h gg. guy
04.12.2023 17:12
Linkyawll gotta stop the sexualizing when we talk to trolls.. except randofactbot. IM KIDDING! kinda
BUT ? I? .. guys.. g.. some .. of the.. trolls.. people.. n here.. are 12. anddd.. 😭 maybe we Shouldn't be sexualizing kids or .. young. people. based on the idea of well. this guy said something bad! lets sexualize the kid 😭
04.12.2023 17:13
Linkor anyone who like. do we remember flipanimcensorbot.. that person probably Was Not.. 😭 that was a kid wasnt.. it.. and. MAN some of yous went crazy. remembe r these are like children your talking too pls pls pretty plspls the things people say here are crz=azy
This new generation of "artists" is just lazy and unskilled. They need to step up their game and create something meaningful for once.