Hourglass Dog


17.04.2021 14:55
LinkNot an uploaded image-

28.04.2021 15:16
Comment removed

27.01.2022 01:09
Link💀 wtf is wrong with you

07.06.2023 00:00
Linkyou can upload images?

Into the num' at three-hundred, up to the number'd of three,
O' one, an' number'd of one, now to let 'er done,
Up three-O-two (GASP), up three-O-two, then one, under two, gon' three, then three-O-three through, (GASP)
Four them-a three-O-three, through four through, have budduh-ends zic don' ert don' imma thrills zat? (GASP)
Up three-O-five, six, seven, I'm up three-O-seven, den-he'd dun heard dun ome man budda da bird da nah, man. (GASP)
E-Down ten! Three-ten, up ten, un eleven. Let 'er'd only mown now.
Twelve, on twelve, duh twelve then thirteen, git 'er down through thirteen, fourteen, (GASP)
Through fourteen, fifteen, down now sixteen, let 'er down through sixteen, seventeen, (GASP)
And now, eighteen, to the d-top on nineteen, now nineteen, twenty, three-twenty now, three-twenty, NOW WHAT? (GASP)
AH! Three-twenty-what?, (GASP) AH! Three-twenty. C'mon, mon mondipidy, all in, all done!