random facts about me
11.01.2018 22:59
Linkme too lol
11.01.2018 23:04
Here ya go!
- My favorite color is orange
- I hate bacon
- Since pigs are my favorite animal I don't eat anything containing piggos
- I once had eye surgery
- I never been to any other state besides my home state, the most interesting place I ever went was Canada and that was boring as crap.
- Steven Universe has consumed my soul
- I have a YT
- I think ketchup is disgusting (sorry angry birdo. But too be fair I also hate mustard, soy sauce, mayo, and some other sauces. I'm not a sauce person.
- I hate so many Steven Universe episodes its hard to believe that I love the show.
- Steven Universe isn't just my fav show. Its basically my fav thing in general.
-Amethyst is my fav SU character
- I never played undertale or cuphead
- the only anime I like is sailor moon.
I would say more but I said a lot.
1. Mine's blue
2. I can't eat bacon lol
3. ok?
4. How was it?
5. relateable
6. su is life
7. im subscribed to you
8. TRIGGERED (but i hate mustard too)
9. Future Boy Zoltron? Rocknaldo? Onion Gang? Those episode suck.
10. o
11. same here AYYYYYYYY
12. hello fellow undertale/cuphead not-player
13. i dont watch anime