PS, PI, ZAD: Gambit Schema!

wow animation


RIP Kobe Bryant

Mario in a shellnut

Magic tools

F.A bringin dem FEATURES SON!
For contest! Read description!


21.10.2020 23:06
LinkTHIS IS FOR A CONTEST!!!!!!! Her name is Dawnlie
Here is the backstory for her:
She was born at the rise of dawn, that’s how her mom got her name *pronounced: DawnLee except Dawnlie!*
She was born in the middle of the woods, sadly when she was a month old her mother left her, abusive humans found her 2 months later, she had lived with them for most of her life, she loves rainbows!!!!!! She’s very very nice, she’s never done anything wrong, yet she was abused by the people, she loves baby’s, specifically baby foxes, she is a fox, she’s a teen *16 to be specific* and about a year later, the humans left her to die in the same spot the found her in the woods, and she was found my some Wolves, the were very nice to her, Dawnlie has not found her real family, but she keeps trying! The reason i love her is because no matter how much she’s been hurt, she keeps on smiling and keeps trying to make everyone happy as much as she can <3 thats it i hope u like her like i do! The contest is right here —>