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Please forgive me
14.04.2024 06:10
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Please try to understand that I never meant to harm anyone I’ve been so selfish I used to be surrounded by people who cared for me but I was so selfish that I cried for attention only from the people I truly wanted it from I should’ve been more grateful Even after that account I was still so selfish Even now I think I want to be able to make boundaries without having “repercussions” I want to be able to have enough friends to where I’m not bothering that one person all the time I want to talk and have someone listen I want to vent and have something change I want to want with it actually happening so please. Help me make it happen. Please forgive me and explain to me what I’ve done wrong. Please explain and ask me to do better I want to do better I can’t be a leech to one person I’ll completely drain him I know I will I know my personality is difficult to deal with Please just be patient with me
14.04.2024 06:14
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Tell me what you want from me and I’ll do it. I won’t give you everything You have to understand that And I’ll understand if you tell me that you still need time or still hate me I understand But please at least tell me what I can do better I don’t expect immediate forgiveness Please let me make it up to you I just want some kind of explanation for why I seem to be on everyone’s nerves
14.04.2024 06:17
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It makes me spiral when I add up the amount of people who say mean things about me and have me on their Dni’s or least favorite users list because half of the ****in time? I don’t even remember what I did wrong! And that’s on me. That’s my bad. But please tell me. So I can make it up to you. Yes it’s true I’m tired of being alone but I’m alone with no explanation why at the moment and obviously that doesn’t make ANY SENSE TO ME. I’d rather be alone with something to think about rather than “what’d I do this time?”
14.04.2024 06:24
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Please have the patience and kindness to give me that at least I can’t take the endless spiral of questions I can’t take this anymore I just want some kind of explanation or even an interaction Even if I have to set my feelings aside to apologize to you Even if I have to ignore the urge to explain myself If you just want an apology I’ll give you an apology Just please Tell me what I’ve done to make you hate me so much
14.04.2024 06:11
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wHat happEnd
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