He/she was my twin that was a miscarriage
I miss her so much
Or him
We didn't even know if it was a boy or girl
If I could spend only five minutes with them I would be happy ???
29.10.2018 00:56
25.10.2018 21:44
Or she could disown me.
So she pretty much wants to kill me.
25.10.2018 21:43
She might as well put me up for adoption or let me stay at my fathers house
Or my stepdads parents
25.10.2018 21:42
She let me sit in a hot car (she knows I can get heatstroke) if she was a DECENT parent and ACCUALLY LOVED me she would NOT have let me sit in here.
So I know she's a bad parent
She spoils my brothers rotten.
She is leaving me to die in a van.
I should die in here.