My untimely departure
02.06.2023 02:32
LinkTruthfully, I wanted to post something of substance. This will have to be said first-
I will finish this drawing, at some point, and then I will put down this site for a while to focus one A. My job and B. my newfound interest in a drawing software where I can make higher quality works.
I had a lot of fun here, and this isn't some goodbye forever thing-
This is a goodbye for now. I'll still peak on here, every now and then. But you'll see my use of this platform fading ever slowly. Thank you to those who have been there for me throughout this journey of figuring out my identity, what kind of artist I want to be, and supporting me.
I love you guys
02.06.2023 02:34
Link(ignore my grammar mistakes)
Continueing on:
I've been going through some health issues related to whatever I contracted from someone, my blood sugar, and also sun poisoning(lmao) so I've been unable to draw because I've been resting in bed for the time being. I'm feeling better today though and hope to be feeling 100% soon.