Battle for the Crown.


02.06.2020 22:27
LinkThis is not light versus dark, good versus evil. There is no good or evil, simply one’s perspective on the matter. There is always a reason. These princesses are from a empire of two legions of powerful dragons. The last queen that reigned over both legions has perished, they both fight to determine the queen. The one on the top right is Everin, the Duskfall dragon. The one one the bottom left is Remin, the Lotil dragon. Everin was from the Duskfall kingdom, the daughter of the last queen. Remin is from the Lotil kingdom and is the daughter of the queen before the last Duskfall queen. Remin and Everin are new characters of mine. This is for Dragonhooked’s contest!
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31.10.2020 19:04
Linkwow! this is so cool!!

22.11.2020 18:20
LinkYou alredy win that contest-

01.12.2020 15:13
Linkwow this is so good,it they kind of remind me of the blind dragon and the dragon king from the dragon prince
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05.03.2021 14:44

13.04.2021 21:31
Linkhahahahahahahahaha dragon go brrrrrrrrrr

THAT LINEART LOOKS LIKE U PUT SOME PAIN INTO IT! It must have taken a while... oh gosh... I LOVE ur use of colors!!