05.2018 15:51
LinkSame, I never dream, Well barely ever.. -._-.

13.05.2018 21:46
Linki have never had a good dream before, just wierd ones, nightmares, and wierd ones that turn into nightmares

15.05.2018 18:07
Linki had a weird dream once where
at the time i was obsessed with overwatch,a blizzerd game,and i was with the characters from the game,but all of the sudden one died,not because he was shot or anything,he was just in a grave,and we were there somehow,all of te sudden triangles started to spin around everywhere,and then it got realy creepy,because everything went dark except for the triangles,and then there where eyes everywhere.there was a loud noise like an alarm bell,if theres an emergancy or drill at school.then the guy that died appeard and we were all alive as if we died in the first place and we were all supprised for some reason.in the rest of that dream i was in a bathtub,i woke up,in my dream,because i was dreaming in my dream,i looked up and there was just a giant spider,crawling on the ceiling.luckly i actualy woke up and questioned myself

20.05.2018 17:38
Linkthis should get more likes

21.06.2018 20:10

21.06.2018 20:13
LinkI found a word... awesomazing

03.07.2018 00:08
LinkOMG that’s so cool

11.07.2018 22:42
LinkI agree

17.07.2018 00:54

24.07.2018 02:58

08.08.2018 20:42
Linkthis is sooo well drawn

03.09.2018 05:24

13.09.2018 13:52
Comment removed

19.09.2018 22:10
LinkHOw long dId This Take

22.09.2018 01:09
LinkI dont have dreams or a life or a soul

27.09.2018 01:49
LinkI don't really have dreams and if I do its either 1 a terrible nightmare I cant wake up from 2 REALLY weird or 3 more of a dream that when I go about with my day gives me Déjà vu

17.10.2018 12:41
LinkIm 12 YeArS OlD and i have DrEaMs... Lemme tell u rn... They're amazing Bab *u*

20.10.2018 22:16
LinkI can't dream.
I'm so sick inside LOL

20.11.2018 23:02
LinkI had a dream where I was sleeping in my house and me and my sister, Magenta (irl name Diana) heard a weird thumping noise. There was an outline of a person right above Magenta's bed. We pushed it, expecting to see the attic, but it opened to a room exactly symmetric to our's. The outline was still there.

20.11.2018 23:05
LinkWe kept going for what seemed like fifty floors until we reached the roof. When we looked down, we were on a giant 62-floored house in the shape of a rectangle. There was a graveyard where we were standing, on the small box of roof, flat as can be. We actually fell down all the floors and landed on Magenta's bed.

20.11.2018 23:09
LinkWe went to the front door and found that at least 20 undead were piled in front. They were pounding on the door. We found that the garden hose was inside the house. The undead broke down the door. We fired the garden hose at them, and we were shocked to see that blood came out. i dropped the hose and Magenta ran into the bathroom. She came out of the bathroom carrying a hairbrush and bobby pins. I woke up before we could fight them. X3

21.11.2018 05:17
Linkoh no sounds spooky. All the dreams I have are nightmares, it seems like. One time when I was sick, I thought the dumbest dream was scary. It was: Everything was shrinking and growing, and everything was brown except me and a stuffed bunny. Everything was grainy, like in a really bad picture. And I woke up with a jerk, horrified. X3

27.12.2018 08:50
LinkShadowEyes you're the best animator I know.

13.01.2019 15:13
Linki don't know if dont have dreams or i just forget my dreams when i wake up.

20.02.2019 23:08
LinkSame, I never have dreams, only sometimes nightmares

22.02.2019 03:54
LinkHalf of my dreams are visions to the future (I rarely get dreams sooo...)

22.02.2019 03:55
LinkFor real
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26.03.2019 18:49
Linkgalaxy same

27.06.2019 02:06
LinkGuess what, I saw this drawing, clicked on it to give you a heart and follow you. Funny thing is that I was already following you so I had to re follow you. Lol.

09.02.2020 19:31
LinkYou should try lucid dreaming then you can have whatever dream you want
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06.10.2020 09:58
LinkD R E A M F U L you mean XD

06.12.2020 16:43
Linkthis is really good!
i dream all the time XD i even daydream

28.02.2021 17:17
LinkI daydream way more than I should-
But I love this drawing!
Yeah dreams are strange-
Btw the dreams you were talking about are called fever dreams... they’re really annoying ._.

29.05.2021 12:31

Random Information
I think this right, ok so there is such Thing as ESP ok? So if you wanna learn more about it look it up online because I might be wrong but ESP is when you see something or dream it and it turns out to be true.
I have actually done this a lot I will dream something then not the day after but maybe a few days later I'll feel like I am repeating the same thing again. I will often remember that dream I may of had and I get chills from it I have gotten used to it now but it still makes me un easy about dreaming sometimes

This is honestly unbelievable. I really am astonished by this work of art. Not only were you able to combine an abstract feeling into a work of art, but it honestly looks like you put your heart into this. The body proportions look great, the hair looks wonderful, AAA can you be my professional artist please? CX I also love how you made it all look like it was all being like, sucked into tsc. 10/10, I’m so proud of you.

ok,i know you may not reply but this is just truly amazing,if i could show leonardo davinci im sure even he would be astonished!this is incredible art,and i love it so much,all the detail and everything is just,wow,i dont even have anymore words
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This is amazing! I love the water, and the space splintering in the right corner is really cool. And as always the person is drawn well, and don't get me started on the hair. You put so much into this!
On a side note, my dreams are can be super detailed, which can be really cool. Unless it turns freaky, then I hate my brain.

I always have weird dreams every night... one memorable one was where I was literally a ghost trying to kill people
and I have a LOT of them that include some sort of magic
I've even had two dreams that were involved with FlipAnim!

i always have weird and confusing dreams ex; (this was a recurring Nightmare i would almost always wake up crying from or confused and dazed) The dream would start with me, my sister and, my grandparents heading to disneyland(how can disneyland spark a nightmare?) we arrive at disneyland nand get out the next thing i know i'm watching my family die. my sister i would see running,(i was never really sure if she survived or not) my mother gets decapitated, my father torn apart, my grandmother shot in the head, and the one that really got to me and made me afraid of bumper cars my grandfather was cornered by a bumper car with the face of mickey mouse but it wasn't the mouse it was a much scarier version of him. that thing would head right to him and hit him, once it pulled away from him i could see it was eating his guts.

this has been happening ever since i was 5 i'm almost 13 now the end of the dream charged this is where the damn thing stopped lingering in my mind i grabbed my grandfather after watching everyone else die i run to a building in there is my mother and sister alive. i explain that i have been doing this saving one family member at a time for about 8-9 years.

once I had this dream where my little finger on my left hand burnt off in a campfire and all that was left was my bone and then suddenly a train appeared but I was in it and there was a pool with lots of fish in it INSIDE THE TRAIN so I put my finger in but it wasn't even the burnt one! it was healed anyway though... well it didn't hurt now but the bone was still MOVING!!! O: and then a wolf came and I died for no reason and then I woke up thinking there was lava on my finger! I'll never forget that one!

I just dreamt of going through a secret tunnel at school but got followed by a mean teacher and IDK how but the friends travelling with me and I fell into a dark cave and saw a monster, the monster had powers that could turn ppl against me, for example, my best friend was turned by the monster and fought against me! Then I lifted a rock and hit the monster and again IDK why but there was a health bar in the monster saying 56xp then some knights came to rescue me and my friends and I woke up... Was this a nightmare or just a plain simple dream? Comment below...

I rarely have dreams...I mostly have nightmares with either me dying or other people dying. And for some reason they mostly take place in train stations. Gorey nightmares leave me paralyzed.