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BnHA: Chapter 7
16.02.2021 16:39
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Chapter 6 Forget About Me, Just Keep Going ------>
16.02.2021 16:40
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Chapter 7 I Will Do Anything, Just Let Me Go “Well, you're finally awake” I heard a similar voice as I slowly opened my eyes. The last Thing I could remember was seeing Midoriya, Iida, Kirishima, and Master Shouto running towards me. I went to move my bangs out of my face with my hand, but they seemed to be tied. I was tied to a chair, but why. I try to remember what happened. I look up to see Tomura Shigaraki facing me, but I couldn’t see his expression due to his hand thing on his face. “Kurugiri, get me a glass of water” Shigaraki demandes a shadow-like person on the other side of the counter. He gets a glass of water from the shadow-like person he called Kurugiri, then looks at me.
16.02.2021 16:40
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“I saw your quirk action the other day on television” he said, taking off the hand on his face. “It's very powerful, I don't want you becoming a hero and defeating the league of villains, that would be terrible” he said looking me in the eyes. I could see his bright beaty red eyes seeked for violence and blood. “Where are they” I demanded Shigaraki. “Where are Todoroki, Iida, Midoriya, Kirishima, and Bakugou? What did you do to them?” I angrily said as I clenched my fists. “Well, worried about them are you now?” he said, giving off a weird vibe. “Answer the question” I said with a stern voice starring him in the eyes. “Your,” he paused. “Friends are at the school still, why don't I just show you?” He said, turning on the television.
16.02.2021 16:41
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“The new student in class 1-A at U.A has been captured by the league of villains just being less than an hour inside the school building” the news lady said, as the screen showed the videos through the security cameras footage. She was standing next to Mr. Aizawa and started to ask him a few questions, on where he was at this time and what class 1-A was doing. “You should have seen the look on the kids face when you got knocked out” Shigaraki said smiling. “What's his name, ahhh. I believe it was that Todoroki kid” he laughed a little. Hearing those words made my heart pound. “It is good that he is safe but he is worried?” I thought to myself feeling my hands shake. “He was worried?” the words finally came out as my eyes watered up. “Yeah what of it, they all were” he said, studying my face.
16.02.2021 16:41
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“But you have potential” I heard him say as I looked down. “You don't need to waste it on trying to be a hero, when you can just go up to the person who killed your parents and get revenge” he paused. “As a villain” He laughed looking at me and his red eyes pierced my soul, making me feel angry inside. “You don’t want to be a hero to protect that Todoroki boy. You want revenge. Revenge on who? I know who, the one who set the intense fire to kill you and your family” he said as looked at the hand that he took off from his face. My eyes started to water up.
16.02.2021 16:42
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“Fine, my goal isn't to protect Todoroki-Kun, it's to get stronger and seek revenge. I will defeat any villain in my way to succeed and then take the life of the family and torcher the person who took my family from me” I yelled as I felt strong tension in my arms and head. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I stared into Shigaraki’s eyes, some power was coming over me. I felt very strong. I stood up still tied and I felt the urge to grab Shigaraki’s wrist and squeeze it hard, so I walked over to him in haste and grabbed his wrist and started to squeeze. “You don't know anything about me!” I started to yell at him as by instinct I started to do hand motions controlling his arm without touching it. “You’re using your quirk, impressive” He struggled to say as I started to twist his arm almost on the urge of breaking it. But before I could I felt a hand on my shoulder as my quirk became useless and I was sucked into something.
16.02.2021 16:42
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All of a sudden I popped out in the air and fell on the floor. I look up to see a masked man above me. “Name is Mr. Compress I can turn you into a pearl and then you would be deafendless” he said taking his mask of and looking me in the eye. “Do you believe anyone would rescue the new U.A kid hmmm” he said grinning. “Nobody knows you, so why would they come to rescue you?” he picked me up and threw me on a chair on the opposite side of Shigaraki. “I don't care if anyone saves me or not, I will find a way, I have to. I have to go back to control my quirk” I paused looking at Mr.Compress then at Shigaraki. “I have to get my revenge” I finally said, as I give up on trying to untangle myself from these ropes.
16.02.2021 16:43
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“Given up have you?” I hear Shigaraki say as I hang my head low. “I still say we should throw you in the empty bare closet for the night, and you better not make a sound” he said, putting the hand thing back on his face and stands up. I feel him put his hand on my shoulder, but only four fingers. “Once that fifth one touches me, I will start to decay” I said in my head as I panicked. “Don’t struggle now, or you will feel my wrath” he said picking me up. I closed my eyes so that I couldn't see this nasty place anymore. I hear a door being open, when I go to open my eyes I was being thrown into a small space. I landed on my side, shoulder in deep pain when he threw me on the cement floor. He turned on the light in there and slammed the door in my face.
16.02.2021 16:43
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Don’t make a sound or you’ll be sorry, and just so you know. No hero’s are going to come and save you” he said, as I heard a key being turned in the door knob. “He must be locking me in the closet” I thought to myself sitting up. My shoulder is in deep pain, eyes watering and I can feel myself shaking. I wasn’t tied, I was free of myself. I was still trapped in the closet though. I rattle the door knob trying to get out. I could tell someone was standing outside of the door from the shadows under the crack. “Please” I pleaded, I started to sob. “I think its broken, please let me out. I will do anything, just please let me leave” I pleaded, banging on the door with my right hand in a clenched fist as a tear rolled down my cheek. The door flew open and I fell on my side. Striking pain, I curled into myself to try and ease the pain. Someone pulled at my shirt, dragging me out of the closet.
16.02.2021 16:44
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“You will do anything?” Shigaraki said, sitting me up in a chair. “Yes, anything” I pleaded as I grasped my shoulder biting my lip. “Well then, I want you to go to U.A and learn to master your quirk” he paused and looked me in the eyes. “Then I want you to join the league of villains, or I will kill all of Class 1-A and especially that Todoroki kid” he said, studying my face. He picked me up by the top of my uniform and dragged me outside into an ally. “Maybe some hero will come and find you here” he said bringing his leg back to kick, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach as he jabbed his shoe into my abdomen. I felt cold fast, then everything went black.
16.02.2021 16:46
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16.02.2021 16:49
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Chapter 8 ------->
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