Fucken fairy..
23.12.2022 18:31
Linkbut i actually really like them
23.12.2022 18:42
age:a few hundred
gender: thats a human thing >:( (jk, its whatever they want bc i didn't think of a gender)
pronouns: they/them
sexuality:likes males (or male presenting)
bro is 5'0
i forgot their top, it just covers the nips an shit, its the same colour as the bottoms and arm warmers any hooty
Zephyr lives in the woods, they grow plants and shit. their power lies in nature. communicating with animals and shit.
Here's the wwyd i doubt anyone will do:
you live in a secluded part of the forest. people in the town near by have made rumors of fae and such, you don't(or do) believe in that type of thing.
one day will on a walk you find a person laying on the forest floor, they were half naked and had gossamer wings attached to their back. one was ripped. its version of broken. wwyd?
23.12.2022 18:43
Linkoh and if you want to make it into a ship just say so.
23.12.2022 18:53
Linkdon't just like and leave. f/cking hell.