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Candy store map song! Lemmetyp
01.08.2019 23:51
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1. Are we gunna have a problem, Do u have a bone to pick, 2. U have come so far why are u yanking on my dick, *pushes Someone 3. I like looking hot 🥵, buying stuff they cannot, 4. Go dancing with the qautorback Woah woah, 5. I like scaring her, screwing him*licks the guy* 6. Or are u gunna be a loser or are you gunna go get some cod with me and gang 7. She’s gunna leAve you and ull be all alone so what take my hand and WElcome to my candy, store 8. I Like looking Neat and hottie so they can stare at me and I like KIcking nerds in the nose!
02.08.2019 03:58
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you sang that to me lol my friend said its from a song she knows
02.08.2019 04:13
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02.08.2019 04:44
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2 plz For some reason I want one of my oc's to push a random doddle
04.08.2019 20:27
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H. CHANDLER: Are we gonna have a problem? You got a bone to pick? You’ve come so far, Why now are you pulling on my dick? I’d normally slap your face off, And everyone here could watch. But I’m feeling nice. Here’s some advice. Listen up, biotch! H. DUKE & H. MCNAMARA: I like! H. CHANDLER: Lookin’ hot Buying stuff they cannot H. DUKE & H. MCNAMARA: I like! H. CHANDLER: Drinkin’ hard Maxin’ Dad’s credit card H. DUKE & H. MCNAMARA: I like! H. CHANDLER: Skippin’ gym Scaring her Screwing him H. DUKE & H. MCNAMARA: I like! H. CHANDLER: Killer clothes HEATHERS: Kickin’ nerds in the nose! H. CHANDLER: If you lack the balls You can go play dolls Let your mommy fix you a snack H. DUKE & H. MCNAMARA: Woah! H. CHANDLER: Or you could come smoke Pound some rum and coke In my Porsha with the quarterback HEATHERS: Woah! Woah! Woah! Honey, whatchu waitin’ for? Welcome to my candy store It’s time for you to prove You’re not a lo
04.08.2019 20:29
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..You’re not a loser anymore Then step into my candy store H. CHANDLER & H. MCNAMARA: Guys fall H. DUKE: At your feet Pay the check H. MCNAMARA: Help you cheat HEATHERS: All you H. DUKE: Have to do H. CHANDLER: Say goodbye to Shamoo HEATHERS: That freak’s H. MCNAMARA: Not your friend I can tell in the end HEATHERS: If she H. MCNAMARA: Had your shot HEATHERS: She would leave you to rot H. MCNAMARA: ‘Course if you don’t care Fine! Go braid her hair Maybe Sesame Street is on HEATHERS: Woah! H. MCNAMARA: Or forget the creep H. DUKE: And get in my jeep H. CHANDLER: Let’s go tear up someone’s lawn HEATHERS: Woah! Woah! Woah! Honey, whatchu waitin’ for? Welcome to my candy store You just gotta prove You’re not a pussy anymore Then step into my candy store H. CHANDLER: You can join the team H. DUKE & H. MCNAMARA: Or you can ***** and moan H. CHANDLER: You can live the dream H. DUKE & H. MCNAMARA: Or you can d
04.08.2019 20:30
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Or you can die alone H. CHANDLER: You can fly with eagles HEATHERS: Or if you prefer H. CHANDLER: Keep on testing me H. DUKE & H. MCNAMARA: And end up like her! MARTHA: Veronica, look! Ram invited me to his homecoming party. This proves he’s been thinking about me. VERONICA: Color me stoked. MARTHA: I’m so happy! HEATHERS: Woah! H. DUKE: Honey, whachu waiting fo— H. Chandler SHUT UP HEATHER for step inyo my can-dy-- store Oooh woah! Woah oh oh!prove your not a lame ass any-more step into my candy store H. CHANDLER: H. DUKE & H. MCNAMARA: Step into my candy store! Time for you to prove Oooh woah! Woah oh oh! You’re not a lame ass anymore Then step into my candy store HEATHERS: It’s my candy store It’s my candy It’s my candy store It’s my candy It’s my candy store!
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