wow animation
09.06.2022 16:40
LinkI literally cannot draw animations for the life of me
09.06.2022 16:41
LinkWait I mean backgrounds help
09.06.2022 20:15
Linkbro what
nu bro how that got fatured theres alot of works w more likez and no one carez ab them, but ok contracts of fature
> be me
> see this soyboy-tier animation
> wearing a yellow hoodie like some normie NPC
> sign with "mutual" written on it
> cringe trans flag
>mfw when modern animation has become this low effort
>bet the "artist" thinks they're being deep and meaningful
>at least it's not furry art kek
>tfw remember when animation actually took talent and wasn't just tumblr-tier garbage
Honestly anon, this is what happens when Flipanim becomes too accepting of mediocrity. Back in the 90s we had REAL animation. This is just pure soy. 2/10 would not watch again.
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