sorry, short story.


25.03.2019 19:51
Linkshort story
I went with my friend on urbex today.
The only entrance to the very old building was through the window on the second floor when we entered we were delighted with the beauty of the interior everything overgrew with moss and everything absorbed nature.
After an hour spent upstairs, we went down to the basement where we found gas masks from the wartime and very old notes and a military chest, we were very careful and we tread. I did not notice the nail I entered and pierced both the military boot and the foot through it.
I managed somehow because I had a first aid kit and the title of a rescuer. But i still had to go to the hospital where they pulled out, stitched and gave me a series of injections

25.03.2019 20:03
Linkicarumba that gotta hurt like a mother **** xd

25.03.2019 20:04
Linkthats so deep..ur an awesome artist!!! glad i found you

25.03.2019 20:09
Linkall this time my leg hurts and I regret a little that I can't show pictures of urbex ;--;