- create flipbook animations online!
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23.07.2019 20:00
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I want to become more serious with art. I might not post as much here, and that is okay. I want to put more effort in improving the quality,the style, the story, everything about my art and characters. I want to start doing comics, but I need to improve quality and mindset, before I can do that. I'm not going to live of art though. I want to start being more healthy with it, I want to do other things, like, learning the guitar, spending time with my family, my pets, I want to do so many things, I want to improve how I talk on the internet, my criticism. I want to be a good account, not this mumbo jumbo of hate, on furries, on humans, on random stuff no one likes. I want people to like my stuff, not just be like "eh, its fine, I'll give it a like" I want them to enjoy it. I want them to be happy with what I make, I want to be happy with what I make, I want to have a balance between internet, art, school, and personal. I'm trying too. Just wanted to tell you all why i'm not posting so often anymore, buh bye!
23.07.2019 20:02
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by the part where I say "Not this mumbo jumbo on hate, on furries etc" I meant I didn't wanna hate stuff here, only draw furries, not only draw humans, etc" I didn't mean that I hated on them, sorry
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